Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.

West Virginia.

Ani’s Point of View
We finally arrived in West Virginia around an hour later in Charleston, the capital of the state.
It looked… weird. It was clean and… rural. There were a load of trees everywhere, and I could actually see a water fountain in the distance!
You wouldn’t find that kinda stuff this easily in Jersey.
“Uh… it’s… watery?” Bob whispered, mostly to me, and I giggled.
“I was just thinking the same thing.”
“C’mon, it’s dark… and this place looks sketchy. Can we just find a hotel, dump our stuff and get clubbing?” Frank mumbled, making everyone turn their heads to him.
“Clubbing?” Sazzy asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah! We haven’t partied in ages,” he explained himself, pouting slightly.
“He has a point. I wanna get good and drunk,” Gee said, nodding.
“I don’t know if Frank should get drunk, I-”
“We’ll talk about that later. Let’s just find a cheap motel or something, I need to pee!” Hannah grumbled, hopping slightly on the spot.

We found a small, dingy looking motel in what seemed like a back-alleyway of a shitty diner, but we weren’t exactly rolling in money right now, and it only cost around $60 per room, and a room held four, so we’d split, making each person pay $15 dollars.
It was so cheap; I worried about the hygiene of this place.
Oh God, there’s going to be mice! Or worse… cockroaches!
I shivered at the thought, making Bob hug me to him.
“Are you cold, babe?”
“Bob, if there’s going to be cockroaches or mice, I’m sleeping in the van,” I whispered to him, a horrified expression on my face. He just chuckled.
“It’ll be fine. We’re sharing with April and Mikes, let’s go,” he said, picking up his bag from the floor, and following Mikey and April.
Sazzy and Frank were sharing with Gee and Sydney, and Ray and Hannah were sharing a bedroom with two single beds.
We got to the room, and it was… expected. The blankets were horrible and brown, and looked like the cheap stuff you’d see a hobo have, but the sheets where white… or used to be. I wasn’t that fussed, really, as long as there weren’t any… animals or insects in here.
“We’re meeting everyone else in the lobby in twenty minutes, so we better hurry,” Mikey said, dumping his bag next to the chipped wooden bedside table of one of the beds.

“…This is weird,” April said, looking down at what she was wearing, then at Bob and Frank.
“We’re wearing chequered shirts!”
“Take it off!” Frank cried, as his face fell.
“Frank!” Sazzy whispered loudly, hitting him on the back of the head.
“Ow! I-I didn’t mean it like t-that… seriously! You look damn hot, why would I wanna get into April’s pants?”
“Frank!” April said, offended.
“I mean, uh, not that you don’t look hot or anything, just-”
“Frank, you’re gonna kill yourself,” Gerard said to him, chuckling. Frank looked crestfallen and confused.
“Let’s just go,” April said, shaking her head as she took hold of Mikey’s hand.
“I think you look hot,” Mikey whispered to April, making me shake my head, suppressing the laugh I felt coming.
“You look…” Bob whispered in my ear, his breath hitting my cheek, his arm snaking his way around my waist, “more than hot.”
I grinned up at him, pecking him on the lips before we walked through the doors, cold wind hitting me hard on the face.
“Fuck, its cold!” Ray cried from behind us, and I practically jumped from my skin, he scared the shit out of me!
Bob hugged me to him, letting me climb into the van first, and I sat up on the two-seater, him snuggling in next to me.
I loved it like this, all of us cosy in the van.
It kind of made the trip.
But it made me think, as Frank started up the van, it roaring to life…
Could this ever come out right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is a little late, I’ve been proper busy with college and other stuff. I got my nose pierced (finally!) on Tuesday, too.
Thanks for the lovely comments, I love you all! xo
Sydney’s outfit.
Hannah’s outfit.
Ani’s outfit.
April’s outfit.
Sazzy’s outfit.
Frank’s outfit.
Mikey’s outfit.
Gerard’s outfit.
Ray’s outfit.
Bob’s outfit.