Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.

Local Anaesthesia Teases.

Everything hurt.
The first thing that hit me was how much my legs were aching, hurting, burning. Then that hot, scorching feeling that radiated from my head, and the feeling that could only be described as someone hammering nails into my temples.
I noticed that I couldn’t hear anything properly, everything was distorted and echoing, bouncing off and merging together.
I tried to open my eyes, to make sense of everything happening, but I couldn’t.
Why can’t I open my eyes?
Where’s Gerard?
…Am I dead?

“Get her up, on the stretcher. Quickly, there are ten of them all together…”
Stretcher? Who called the ambulance?
“She’s conscious!”
“Get her friend, quickly. We need identification.”
There was muffling, and I felt my body rise, lifted, and pushed.
“T-that’s Sy-Sydney. S-she was dr-driving.”
Bob? Bob’s crying? Oh, fuck! This is all my fault!
“And how old is she?” I guess this was the paramedic. He sounded of authority, quite straight-forward, with no sympathy in his tone.
“Uh, n-ninet-teen, I t-think… will they be a-alright?” Bob asked, sniffing. I heard a crackly, ruffling noise, like foil.
“We need to get them down to the hospital, kid, and you. Get in, you’ll be alright,” that voice was a different one, a softer, more comforting tone. I heard Bob sniffle, his footsteps coming closer, then past me.
I felt a soft yet sharp prick on my forearm, the drugs immediately swimming around my blood, and I slipped back into unconsciousness.

“Patient name Sydney Adrianne-Valentina Smith, from Monroeville, Pennsylvania. Living in New Jersey by the looks of it, and is nineteen years of age. She should be coming ‘round…”
My eyes stung like hell, and my legs felt stiff, and… warm, my neck rigid.
“Yes, I think she has… Sydney? Can you hear me?”
I tried to open my eyes, but met with a harsh light as my eyes cracked open, forcing them shut again.
“Come on, Sydney. Open your eyes.”
I tried again, this time slower, and my eyes gradually adjusted to the bright white lights.
Hospital? Where’s Gerard? …And everyone else? Where’s Bob?
“You’re in the hospital. You were involved in a car crash last night and you and all of your friends were admitted here,” a doctor said, looking over at me with a slightly concerned look in her eyes. She was tall, with a slim build and long blonde hair, tied back into a low ponytail. Her eyes were a piercing blue, layered in mascara.
“I’m Doctor White and this is nurse Heidur. I have to inform you that she is in fact a trainee here, on her last day. How are you feeling?”
Her words swam around in my head, and I felt dizzy and nauseous.
“Sick,” I croaked, and Doctor White gave me a small, sympathetic smile.
“You’ll be fine. You have two cracked ribs, which are well on the way to healing, a broken arm, a fractured leg and some minor bruising. You also have had five stitches to the head, because of the large laceration you received.”
My eye widened in shock. I was on the right side of the van, and we got hit on the left! How could I have all of this and I didn’t even get a direct…
Oh my God… Gerard. Gerard was sitting next to me… on my left. Oh God, please let Gerard be alright.
My eyes stung at the prospect of Gerard being injured in such a horrendous way. I could imagine it, and it hurt. I could almost see him, the picture in my head eerie and cruel, with Gerard’s limbs pointing in awkward and wrong angles, blood flowing from his head…
No! No fucking way, he will be fine, definitely. He always is.
…But what if he isn’t?

I shook the thoughts away from my head, and looked up at Doctor White.
“W-where are my friends?”
“They are all in this ward. One of them is currently in the theatre.”
“Where’s Bob?” I asked, the pieces of last night fitting together in my head. Bob was okay.
“Bob… Mr. Bryar? He’s resting. He has had a lot of trauma, and in a very hysterical state. There was a significant amount of alcohol in his body, and it’s having its effects on him,” Dr. White explained, putting away a clipboard at the foot of the bed I lay in. I looked around, noticing that white drapes isolated me from the rest of the ward.
“Mr. Bryar is actually awake now, doctor,” Heidur said, her voice soft and calming.
Heidur was about average height, with thick, beautiful rich brown curls and milky skin. Her eyes were a dark, deep brown, and she wore little make-up, but she looked really nice, and natural. She was gorgeous.
“Oh. Well, Sydney would you like to talk to him?” the doctor asked, casting a watchful and concerned eye at me. I nodded enthusiastically, immediately regretting it as my head throbbed painfully. Heidur noticed, offering me a plastic glass of water.
“It’ll make you feel a lot better.”
“I’ll go fetch Mr. Bryar. Heidur, I need you with me to check up on other patients,” Dr. White said, smiling at her fondly. She acted like a mother to her… in a weird way.
They both walked through the white drapes, letting me catch a glimpse of the ward outside. All I could see was that it was small. I listened intently for any sounds or murmurs, recognising Bob’s muffled and tired-sounding mumbles.
“Sydney?” I heard him call, and he emerged from the white curtains.
“B-Bob? Hey,” I said, my voice stuck and scratching in my throat. He handed me the plastic glass.
He looked terrible. His eyes were bloodshot, and he had purple bags under his eyes. The sparkle of mischief had disappeared; he looked dead inside. He stank of cigarettes and his aura gave off a horrible vibe.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, sitting in the blue armchair next to my bed.
“What’s going on? Is Gerard okay?” I blurted, looking at him. His head was bowed, his eyes tired and droopy as he stared into his lap.
“Gerard… he’s alright. He’s in the bed next to you. He… he’ll be okay,” bob said, a look of remorse on his face.
“What’s happened? Is everyone else okay?”
He didn’t say anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think I only got around two/three comments last chapter and it does make me sad, when I have about 20+ subscribers. Comments from you silent readers would make my life.
Thank you guys, I love you all; xo
Title credit – Sleep; Taking Back Sunday.