Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.

I Can’t Quite Seem To Catch My Breath.

Bob’s Point of View
I just got up off the chair, and walked through the white drapes.
I didn’t know what to tell her.
Everything was fine for her. She wasn’t as close to everyone else as I was. She wasn’t the one that had to tell her. She wasn’t the one that was left with such this burden…
“B-Bob?! Where are you going? C-come back!”
I shrugged off the pity and sympathy for her; she didn’t need it. I know I sound like a cold hearted bastard, but maybe that’s what I’ve become.
I can’t do this anymore. I just… need to find somewhere, somewhere to stay, somewhere to live.
New Jersey?
It just didn’t feel like home anymore, for me. It never really did.
I just don’t know anymore, and to be honest, I don’t think I really cared. Just as long Ani and I weren’t in this stupid loop of travelling, for no reason at all, arriving at towns, leaving that town. I didn’t see the point anymore.
It made sense when we left.
But after this… nothing was worth this.
“Ani?” I whispered, sat back in a plastic chair. I held her hand. She hasn’t woken up yet. She was on the left side of the van.
I lent back in the chair, my hand still wrapped around hers, and surveyed the damage done to her – a broken leg, a broken wrist, three cracked ribs, and damage to her neck with a gash with ten stitches at the base of the back of her neck.
I felt terrible. It was my entire fault she was like this.
I was sat in between her and Frank, so both of them cushioned me in a way.
The doctor told me that everyone will be okay.
I’ve learnt not to rely on people.

April was the worst. She had both her legs broken in several different places, and her neck was in an awkward situation. It was kind of twisted, but the doctors had kind of fixed it, but she’d lost a lot of blood in the accident and her neck was bruised really badly. They said that she would have difficulty in moving her head at all because of it.
Then, Ray. He had a broken wrist, and a badly sprained ankle, and a massive gash right across his chest. He lost a lot of blood… too much.
Sydney. Even though she was on the right side of the van, she was the one driving and up front, so most of the damage she took was from the windshield, and from the bonnet of the car.
Gerard was pretty bad too, as bad as Sydney, really. Because he was sat next to her, he kind of got crushed, the other car hitting him almost directly. He has trouble breathing, severe bruising and it’s a miracle that his legs are fine. He has a neck problem and gashes all over his back.
Sazzy and Frank were okay. They kind of had to get checked over, and could walk okay and stuff, but bed-ridden. Frank was because of his drinking thing and his immune system, and he’d done something to his arm in the crash. It wasn’t broken, but it was in an awkward position in the accident, so he had to rest a lot.
Sazzy has got a gash on her head, hidden under all her hair, but other than that, she was okay.
Hannah was… difficult. I don’t know what’s actually wrong with her, because they won’t tell me. She’s in the operating theatre, so they won’t tell me anything yet. They wouldn’t tell me why they were operating on her, either. They said that they had worried me enough.
…Like it mattered.

“Mr. Bryar? Mr. Bryar, wake up.”
I lifted my head up from the bed, rubbing at my eyes with my free hand, the other still tangled with Ani’s.
“Ugh… yeah?” I groaned, my head flopping into my hand. I felt so drained. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“I think you should go back to your bed,” Heidur said, sympathetic. I stood up, taking one last look at Ani, and left for the bed next to hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is a day late; it was my sister’s birthday yesterday and I wasn’t at home to post this up.
Title credit – Catholic Knees; Taking Back Sunday.