Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.

Drunken Games and General Partying.

April’s Point of View
As soon as Ani and I were pushed through the doors of the Ways’ residence, I heard the popping of party poppers, my eyes instinctively shutting automatically, jumping at the sound and laughing as the stringy tissue paper fluttered in my face.
Ani who was stood next to me, had a small smile on her lips, her eyes glued to our friends.
“Thank you guys so much,” she gasped, looking around the house, filled with people we barely knew, or we didn’t know – familiar faces and new ones.
The house was filled.
“Gerard, I fucking love you!” I yelled, seeing him in front of me, grabbing him into a huge hug.

Gerard Arthur Way was a weird one, but extremely funny, but could become ridiculously serious. He knew everything in my eyes. He went to an art school in Manhattan called School of Visual Arts. He did a cartooning course, and he was fucking amazing at it. He’d started his own little cartoon, but wouldn’t tell us much about it. He wanted it all to be a surprise of some sort.
He knew we all loved his art.
Today, he was dressed in his favourite Iron Maiden tee, along with his dark blue skinny jeans, classic black converse adorning his feet. They were battered, but very nice. His amazing brown-hazel eyes were rimmed with black eyeliner, forcing them to stand out.

“And I love you too, my little bitch!” he yelled, squeezing me into the biggest hug ever. I think he was a little tipsy, which was quite funny, though, expected. He un-wrapped his arms from around my waist, to ravel them around Ani’s in a bear hug.
Our birthday just got started, I thought, as Mikey grinned at me, passing me a blueberry Bacardi Breezer, my favourite. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bob hand Ani a Fosters’, grinning. Her and Bob were drinking buddies.

Third Person Narrative
Gerard and Frank were drunk, very drunk, in fact. They could barely keep their eyes open, unable to stand. They giggled to themselves as they carried on with their amusing drinking game – how many shots could they down without throwing up? Sazzy sat next to Frank on the floor, tipsy but aware. She laughed at them, just as the majority of the people packed up in the house were, judging the competition.
“Gee’s gonna hurl!” Mikey yelled from the designated ‘dance-floor’, where his long, thin and slender arms draped around Aprils’ waist, swaying with the beat of the music with her. As they danced, they watched the game, chuckling along at the antics of their best friends, and in Mikey’s case, his brother. Frank burst into fits of laughter from the corner of the room, quietening himself by taking his next shot. He could really hold his liqueur, as could Gerard. At every party, event or occasion they could drink at, they would try and see who could hold it the best. It was silly, but fun and time-passing.
Gerard did look like he was going to throw up – but with a look of determination on his face. He wouldn’t loose without a fight.
“C-come on, G-Gee, you know I can beeeeeeat yoooo!” Frank cried, slurring his words ridiculously.
“Nuh-U-uh!” Gerard groaned, leaning his head back on the wall behind him. As soon as his head touched the surface of the wall, his face grew paler – if that was possible, and he wretched into the bucket that was placed next to him, throwing up the contents of his stomach. Various people cheered, clapping and whistling.
“Fuckss yeeeahhh! I beeeat Gerrawdd!” Frank yelled, grinning lopsidedly, and lent against Sazzy, who wrapped an arm around his waist. He twisted his arm around her shoulder, leaning into her neck, burying his head there. Sazzy’s face brightened, well, as much as it could it her drunken state.

Ani and Bob were no where to be seen.
“Aaaaah-nee!” Ray called, pushing dancing people and people who were making out of his way, climbing up the stairs drunkenly to search there for her after he had covered the ground floor and the basement, which was Gerard’s room, was locked. He worried a lot for the well being of his friends; often classed at the ‘mother’ of the group.
He found the landing as crowded as the rest of the house, pushing people out of the way forcefully to get to the bathroom. He felt a little sick. Pushing open the door, he found Ani, who he had been looking for to tell her something important. What it was, he totally forgot upon seeing her in this situation.
She wasn’t alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate family problems. Especially when your in the midst of it all.