Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.

Sydney and Hannah.

The day after the party… or rave, the house was literally trashed. The majority of the people had left, leaving only about ten other people other than April, Ani, Sazzy, Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob. They were all scattered around the huge living room, Mikey and April’s legs tangled together, their bodies meshed together.
Frank and Sazzy were up in their corner; Frank slumped against the wall, his red t-shirt damp with alcohol and sweat. Even from him sleeping, anyone could tell he was ill. He had dark circles around his eyes, his eyeliner smudged. His mouth was hung open just the slightest bit, somehow showing how venerable he was, and his skin looked sallow. Drinking really had effects on him – he became ill for the duration of the next day, due to his poor immune system. He frequently had to attend appointments at the local hospital, to take jabs for his immune system.
Ray lay sprawled over the middle of the room across the floor, his head propped up on the base of the sofa, Gerard lying across his lap.
Ani and Bob were not in the living room, but most likely on the ground floor – they were quite attached to alcohol at raves and parties, as were Gerard and Frank.

Everyone in the house shot up from their sleeping arrangements, panic-stricken and slightly amused.
“Fuck, Mom!” Gerard cried, scrambling from his position and kicking Ray up, grabbing people by the wrist and dragging them up.
“Get up; get up, get up!” he whispered in an urgent tone, hesitating at Frank.
“Dude, get up and go down to the basement, sleep in there or something,” he mumbled hurriedly, throwing a set of keys at him. Frank nodded weakly, letting Gerard help him up and Sazzy helped him climb through the window, so he could run down the set of stairs that led down to the basement, which was allocated as Gerard’s room.
“Michael James fuckin’ Way, you better have some explaining to do, too!” a shrill and angry feminine tone ran out through the house, whilst Gerard, Ray, Sazzy, Bob and three other people tried to gather all the junk, including empty cigarette packets, empty vodka, beer and other various alcohol bottles, and throwing all pieces of clothing out the window that Frank had crawled out of, letting Ani chuck them into the open door of Gerard’ bedroom.
“Fuck, Mom!” they heard Mikey cry from the kitchen, and then a few clatters and bangs. April then ran into the living room, her eyes wide.
“Mikey’s getting his balls chopped off!”
As if on queue, Mrs. Way started yelling uncontrollably, screaming about the mess.
“And where the fuck is your dumbass brother?!”
“Mom, he’s-”
“Shut up!” she yelled, and then the slam of the door as she walked out of the kitchen. Mikey desperately started tidying the kitchen, dumping everything into black rubbish bags, as there were nothing to be kept like clothing, cigarettes and maybe a little pot.
Mrs. Way cried angrily as her heels clicked on the laminate flooring and around the mini-mountains of glass bottles.
“Quick, she’s coming!” Gerard whispered desperately, chucking the last item of unused clothing out to Ani, who ran down, throwing it in Gee’s room, and running back up, climbing through the window hurriedly as everyone tried to make the living room look like a living room; it didn’t look like much could live in there.
“Gerard Arthur Wa- what the hell?!” a blonde and slender woman called for the door way. Her deep brown eyes in which Mikey had inherited were wide, shocked.
“My living room is a pig sty!” she cried, her hands reaching up to her big styled hair, scrunching it in her fists.
“Gerard fucking Way, I am going to kill you if this room, no, house is not cleaned up in the next half hour. And after that, you have some fucking explaining to do!” Mrs. Way screamed; her eyes wide and ablaze, like the deep and beautiful brown had turned into a depthless and terrifying red. Gerard nodded quickly, as Mrs. Way muttered venomously under her breath about ‘fucking kids now-a-days’, sauntering out of the door furiously.
“Fuck, thank god she didn’t chop my head off,” Gerard said, letting out a breath that he had been holding in. Sazzy chuckled.
“She would in half an hour if this place is the same. Get everyone up to help out,” she suggested, grabbing the black bag full of glass bottles to take out to the recycling bin in the back yard. Bob followed, grabbing the three filled-up trash bags, to dump into the wheelie-bin outside.

Exactly twenty-two minutes later, the house was spotless. The parts of the house that had been dirty and grubby were cleaned, all the sick that had been lying around in bowls, buckets and across the bathroom floor had been mopped, and the house had been vacuumed.
Ani, April, Sazzy, Bob, Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Frank, and two of Gerard’s college friends were all relaxing in the living room, after a hectic twenty-two minutes.
“Ah, guys… this is Hannah,” Gerard explained, gesturing to a blonde-haired and brown-eyed girl that was sat on the floor beside him. She wore a pair of black short shorts that were barely visible underneath a black short dress, along with skin tights and some black ankle-high boots with a slight heel. She smiled, waving at everyone.
“And this is Sydney,” her explained, pointing over to a girl with black, smooth and short hair, with a side fringe, sat on Hannah’s left side. She had the most amazing blue eyes and had a silver stud threaded through the right side of her lip. She wore a blue short skirt with skin tights and white dolly shoes, a oversized blue and white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. It was a very causal look, and she pulled it off nicely.
“Sydney, Hannah, this is Ray, Sazzy, Ani, April, my little bro’ Mikey, Bob, and Frank. Err… don’t worry about him,” Gerard explained, gesturing to each person. When he got to Frank, Hannah and Sydney looked quite worried, as he was damp with sweat, all his hair pushed back off is face and his eyes held a watery red look. He smiled weakly.
“When he drinks a lot, he gets really ill,” Bob whispered to the girls, and Sydney nodded, an understanding look on her face.
“Hey, are you that dude who beat Gee at the drinking game?” Hannah asked in a very feminine and slightly high voice.
“Yeah,” Frank answered in a raspy and weak tone, “I wish I didn’t now, though.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the little bit of randomness of the ending.
Being Human is on tonight <33
People, seriously, if you want some eye candy, type in Mitchell, Being Human in Google. Speaking of eye candy, I’m watching this wedding DVD of my sister’s best friend, and her cousin, I think it is, is freaking gorgeous. He’s wearing vans with the traditional wedding outfit for us Asians, and it’s pretty funny, but I love itt! [/ramble]. Shame he’s living in America and like… five/six years older than me.