Status: thinking of deleting and possibly starting all over again.

Collide To The Sound Of Our Heartbeat.


“It’s cleaner than I’ve ever seen it!” Mrs. Way gushed, her eyes wide in amazement, full of delight.
“Thank you. Though next time, Gerard, I’d rather you tell me when you decide to rip up the house,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone, her hands on her hips. Gerard nodded a small smile on his face.
“Now… what would you kids like to eat?” her eyes landing on Sydney first.
“I’m alright, Mrs. Way,” she replied, smiling.
“Don’t be ridiculous! And call me Donna, dear,” Donna said, pushing blonde hair out of her eyes. Sydney nodded.
“Now… where’s Frank? I’m sure he’s more than hungry,”
“Ah, he’s back in my room, sleeping, M-”
“Sleeping?! But doesn’t he want to eat? He’s always eating all our food,” Donna cried, quite shocked.
“Actually, I was quite surprised when I didn’t see him, head in the fridge when I came back earlier,” she said, a pondering look on her face.
“Anyway, how about I’ll make pancakes? Michael, I’ll call you up to bring down the tray to Gerard’s room, yes? And make sure Frank is up so he can eat!” she explained, shooing the group out of the front door, April leading the way to Gerard’s room, unlocking the door.

The white door creaked open, revealing the biggest room of the house, naturally. It was painted in red, things like books, pencils, pens and paints scattered everywhere, clothes from the party in a small pile in the corner. The wooden desk housed Gerard’s drawings and paintings, along with notes and college stuff. The bed was in the centre of the room, dressed in black sheets. Frank was sleeping restlessly, curled up on the left side. He muttered things like ‘fuck’ and ‘shitting hell’ in his sleep, turning and twisting the blankets over his sweating form.
“Fuck, he’s really bad today, isn’t he?” April whispered, her eyes full of worry, her eyebrows arched. Mikey nodded solemnly.
“Think we should wake him up?” Bob asked in a hushed tone.
“I dunno… I mean… shouldn’t he sleep?” Sazzy mumbled, sitting cross-legged on the floor next to the bed, taking his hand that was hanging over the double bed.
“But when he eats, he feels a little better,” Ray explained, shrugging and sat himself at the desk.
“Yeah… I think you should wake him up, Sazzy,” April said, sitting on the floor by the door. Mikey sat on her other side, Gerard sitting on the bed, his legs folded underneath him. Sydney and Hannah sat on the floor, resting against a wall that was facing the bed.
Sazzy sighed, whilst everyone got comfortable on the floor, bed or chairs, and shook Frank’s hand.
“Frankie? Hey Frankie, wake up,” she said loudly, shaking his hand.
“Mmph,” he moaned, groaning and muttering incoherent sentences.
“Hey, Frank, get up,” Gerard said, shaking his shoulder. Frank rolled onto his back, his hand still laced with Sazzy’s.
“Fucking hell…” he moaned, his eyes still squeezed shut. His hand clenched around Sazzy’s, no one else noticing. She squeezed back, seeing the flicker of a smirk across his face for a split second.
“Ugh, you all stink of booze,” Frank moaned, his eyes cracking open.
“You don’t smell any better, Frankie,” Ray replied, rolling his eyes.
“I’m ill. I’m allowed to stink.”
“…Touché.” Frank sat up at the ended discussion, rubbing his forehead with his free hand.
“Why’d you wake me up?” he asked, rubbing at his eyes. Sazzy tried to let go of the hand she was held on to, but Frank held onto hers tight. She looked up at him, her eyes full of wonder. He flashed a smile.
“Donna wanted you up because she missed you eating the whole kitchen,” April said, giggling. Frank groaned.
“You just reminded me how hungry I am,”
“You’re always hungry!” Mikey cried in a ridiculously girlish tone. Hannah burst out laughing, surprising Frank.
“Whoa. Didn’t see you there,” Frank said, his hand automatically rushing up to his head. His head hurt a lot.
“By the way… I’m wondering… what’s up? Like… you’re all… yeah,” Sydney tried to say, failing. Frank grinned.
“When I drink alcohol, I get ill the next day. My immune system isn’t as good as other peoples, and drinking doesn’t really help… I get sick really bad for the whole day and then my body aches and stuff for the rest of the week. But I can deal with that…” Frank tried to clarify the best he could, his eyebrows furrowed. Sydney nodded, and Hannah recovering from her laughing at Mikey's girly voice.
“Laughing at my laugh…” Mikey muttered, a small smirk playing on his lips. Hannah flashed him a grin.
“And your girly-ness.”
“I am not girly!”
“Oh yes you are. Gerard, isn’t your brother girly?!” Hannah cried her brown eyes wide and mischievous. Sydney rolled her eyes.
“In a certain way, yes,” Gerard replied, raising an eyebrow. Hannah grinned, her eyes sparkling in victory.
“Yeah, well… Gerard’s gay!” Mikey wailed, in a poor attempt to regain his ‘cool’.
“Just because I’m comfortable with my sexuality, unlike some… and I am not gay, dumbass,” Gerard retaliated, a small smile forming on his lips. Mikey frowned in defeat, Ray chuckling.
“What the fuck? Are you two like… going out or something?” Gerard asked Bob and Ani. Bob was sat on the floor, Ani in front of him, Bob’s legs either side of her. She was leant back, his arms wrapped around her, cradling her to him. She looked up at Bob, a smile on her face.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Bob replied, looking down at Ani. She smiled wider, Bob pecking her on the lips.
“Ew. Get a room,” April cried, covering her eyes with her hand. Ani rolled her eyes, still smiling.
“That’s so sweet, you guys,” Frank added, a fond look on his face.
“Thanks, man,” Bob said, smiling and nodding at Frank. He smiled back. Bob’s eyes averted to Frank and Sazzy’s entwined hands, his eyebrows raised. Over the small babble of conversation everyone else had started up, no one noticed apart from Frank, Sazzy, Ani and Bob. Frank smiled nervously, shrugging. Bob grinned knowingly, giving him a ‘whatever-you-say’ look, Ani nodding. Sazzy rolled her eyes.
“Shut up,” she mumbled; quiet enough so no one else could hear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments? If any of you read BTLYLF, you read my rant of an authors’ note (I can’t be bothered to re-write/copy and paste it). If you don’t read that, just comment, please, yeah? Thank youu =D
So into Leathermouth right now, it’s unreal. Seriously, it’s like ahh yeah. (I just realised how random this authors’ note is).
Check out these? They’re pretty damn cool.
Oh, and I made a banner. The point of the names underneath is because I wanted it to look like they’ve written their names themselves. I thought it’d look quite cool. I dunno… what do you guys think of it?