Girl at the Rock Show

Concert: Part one

"Faster Ali, Faster!" Becca yelled.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Becca. We're going to get there." I groaned.

"Press it harder!" She ordered. I laughed, hitting her arm.

"Becca, shut up. We'll get there when we get there." Becca pouted, folding her arms across her chest. I rolled my eyes, handing her a sour patch kid. "Here, Bite the heads off these and take out your frustration." She giggled happily and began munching on her candy.

"Wow, You guys are nuts." Adrian laughed from the backseat. I smiled at her through the rear view mirror.

"It'll keep her quiet for a few moments." I replied. Adrian nodded. I turned into the Baltimore Harbor, struggling to see the street signs due to the heavy rain. "Becca, What street was it again?"

"Market Street." She mumbled, mouth full of sour patch kids heads. I rolled my eyes, going through each stop light. Becca then gasped, pointing out the street sign. "Gay Street!" She laughed, taking out her camera and taking a picture of it.

"Becca, That's not what I'm looking for." I groaned, continuing through the stop light.

"There it is! Turn left!" Adrian pointed out. I nodded and turned left onto the street. Becca gasped once she saw the venue ahead of us.

"It's beautiful!" She smiled, taking a picture of it too. I laughed, shaking my head.

"Becca, you know that you aren't allowed to take pictures in there." She pouted sadly. Yeah, this venue was weird. There was no photography allowed. Our first Avenged Sevenfold show and we can't even document our adventure! I pulled into the parking garage, making my way towards the top.

"God Damn! Why are there so many valet parking spots?!" I groaned, going towards the top.

"There's one!" Adrian pointed out. I nodded, pulling my beautiful Escalade into the spot.

"Grab the signs!" Becca laughed, grabbing her poster she had made. Adrian rolled her eyes.

"Do you really think he'll see you from his drum set?" Becca smiled, hugging her beloved sign to her.

"Yes, because we are meant to be." I laughed, bringing out my sign.

"Yeah, you and the Jolly Dork Giant together. What an interesting relationship." Becca glared at me, to which I responded with an innocent smile.

"You be nice to me or I'll go backstage by myself." She threatened. I rolled my eyes, pushing her towards the elevator.

"Go on, No more sugar for you." She giggled, running to the elevator where Adrian was waiting for us. "Where does this go?" I asked, looking at the sketchy elevator.

"It goes down to the lobby." Adrian replied. We nodded, getting into it. It slowly creeped down, shaking my already unsteady nerves. When it opened, the warmth of the lobby greeted us. We walked out to be met with a long line sprawling across the wall. We walked to the end of the line and chilled against the wall. Adrian sat down, pulled her iTouch out and tuned out the world. Becca bounced up and down excitedly. These were my friends. The girl who is content by herself and the one who craves all the attention.

"Hey, Weren't you supposed to text or call your cousin?" I asked Becca. She gasped, nodding her head and pulling out her cell phone. I laughed, leaning my head back against the wall. Was this really happening? Were we actually going to see the best band on the face of the planet? This couldn't be happening. My luck wasn't this good. Yet, here we were. Behind those big grey doors was Avenged Sevenfold.

"He what?!" Becca screeched. My eyes snapped from the door to her. Mostly everyone was staring at her. Becca looked beyond pissed and confused all at the same time, if that was even possible. "How could he?! I'll beat him!"

"What's wrong?" I asked. She groaned, putting her finger up to me.

"Kristen, I swear, you better fix this shit by the end of the concert, Got it?!" She threatened before snapping her phone closed. I stared at her expectantly. She sighed, turning to me. "Johnny fucking Christ invited a chick backstage at the concert last night. She got shit-faced and trashed the greenroom. So now, the venue banned them from having anyone outside the touring group backstage." I gasped, staring at her. "Yes, That means we aren't allowed backstage." I sighed, putting my head back onto the wall. I knew it was too good to be true…

"Excuse me, Ladies," A woman said, coming up to us. Becca and I looked to her. "You all seem like nice girls. This line here is much shorter than the one you are in. This line leads to the side of the stage where Synyster plays. So, Are you more Synyster or Zacky?" She asked.

"Uh, Preferably Synyster." I replied. She nodded, smiling.

"Then come to this line." We smiled and nodded.

"Thank you!" I smiled. I leaned down to Adrian, motioning for her to follow us. She stood up, following us to the much shorter line. She then sat back down. Becca smiled lightly.

"This is a little better…" She replied. I laughed, nodding my head. "I am still going to kick Johnny's ass." I laughed harder, hugging her.

"Short shit beating up short shit. It's a midget throw down!" I laughed, she scoffed and pushed me off her.

"I'm not short! I'm cuddle sized!" She defended. I rolled my eyes.

"You're only cuddle sized to those way bigger than you." I replied. She smiled brightly.

"Like Jimmy," She sighed dreamily. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall. Becca smiled, fixing up her outfit. I smiled, looking down to my own attire and fixed the bow on my shirt. Becca smiled at her. "Is there a reason you have so much purple on?" She hinted, smirking. I laughed, shaking my head.

"Is there a reason you're wearing a dress to a rock show?" She smiled, turning and looking to Adrian.

"She's wearing all black!" She replied, avoiding my question. "She's going to get really hot." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I really don't think she'll mind that much." She laughed. Becca nodded, looking back towards the doors. The wait was excruciating. Between more people showing up and Becca bouncing off the walls, I was about ready to scream.

"They're opening the doors!" Becca gasped when the bouncers came out. I leaned over and tapped Adrian on her shoulder, telling her to stand up. Becca bounced up and down excitedly, clutching her poster to her. They started letting people in, much to our happiness. We got up to the bouncer and he looked down at our posters.

"No posters tonight." He replied. Becca gasped in horror.

"Seriously?!" He nodded. She pouted, looking at her poster sadly.

"Where can we put them?" I asked.

"You can put them behind the door here." We nodded, putting our dear posters behind the door. We then handed him our tickets and he pulled out a sharpie marker. "Make fists," He ordered. Becca held out her fists first. He put an X on her left hand first. "No alcohol." He replied. Becca then smiled and took off into the arena. "Wait! Come back!" He shouted. Becca stopped and came back, smiling sheepishly. He rolled his eyes and wrote another X on her right hand. "No re-entry." She nodded before bounding off into the arena. I rolled my eyes and looked to the bouncer.

"Sorry about her, She's just excited." He laughed, nodding his head. I waited for Adrian to get marked before we went to go find Becca. "Becca?!" I called out to her.

"In here!" She yelled from the middle of a mass of people. We laughed, walking to her.

"You sure you want to be on the floor? You know how much the band loves mosh pits." I warned her. She sighed and nodded.

"Hey bitches!" Someone yelled from the balcony above us. We looked up to see Tatyana chilling against the railing. Becca smiled.

"Tatyana!" She laughed before running up the stairs. Adrian rolled her eyes and followed her up. Becca was hugging our friend tightly. When Becca released her from her death grip, Adrian and I hugged her.

"You didn't tell me that you were going to be here." I smiled. She laughed and nodded.

"Of course I would be here. It's Zacky's birthday." I laughed, should have known that anywhere Zacky was, she would be there.

"You scored a prime location!" Becca smiled over the railing. It was true. From up on the balcony, we were about 100 feet (not even that far) from the stage right on the left side on the stage (to the audience).

"Yeah, Synyster stands right in front of us. Zacky is on the other side. So don't be shocked if I run that way." Tatyana laughed.

"Oh trust me, Ali won't mind standing here." Becca laughed. I scoffed, hitting her shoulder.

"Shut it, lady bug." She smiled, turning back and looking down at the people filing into the pit. I joined her, looking over the railing. "Damn, Matt's going to have a great pit tonight." Adrian came up behind us, towering over us.

"This place is really small." She commented. "I like it."

"Me too! I can see my Jimmy better." Becca swooned.

"Doesn't he have like a fiance or wife or something?" Tatyana asked. Becca turned and glared at her.

"For now. He hasn't met me yet." She smirked lightly. I laughed, leaning into her.

"There is one huge difference between you and Leana." I told her. "She was a porn star. You are just a whore." Becca laughed, curtsying.

"Why yes, Yes I am!" She smiled brightly. "I would be a porn star for Jimmy." She muttered, turning back towards the stage.

"No one would pay to see that." Adrian laughed. Becca scoffed, shooting her a hurt look. Adrian smiled, shrugging her shoulder innocently.

"You're just jealous cause I'm a redhead!" She yelled. Adrian laughed and shook her head.

"Hey dipstick, I was a redhead before I dyed my hair black." She informed our tiny friend. Her eyes widened, looking to her hair. I laughed, putting my arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry. You're the only redhead now." She nodded proudly.

"Guys, The first band is starting." Tatyana said, going to the railing. Becca turned, standing between Tatyana and I. Adrian stood behind Becca and I, acting as our body guard. She had no problem seeing, as she was about a foot taller than Becca. The first band was called Burn The Fields. They were a local Baltimore band. The lead singer was a really cool bald guy. He would sing and look around the venue. Becca and I got really into them. They surprised us with how good they were. Becca and I would point and wave at the lead singer and he would smile and point at us back as he started singing to us. Dude was hot. He reminded me of the lead singer from Live. Becca was looking at one of the guitarists with the emo like hair. He looked really intimidating. He was tall, had lots of tattoo's and was head banging to more every song. At the end of their set, Becca was bouncing up and down.

"I want to go meet them!" I laughed, looking to Adrian.

"Go with her and make sure she doesn't get crushed?" I asked. She laughed and nodded.

"Come on, short stop. Lets go be fan girls." She smiled happily and bounded down the stairs. I shook my head, looking down to the stage as the next band set up.

"Having fun?" Tatyana asked. I smiled and nodded. "You thinking about Damien?" I sighed, nodding my head. Tatyana smiled lightly and hugged me. "His death wasn't your fault. You know that." I shrugged.

"If I hadn't asked him to get me ice cream, he'd be here with me." I sighed, trying to keep my tears in check. "He loved Avenged Sevenfold. He would have given anything to be here with me."

"He is here, you know that hun." She replied. "He's right by your side, wanting you to be happy. Not moping around." I shrugged my shoulders, looking back down to the stage. The lead guitarist from the next band, Burn Halo, came out on the stage to set up his guitar section. The girls were going wild for him and he was flirting up a storm. I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Ali, He wants you to be happy." Tatyana commented, pulling my attention back to her. "He wants you to love again." I shook my head, biting back my tears.

"No, I cannot love again. I won't. I can't do that to him." I sighed shakily. Tatyana sighed, looking back to the stage. I didn't want to think about Damien. He was my first and only true love. He had died in a car accident about a month ago. Killed by a drunk driver. It was all my fault. I bugged him to go get me ice cream…and he never came back. The day he was buried, I promised not to love anyone ever again. I saw some movement on the side of the stage and my eyes widened when I saw him.

Promises are meant to be broken…
♠ ♠ ♠
Whew! I had to split this chapter into 2 parts! It was originally going to be twice as long. But I didn't want you guys to wait any longer for an update. It's been over a month already...

OK! So, Most of the funny events that happened in this part is 100% true. Well, I may have exaggerated some things, but the main part of it is true. It really happened. The pictures I took are of that night. The posters, Jesi and I made. The stallion duck one is mine. The thing with the woman in the line, that happened. They didn't let us have our posters inside...:( The lead singer sang to Jesi and I multiple times. It was awesome. Also not the last time we got sang to that night. We made it our mission to get everyone to look at us. IT TOTALLY WORKED! Jesi was the one who went down to meet the band. More of that will be on in the next chapter. The lead guitarist of Burn Halo thought he was hot shit...he wasn't. More on them in the next chapter too...

Uhhh...Anything else I need to comment on? I think that's it.