Girl at the Rock Show

Concert: Part two

"Oh my god! They're so nice!" Becca smiled when she came back up to the balcony after meeting Burn The Fields. I kept my eyes locked on the man standing right off the side of the stage, taking in everything about him. "They gave me a free CD! I even got to hug the lead guitarist!" She beamed happily. "Ali, He's not scary at all! He's the sweetest guy! Funny too!" I didn't pay any attention to her. I was caught by his trance. I hadn't ever seen anyone like him. He looked pretty typical, but there was just something about him that drew me in like a moth to the flame. Becca shoved my shoulder, throwing me back into reality. I looked to her and then back towards where he was standing, but he was gone now. "What has you all twilight zone-y?" She asked.

"Tatyana, Who was that?"

"Who, That?" I nodded. "That's the drummer, Ryan." I smiled, looking back at him. "You like him?"

"I don't even know him." Becca laughed, leaning against the railing.

"Wow, Ali. I never knew you were into blondes." I rolled my eyes and shoved her shoulder. "What? It's true. Damien had jet black hair." Adrian, Tatyana and I stared at her. Small tears formed in my eyes. Once Becca saw that, she realized what she had said. "Oh shit! Ali, I'm so sorry!" She gasped, hugging me tightly. I nodded, hugging her back.

"It's fine, really." I told her. She pulled back, smiling lightly.

"I really am sorry. I am a huge idiot. I wasn't thinking." Adrian laughed, trying to hide it but failing miserably. Becca glared up at her. "You don't always think either." Adrian shrugged.

"Guys, Look at the lead guitarist." Tatyana laughed. We all turned and looked over the balcony at him. He was setting up his side of the stage while flirting with thewhore girls in front of him.

"Oh wow, Someone has a huge ego." I groaned. Becca laughed.

"He thinks he's hot shit." We all laughed and agreed. "I bet I can make him look at us during their set." Becca smirked.

"Is that the challenge of the night?" Adrian smiled and Becca nodded.

"That and me making out with Jimmy." We all laughed, these were my friends. Fan crazy sex fiends.

"If you think he had a big ego, wait until you see James. He's way worse." Tatyana laughed. We smiled and waited for the band to come back on. As we waited, I couldn't help but think of that hot drummer. What made him so dreamy? How did just looking at him have me in such a trance? It was driving my mad.

"Here we go," Adrian sighed. We all braced ourselves for the show about to commence. The band walked onto the stand, him coming on last. I watched him walk behind the drum set. He had a great smile. It just about made me weak in the knees. Adrian smirked, putting her hand on the small of my back to keep me steady. I smiled and turned my attention back to the stage. They began their set, which wasn't particularly terrible, but they weren't the greatest I've head. Not enough to make me buy the CD. Tatyana was right. James Hart thought he was hot shit. He bounced around the stage, knocked over his mic stand many times, he even unplugged the other guitarist! Someone needs to teach him some stage presence. I wasn't watching him all that much, I was watching Ryan. He was incredible at the drums. He looked so alive and happy. His smile was contagious.

"Yes! Got the lead guitarist to look at me!" I smiled, staring at Ryan. If by a sign from god, Ryan looked up at me and smiled. My breath caught in my lungs and I could feel my face getting hotter. "Ooh, Ali got a look too." Becca laughed. I smiled, continuing to blush like a madman. All the girls laughed and continued to watch the show. I tried to regain my composure, but he kept smiling at me! Why was he smiling at me? I was really dark in there, how could he really see me with all the lights blaring down at him? The song ended and the crowd went wild. While James worked the crowd between songs, Ryan was talking to one of the roadies. They both were stealing glances at me and smiling. Then the roadie nodded and went offstage. Ryan looked back to me and winked. My lord he was cute…

"Alright guys! You all have been fantastic! Our next song, We recruited a little help from a certain guitarist in the next set." James shouted. "Any guesses of who it is?" The whole venue shouted 'Synyster'.

"Oh my god! Syn's coming out!" Becca squealed in delight.

"This song is called, Dirty Little Girl!" James yelled before the song started. The song was pretty good; but when the guitar solo came, Synyster was nowhere to be found.

"Where is he?" Becca asked, frantically looking around the stage.

"He's not coming out." Adrian replied. "It's a recording." Becca gasped, clearly heartbroken. I smiled and hugged her.

"It's alright, They suck anyway." She nodded, glaring at the band.

"Bitchasshoes!" She muttered loudly. "Just you wait until my Jimmy comes on. He'll put your drummer to shame." I looked back to Ryan to see he was still stealing glances at me. Each smile made a fire burn in me. The song came to an end and also an end to their set. Besides some onstage mishaps, their set was great. Ryan got up from his drum set and threw one of his sticks towards me. I quickly braced myself to not catch it, but I did!

"Whoa! Nice catch Ali!" Tatyana laughed. I smiled and looked to Ryan who was walking off the stand. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

"Ali got the drummer's number!" Becca gasped. I quickly looked down at the drumstick to see that he had written his number on the side.

"Either he's really into you or he's a manwhore." Adrian laughed. We all laughed, looking to the drumstick.

"Excuse me," A man said as he tapped my shoulder. I turned to see the roadie that Ryan was talking to. "I'm with Burn Halo. Ryan wanted me to give you this." He said before handing me a backstage pass. My eyes widened. "Just wait until after the show until everyone is gone and go down to the bouncer and he'll let you in." I took the pass in my hand. "What's your name?"

"Ali." I replied. He nodded and wrote down my name on a clipboard. Becca saw the clipboard and nudged my shoulder.

"Get us on the list," She whispered to me. I nodded, looking back to him.

"Hey, you think you could put my friends on the list?" He looked to Becca, Adrian and Tatyana.

"I'm not supposed to…" He replied. I sighed and put my arm around his shoulder.

"Then I guess you get to tell Ryan that I won't be coming backstage." He groaned, looking at me with an annoyed expression on his face.

"You serious?" I shrugged and smirked.

"It's either me and my friends or nothing." He groaned and nodded his head. We all cheered and I put their names on the list.

"Alright, Just meet me at the door." He replied before walking away. As soon as he was out of earshot, we erupted into cheers. Everyone around us stared at us in disgust and envy.

"We're going backstage!" Becca laughed, hugging me tightly. I laughed and smiled victoriously.

"Someone's getting laid tonight." Tatyana said in a sing-song voice. I scoffed and smacked her arm. "Oh come on, You know it's true."

"No, It's not. I don't even know him. It's nothing like that." Everyone rolled their eyes, not believing me. "It's not!" Becca gasped, looking to the stage.

"They're coming!" She screamed. We all clambered to the railing and stared at the stage. The beginning to Beast and the Harlot started playing. "Jimmy!" Becca screamed as he walked over to his drum set. Johnny, Zacky, and Matt were the next ones out. Adrian and Tatyana were drooling over their men. Of course, Avenged Sevenfold wasn't complete without their god of guitar, Synyster Gates. He sauntered out onto the stage in all his glory. The fan girls screamed as the walking orgasm went to his side of the stage, right in front of me. He readied his guitar and strummed the first notes of the song. I thought he was impressive on the CD's, but live…I could see why he was hailed as a rock god. He was much hotter in person as well. He wore a white v-neck t-shirt, jeans and his trademark Adidas. His hair was getting long again, but it still stood up in his spikes. The main thing I noticed was that, compared to the rest of the band, he had the biggest head! I had never noticed it before! It was massive! I couldn't help but laugh. Tatyana and Adrian stared at me like I had fully lost it.

"He has a big head!" I laughed.

"Who?" Tatyana asked. I laughed and pointed to Synyster.

"Synyster Gates! He has a big head!" I laughed hysterically. They looked to him and back to me.

"Ali, I know he probably has a big ego, but consider his job." Adrian reasoned. I laughed harder and shook my head.

"No, I mean his actual head is much physically bigger than the rest of the band." They looked back to the stage, comparing his head size to the rest of the guys. Adrian laughed along with me and it took Tatyana a bit longer, but slowly she got it.

"Holy shit, You're right!" Tatyana laughed. I laughed harder, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Jimmy! I want to sex you up!" Becca yelled, reaching out for the very focused drummer. This made our laughter grow intensely. I loved Becca. She was so amazing. Beast and the Harlot ended and Matt welcomed the audience to the show. I had finally calmed down from the hilarity of Brian's big head. I looked to him and my heart fluttered. Even from up in the balcony, I could see his chocolate brown eyes that everyone raved over were as gorgeous as they were preconceived. His high cheekbones and perfectly thin lips made him even more gorgeous. I watched his fingers fly over the frets with ease. His fingers were like magic, willing the notes to come out perfectly. I was super jealous. I wanted to play guitar as perfectly as him. "Yes! I got him!" Becca laughed. I focused my attention back on the rest of the band to see that Matt was pointing and smiling at Becca. She, the goof that she is, pointed right back at him as she sang along with him.

"My god, you're a dork." I laughed, nudging Becca's shoulder. Becca smiled innocently and went back to staring at the band. I looked to Adrian, seeing her drooling over Johnny. I looked to my left to see Tatyana gone. I looked around behind us, couldn't find her. I looked over the balcony and searched for her in the pit. To no surprise, I spotted her pushing her way to the barrier in front of Zacky. It was only a matter of time. She was dead set on getting in front of him, no matter what. The hunger was deep in her eyes. I laughed and looked back to the show. Well, More like looked back to Brian. Could you blame me? It was like he was making love to the guitar, such a passionate lover.

Mm, Mm, Mmm…Wouldn't mind getting a piece of that.

Gah! You invited you tonight? How did you get a ticket?

Oh shut up, I'm your subconscious. You know wherever you go, I go and tonight I'm sure glad I came. Hee Hee!

You can stay if you shut up, Ok?

I'll try to keep my moans down.

I rolled my eyes. Great, I just happened to get Becca's subconscious as my own. I shook my head and continued watching the show and singing along.

"Alright! We're going to get Mr. Johnny Christ to sing this song for you all." Matt smiled, looking to Johnny. "You think you're up for it?" He asked him. Johnny smiled, putting down his beer and walked over to the microphone.

"I don't know, Does Baltimore really want me to sing?" Everyone cheered, but not louder than Adrian. That's when I saw something fling past my head. I gasped, looking to see that it was a thong that had whizzed past my head. Sadly, It didn't land on the stage, but right in front of it right where the bouncers stood.

"Damn it!" Adrian groaned. Becca and I stared, wide-eyed, at our friend. She looked to us with a shrug. "What?"

"Did you…Did you just throw your underwear at Johnny?" I asked hesitantly, half hoping she hadn't.

"Well, I wasn't wearing them. I've never worn them." She explained. Becca squealed loudly and looked back to the stage where Johnny was giving a half smirk towards Adrian. Adrian laughed and waved coyly to him.

"I can't believe you just did that!" Becca laughed.

"I bought them at Hot Topic a while ago and I just never wore them. I wrote 'To Johnny with love.' on them." She smiled. Becca and I smiled at her in disbelief. This was something that we never thought Adrian was capable of. I guess we were wrong. Adrian rolled her eyes and turned us back to the show. "Leave me alone." She laughed. We smiled and turned back to see the bouncers hadn't touched the thong.

"Pick it up!" Becca yelled down to them. Sadly, they ignored her. I smiled, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright. When we go backstage, we'll deliver them personally." Adrian gasped, looking to us.

"What? No!" I turned and stared at her.

"Why? You threw them to him, Why wouldn't you want him to get them?"

"Because then he'll think I'm a tramp who just wants to get in his pants!" She replied. I laughed and smiled.

"Adrian, You do want to get in his pants." I reminded her.

"Yeah, But he's got a girlfriend who's much better than I am. He wouldn't go for me." I rolled my eyes and hit her shoulder.

"Shut up! You are way better than that Lacey girl." I told her. "Plus, You're gorgeous! Who wouldn't go for you?"

"Me." Becca smirked. Adrian and I glared at her.

"Oh please, Becca. I know that you're dying to get some of this." Adrian smirked, pushing her boobs up more in her corset. Becca smiled and walked towards her seductively.

"Oh yes, Adrian. Come to me baby." She smirked, holding her arms out for her.

"Hey! Lesbian action in the balcony!" Zacky laughed, pointing up to them. Becca and Adrian smiled at him and hugged each other. "Kiss her!" They laughed and shook their heads. "Awww, Teases!" Becca shrugged, leaning over the balcony.

"You have to pay us for that!" She screamed at him. He laughed and gave her a thumbs up before the band went back to their show. I rolled my eyes and hit both of their shoulders. They laughed and went back to watching the show.

I leaned over the balcony a bit, staring at Brian. Hoping he would see me. I guess some wishes do come true. Because when the next song was playing, Brian looked up to me. I smiled and blew him a kiss…WHICH HE CAUGHT! He hit his hand to his cheek dramatically and smirked at me. I screamed lightly and clapped. Oh my god! That did not just happen! Synyster Gates just caught my kiss! I shook my head, the smile plastered on my face. No, That didn't just happen. I was imagining it. The fan girl in me just had to know if I was dreaming or not…and how do I prove shit's real? I do it again! I waited a few more songs, Scream actually. That's when I blew him another kiss once he looked me again. And again, He caught it! This time, he practically smacked himself in the face. Oh my fucking Jesus johnny Christ! He really did catch my kisses! Oh my god, this is seriously the best day of my life. He laughed and winked at me. My heart swelled to a size I didn't know it could. I don't know if it was excitement or something else, but this was intense. I had never felt like this before.

I laughed and looked over the stage at everyone, then noticing some familiar blonde guy hiding backstage, staring at me. I smiled, noticing Ryan standing there. That hot feeling flushed over me and I waved lightly. He smiled and motioned his thumb over his shoulder, probably asking if I was coming backstage. I nodded and mouthed 'after' to him. He smiled and nodded before making a 'call me' sign with his hand. I laughed and pulled out my phone and the drumstick, punching in his number and saving it. I held it up for him to see and he gave me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and laughed, putting it back into my pocket. He had walked out of the backstage area that I could see and I looked back to Brian. That heart swelling thing happened again. Weird, Whenever I saw Brian my heart would swell. But whenever I would see Ryan, a hot feeling rushed over me. Why was my body reacting this way?

"Excuse me," A man said, tapping on my shoulder from behind me. I turned around and saw none other than Jason Berry standing there. My eyes widened. "Hi, I'm Jason and I'm with Avenged Sevenfold." He laughed.

"Oh we know who you are." Becca smiled, coming up next to me. Jason smiled and nodded his head appreciatively.

"Well thanks, Nice knowing I have fans." He laughed. We laughed and shrugged our shoulders. "Anyway, I came up for a reason."

"And that would be?" I asked hesitantly. Jason smiled and held up a clipboard.

"Synyster Gates would like to know if you would like to come backstage."

Oh shit…Now what?
♠ ♠ ♠
Whew! Ok, I'm really sorry for not updating sooner. I've been trying. Just haven't had the motivation to. College is a bitch.

So, True things in this story: The thong thing, Matt pointing and singing to us, Brian catching my kisses mulitple times!!! *swoons* Oooh, That was hot. Uh, Other than's all fictional sadly. Lol.

Sooo...I guess that's it! Comment && Subscribe and I'll love you forever! Thanks to my subscribers and readers already! Keep the comments coming. The more comments, the better and quicker updates come!
