Girl at the Rock Show

This means war

"You're kidding, Right?" Adrian asked, staring at Jason with wide eyes. Jason smiled and shook his head.

"He asked me to come up and ask you." I laughed lightly, shook my head and turned back towards the balcony. Surprisingly, He was looking up at me as he played. A small smirk crossed that gorgeous face as if he knew why I was looking at him. How the hell did I get lucky enough to be invited backstage by 2 different rock stars? Oh shit…I've been invited backstage by two different rock stars! I quickly turned to Becca with wide eyes. She was already staring at me with the same expression. I turned to Jason and kinda stammered. "You ok?" He asked with a slightly amused tone in his voice.

"Uh, Well I was kinda already…"

"She'll go." Adrian interrupted. Becca and I stared at her like she had lost her mind. "As long as Becca, Tatyana and I are on the list too with Ali." She replied. Jason laughed lightly and rolled his eyes.

"Alright, You got it. Just come down after the show and talk to the bouncers. They'll let you through." Jason replied, putting our names down on the list. Adrian smiled and turned us both around to look back to the stage as Jason walked off. As soon as he was gone, Becca and I kept staring at Adrian who was watching the show contently.

"Adrian! Have you lost your mind?" I groaned, turning her towards me. Her body was now turned towards me, but her head was still turned towards the stage.

"He's watching you, Act happy." She replied. I looked down to Synyster, seeing that he was still looking at me. He had a slightly confused look on his face. I sighed, knowing that she was right. I turned back towards the stage and waved lightly at him. His smile broke across his face and he gave me a noticeable nod back. Why did Adrian do that? She knew that I had already agreed to go backstage for Ryan. Now I would have to go back for both Ryan and Brian? Oh god…That rhymed…

"A little piece of heaven!" Becca screamed excitedly as her favorite song started playing, which also meant it was the last song of their set. Shit…the last song…oh shit. "Sing it baby!" Becca shouted out to Jimmy. I groaned, looking around, trying to find any way to get out of this.

"Ali, Calm." Adrian sighed, putting her hands on my shoulders. "I have a plan." I scoffed a laugh.

"Oh. You have a plan, do you? Did you plan include ruining my night?! If not, That's what it turned into!" Adrian rolled her eyes.

"Will you please shut up and just watch the rest of the show?" She groaned. Becca shushed both of us. How could we be annoying her when the band was blaring louder than we were? Adrian smirked and motioned to her. "See? She agrees!" I sighed, running my hand through my hair. Adrian looked over towards the stage briefly and then back to me. "Synyster's looking for you." I sighed again, walking over to the balcony and smiling down at him. He smiled back and winked at me. I laughed and blew him another kiss, which once again he caught. Even if he practically slapped himself. I'd have to see if that made a red mark later. I looked to the backstage area where Ryan had been before, but wasn't anymore. Wow. 2 rock stars in 1 night. I'm either lucky or just a slut.

"Thank you Baltimore! You have been an amazing audience! We love you! Goodnight!" Matt shouted out, taking a bow from one of the 'ego risers'. The song ended with a bang. Brian, Johnny, and Zacky went to the side of the stage and took a handful of guitar picks each. They began throwing them to fans all over the arena. It wasn't hard, seeing as all the seating was pretty close to the stage. Adrian pretty much threw herself over the barrier to catch one of Johnny's picks. He laughed and winked at her. That made her night. I rolled my eyes and focused on the bouncers all going over towards the backstage area. As I watched them, I felt something small land right in my chest. I gasped and pulled out a purple guitar pick. Becca and Adrian laughed hysterically and I looked to the culprit. He was high-fiving his band mates. I glared at him playfully. He looked to me and winked at me. I shook my head and mouthed 'you are so going to pay for that.'. He laughed and mouthed back 'bring it.'. Oh I planned to. Brian nodded and walked off the stage with the rest of the band. Everyone began filing out then. I was eager to get down there and give him a piece of my mind.

"Guys! Oh my god!" Tatyana gasped, smiling from ear to ear as she ran up the stairs to us.

"Where the hell did you disappear to?" Becca laughed. Tatyana was all sweaty, her hair was a mess and her make-up was running down her face.

"I was out in the pit right in front of Zacky!" She beamed. "I got to stare at his boner the whole time!" We all laughed, knowing that she would have loved that.

"And you actually came back here?" Becca laughed. Tatyana smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Aren't we going back there?" She asked. They all looked to me expectantly. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. Tatyana gasped. "Are you telling me that you don't want to go backstage and meet the great Synyster Gates who was practically eye-fucking you all night?!"

"How the hell would you know if he was eye-fucking me? You were too busy eye-sucking Zacky's dick the whole time." I smirked. Becca and Adrian laughed as Tatyana shrugged, practically admitting that I was right.

"Who cares. I could totally feel it, even if I was a bit preoccupied." She replied.

"Yeah, Seriously. You can't just deny that intensity that he had for you." Adrian responded.

"And I want my Jimmy!" Becca shouted, stomping her foot. I sighed, looking between all three of their pleading faces. How could I deny them their dreams to meet their favorite band? Sad answer: I couldn't.

"Alright, I'll go." I sighed. They all cheered and hugged me tightly. "Yeah, Yeah. I know. But guys, Who do I go to? I got invited back by both Synyster and Ryan." I said to them. I looked to Adrian, knowing that she would be the one with the answer.

"Go to Ryan first. He's been back their longer. The guys are probably still doing interviews and settling down." She replied.

"I really don't want to have to go back and meet those egotistical assholes." Becca groaned. I sighed and looked back to Adrian. She nodded, looking to me.

"I'll go with you to meet Ryan and his band. Becca and Tatyana can go to Avenged and see them until we're done with Burn Halo. Ok?" I smiled and hugged her tightly.

"You are the bestest friend ever!" I laughed. She nodded and let go of me.

"Come on! Lets get going!" Tatyana yelled happily. We nodded, walking down the stairs to the main floor. Adrian, Tatyana, and of course Becca were further in front of me. I stayed back, my feeling of insecurity came washing back over me. What if they don't like me? What if I'm not what they expected? What if they're not what I expected?! So many questions floated around me and made me not want to go back there. Oh shit, What am I doing? I'm only 18! They're like 10 years older than me! Oh my god.

"Ali. Ali?" Adrian said, waving her hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my freaked out mind and stared at her. "They need your ID." She said, motioning to the bouncers.

"Oh!" I responded, digging into my bag to get out my ID. I handed it to the bouncer and he nodded. He then pulled out these blue and red wristbands.

"Blue is for Burn Halo." He replied, putting the bands on Adrian and mine's wrist. "Red is for Avenged Sevenfold." He said next, putting those bands on all of our wrists. "Do not harass the band, No drinking, Smoking, or tearing up the place. Their managers will meet you outside of the dressing rooms to give you the overview of their personal rules. Understand?" We all nodded, some more enthusiastic then others. He nodded and opened the door to the backstage area. There was a long hallway. Much longer than we had ever thought would fit into this small venue. Becca and Tatyana linked arms and skipped down the hallway. Adrian stayed with me as I looked fearfully down the long hallway.

"It's now or never, Ali." She responded. I sighed and nodded. She was right. I needed to do this. I had tempted them so much during the show, I didn't want to hurt them by not showing up when I was invited. Adrian smiled. "Come on. Lets do it." I smiled and nodded, walking down the hall with her. We came onto the big blue door with a sign that said 'Burn Halo'. Adrian raised her hand up and knocked on the door. Many shuffling feet were heard behind it. I looked to Adrian with scared eyes. She smiled and put her hand on my shoulder.

"It's going to be fine." She whispered. The door opened quickly and we were shocked to see Ryan standing there, holding back his manager.

"Hi!" Ryan beamed, looking to me. The heat rose through me at the sound of his voice. His eyes sparkled with such excitement that all my fears had just rushed away.

"Ryan! I have to tell them your rules!" His manager groaned, trying to push past him. Ryan broke my eye line and looked to his manager.

"Josh, I got it. Ok? I don't think they're going to do anything horrible." Ryan sighed. Josh sighed and pointed his finger at him in a silent warning. Ryan rolled his eyes and nodded, pushing him away before turning back to us. "Come on in girls." He smiled. Adrian and I smiled, walking into the pretty large room. The whole band was sitting around on the couches. James and the lead guitarist were on the far end, smirking at us. What did he think we were? "Go ahead and have a seat." Ryan replied. We nodded, sitting on one of the couches. Adrian looked to me, silently asking if I was ok. I smiled and nodded my head. She smiled and began to talking to the other guitarist about the show. Ryan sat down next to me, beaming brightly. He had a great smile. One of those smiles that seemed to bring his face to life. "So, You like the show?" I nodded.

"Yeah, You guys were great." I lied. Like I said, I've seen better…Like Brian…

"Thanks. You seemed to be enjoying yourself." I blushed, turning from him to hide it. "Yeah, That's right. I saw you up there." He laughed. I laughed with him, loving the musical sound of his voice.

"You impressed me. I haven't seen drumming like that in a long time." I told him honestly. He smiled.

"You really mean that?" I nodded. He laughed, almost nervously. "You know, I'm really glad you decided to come back and meet me. It's not often that I find someone that I can connect to so quickly." Wow, This boy was fast with the truth telling.

"I'm surprised that you could see me at all through those lights. Don't they hurt your eyes?" He shrugged and shook his head.

"Nah, I'm pretty used to them by now." He replied.

"Yeah, Big rock star like you." I laughed, nudging his arm. He laughed and nudged me back. Which, obviously, ensued a nudging battle. We were laughing so hard by the end of it that I could barely breathe and I was sure that my make-up was running from the laughter tears I had shed.

"So, You going to keep this pretty little thing away from us all night?" James asked, walking up with the lead guitarist whose name I had no desire of learning. Ryan sighed, giving the guys a brief pleading look. James then pushed Ryan away from me and both him and the guitarist sat on both sides of me. "What's your name, sugar?" James smirked, taking my hand in his and kissing the back of it.

"Uh, I'm Ali." I responded. He smiled and nodded.

"So, You came back here just to meet us huh? You're sweet." I looked at them both disgustedly, seeing as the sleaze bag was practically staring down my shirt and giving me the once-over's.

"Actually, She came back here to see-"

"How'd you like my playing?" The guitarist asked, smugly while cutting off Ryan. I stammered to answer, seeing as I didn't want to lie to this asshole, but I couldn't really say what I wanted to say for some reason. I looked to Adrian for help and she sighed, standing up.

"Ali, We have to get going. We gotta go find Becca and Tatyana." I sighed, looking to Ryan who was looking between the both of us with a look of hurt. "Come on." She replied, taking my hand and pulling me up and walking towards the door. I looked to Ryan and mouthed 'I'm Sorry.' He sighed and nodded sadly. I glared at those two asshole who really looked quite pleased with themselves. I scoffed and walked out the door with Adrian.

"Those assholes!" I groaned, shaking my head.

"Sorry, It was the only way they would leave you alone. Brandon told me they like to steal girls from him." She told me as we walked down the hallway. "They talk about kicking him out of the group because he's 'not ready for this lifestyle.'" She sighed.

"What the hell does that even mean?" I asked. Adrian sighed and stopped, looking at me.

"It means he's a good guy. He doesn't sleep around when he's in a relationship, He doesn't fuck anything that moves. He doesn't live the life of a rock star." She explained. "James and Joey are the two biggest douche bags I have ever seen in my life. As long as Ryan is in that band, I can't see you in that group. I know you like Ryan but-"

"I don't like him." I interrupted. She rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Yeah, Ok." She said dismissively. "Anyway, Lets just get to Avenged. Ok?" I sighed and nodded.

"I don't like him." I repeated.

"Ok, Fine. I get it. Lets just go. I want to meet Johnny." She laughed. I rolled my eyes and walked towards their dressing room. Adrian knocked and the door opened, revealing Larry, the manager.

"Welcome ladies." He smiled. "One rule, Have fun." He laughed. We smiled and walked in. Tatyana was sitting on the couch with Zacky, fawning over him. Jimmy and Becca were no where to be seen…which scared me.

"They're out in the back alley comparing kung-fu moves." Matt laughed, walking up to me. "I noticed you were looking for your friend. Hi, I'm Matt." I smiled and shook his hand.

"Yeah, I know who you are." I laughed. He smiled, revealing those amazing dimples. "Nice to finally meet you. Great show." He nodded.

"I'm glad that you liked it." He smiled.

"How do you feel? I heard that you were in the hospital last night before the show." He sighed and shook his head.

"I am much better. Just had some bad crabs." He groaned.

"That's what she said." Johnny laughed, walking up to us. Adrian's eyes widened with excitement. Johnny looked to her and smiled. "Well, If it isn't the thong girl." He laughed. Adrian blushed madly. Johnny smirked and reached into his pocket, pulling out the thong. Adrian and I both burst out into laughter.

"Wow. I can't believe you actually got it." She laughed. Johnny nodded. "I'm sorry, My aim isn't very good."

"Nah, It's alright. I actually get a lot. Wanna see?" Adrian smiled and nodded. They went off to go look at his thong collection. Oh boy.

"I got some too, Wanna see mine?" Brian asked, walking out of the shower area. He had just taken a shower and he looked hot. The water was dripping all over him and he was only in a towel. Oh my lord…"Let me go get some clothes on and then we'll go talk. Sound good?" He asked. I nodded wordlessly. Brian smiled, walking into another room to get changed. Matt laughed beside me.

"Sorry about that. He thought he had more time while you were meeting the other band." He explained. I looked up to him.

"Oh, No It's ok." I smiled. "We kinda had to leave earlier than we expected." I sighed, annoyed. Matt looked at me questioningly.

"Wanna explain that to me?" He asked.

"I was invited back by Ryan." I told him.

"He's a nice guy." I nodded.

"I know! We were having a really good time just chatting and stuff and then James and Joey came over and started hitting on me. They pushed Ryan away from me right in the middle of our conversation and were being all pervy!" I vented.

"James and Joey are real assholes." He responded. I scoffed and nodded. "Seriously, They were the only band besides Burn the Fields that could play tonight and our manager wanted us to have 2 opening bands tonight. They think they are big shit because they got to play with us." I laughed lightly. "On their myspace page where it says 'sounds like' they honestly put Awesomeness. I mean, Come on." I laughed harder and nodded.

"Yeah, That is pretty conceited." He nodded.

"I'm sorry that you got interrupted. But if it helps, Brian hasn't stopped talking about you since we got off the stage." He smiled. I took a deep breath, reminding myself that I had to breathe.

"Really? What has he been saying?" I asked. Matt looked over my head briefly and then back down to me.

"I'll let him tell you." I looked behind me to see Brian standing by the doorway. I smiled and looked to Matt.

"Thanks for letting me vent on you. Really, Great show tonight. You were fantastic." He smiled and hugged me tightly. I felt like a little kid in his arms.

"It was so nice to meet you. Come see us anytime." I smiled and nodded before walking over to Brian.


"Hey. You ready?" Brian smiled. I nodded and we walked out of the room. We walked back down the hallway towards the stage. We passed the Burn Halo dressing room and I couldn't help but to look at it. Poor Ryan. I felt horrible for leaving him like that. Brian took us up onto the stage. I looked out to the venue and smiled.

"Wow. This is what you looked out to, huh?" He nodded, sitting on one of the ego risers and dangling his feet over the edge of the stage.

"Well, Sorta. It's usually filled with fans when I am here." He laughed. I smiled and sat down next to him. "So I take it you liked the show."

"I can't tell you how amazing it was. This was my first time seeing you guys live." I told him.

"Really? How long have you been following our band?"

"About 2 years or so. I know, not as long as some of your other fans, but I'm a fan for life now." I smiled. He laughed and nodded.

"Well that's always good to know." That's when we had our awkward silence. Oh man, I was having an awkward silence with Synyster Gates! This is incredible! We sat there on the risers for like 10 minutes just not saying a word. I practically replayed their whole concert through my head. Just thinking of it from their point of view here. I gasped and went rummaging through my bag. "You ok?" He asked. I laughed, pulling out the guitar pick that he had tossed down my shirt.

"I believe this belongs to you." I said, holding it up. He laughed loudly, making it echo throughout the large room. I smirked and put it into his hand. "I must say, You have pretty good aim there." He smiled and nodded, putting it into his pocket. "But I hope you do know that this means war." He looked at me, eyebrow raised.

"Oh really now?" I nodded. "And how do you plan to do that?" I smirked and leaned in close to him. His eyes went between my eyes and my lips as he went in closer to me as well. I closed my eyes as I leaned in closer as did he. I looked to see him puckering his lips and I smirked. I took my hands and pushed him hard away and onto the stage behind him. He gasped, grabbing my leg and pulling me down with him. "I knew you would do that!" He laughed. I scoffed, tossing my hair over my shoulder and looked down to him.

"You so didn't. You thought that I was going to kiss you." He laughed and shook his head.

"Only because you know that you want to." My heart began to thump louder. I shook my head shyly. "Oh yes you do. I saw the way you were looking at me. I mean, come on. You were blowing kissed at me." I laughed and smiled.

"How is your face by the way? You seemed to have smacked yourself pretty hard on a couple of them." He laughed hard, making my body shake, seeing as I was on top of him from having fell on top of him.

"I had to slap myself to make me believe that you were really there." He replied. My heart was beating so fast that I was sure that he could feel it. "It did hurt though." I laughed and brought my hand to rub his cheek. The slight stubble scratched my palm as I moved my hand up and down his face. His chocolate brown eyes stared into mine and I couldn't help but get lost. His hand held mine to his face as his other hand wrapped around the back of my head and pulled me down to crash my lips into his. At first the kiss was sweet and powerful. Then, his tongue begged for entrance and I couldn't deny him. It was slow, but passionate. My heart and head was flying. So this is cloud nine…

They talk about kicking him out of the group because he's 'not ready for this lifestyle.
It means he's a good guy. He doesn't sleep around when he's in a relationship, He doesn't fuck anything that moves. He doesn't live the life of a rock star.
Damien had jet black hair.
He wants you to love again.

I gasped and pulled away from Brian roughly. I got up and got about 10 feet away from him. Brian stood up, looking at me with wide eyes. "What? Did I hurt you?"

"You…You have a fiancée." I muttered, shaking my head of the thoughts. Brian sighed, running his hands through his still lightly wet hair. "You just kissed me when you're in a relationship with someone else."

"Yeah, Because I like you. You're gorgeous, funn-"

"Stop." I said, putting my hand up. "I-I can't do this."

"Why not?"

"You have a fiancée! You are getting married and it's not to me! Don't you fucking get it?! You are cheating on your fiancée right now!" I yelled.

"You're right." He nodded. I scoffed and shook my head.

"Why did you invite me back?" I asked him. "Is Michelle even here?" He shook his head. "So let me guess, Your girl isn't here so you'll find a pretty girl who would do anything to fuck your brains out and then not feel guilty about it because what she doesn't know won't hurt her. Am I right? If I am, You picked the wrong fucking girl! I am not one of your fucking groupies, Brian!" I screamed at him. He sighed and shook his head.

"Ali, You're noth-"

"I don't want to hear it!" I stopped him. "I'm out of here. Have a nice life." I groaned, walking off the stage. He called for me to come back many times, but I couldn't face him. I was about to be a groupie. Something I never wanted to be. I stormed down the hallway, pissed the fuck off.

"Ali?" A voice called from behind me. I turned to see Ryan standing by the dressing room door, looking concerned. "Are you ok?" I shook my head. He walked up to me. "I heard you yelling about something. What happened?" I sighed, looking behind him to see Brian standing in the light of the stage. I looked up to Ryan who still looked concerned for me.

"Do you want to go out to dinner?" I asked him. His eyes widened in surprise.

"Uh, Sure. When?" He asked.

"Now." I replied, taking his hand and walking out towards the exit.

Best fucking night my ass…
♠ ♠ ♠
Whew! I did it!
I am soooooooooooooooooooo sorry that this update is soooo late! I have been really busy and excuse excuse excuse...
I had to update today because it's BRIAN'S MOTHERFUCKING 28TH BIRTHDAY!!!!
I love that fucker. haha! Best guy ever!
In honor of this momentous day, I did 2 things. Update this story and made something special for him. Take a look!

Brownies For Brian


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