Girl at the Rock Show

Hard Rock Cafe

"Ali, You're going to pull my arm out of it's socket. Slow down!" Ryan laughed, grabbing onto my arm and slowing me down. I was so furious with Brian that I hadn't really realized that I was pulling Ryan out of the venue faster than my feet could carry me. I sighed and let go of his arm.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to do that to you." I sighed. "I am just starving." I lied. Actually, I was really hungry. I just needed to get away from Brian as quick as possible.

"I see." He laughed. "Any restaurant in particular?" He asked as we slowed our place. I sighed out the cool air and looked around, trying to find a decent place that would be open at this time of night. I smirked, spotting the perfect place.

"Is this your first time in Baltimore?" I asked him. He laughed and nodded. "Perfect! Follow me." I smiled, walking towards the restaurant.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked. I smiled back at him and held onto his hand. His hand was so warm around my freezing one. Somehow my hands are always cold. Why do guys have such warm hands? "Ali?" He asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I laughed and shook my head.

"Oh wow, Sorry. I seriously just spaced." He laughed and wrapped his arm around me.

"You're funny." I rolled my eyes and smiled, pushing him off me before running up ahead of him.

"If I'm so funny, Catch me!" I laughed, taking off and running in the direction of the restaurant. He laughed, starting to run after me. He is much taller than I am, So I expected him to catch me no problem. I'm not a fast runner. I was laughing so hard that I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going. "Ali!" Ryan screamed. I smiled and looked back to him to see he looked horrified and was running faster towards me. I stopped and stared at him oddly. "No!" He screamed. I gasped when I heard the loud horn of a charter bus coming towards me. A sane person would run back towards the sidewalk. Too bad my brain seemed to have abandoned me, I was frozen in shock. "Ali!" Ryan screamed before he threw his arms around me and picked me up, running over to the other side of the street. I watched in horror as the bus drove over the spot where I had just been standing. I screamed and hid my face in Ryan's shoulder. Ryan held me tighter before he set me down on a bench. He then pulled away from me and looked at me. "Oh my god, Are you ok?" I nodded shakily. He sighed, relieved and hugged me. "You fucking scared me, girl."

"I-I'm s-sorry…" I stuttered out. He laughed lightly and pulled back away, brushing my hair back. I looked to him with wide eyes. "You just saved my life!" I gasped in realization. He lightly chuckled and shrugged his shoulders a bit. "You did! I was going to get hit by that bus and you saved me! You picked me up and saved me!" I ranted.

"Calm down," He laughed. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. The adrenaline from my near-death experience was coursing through my veins.

"I almost died. Calming down is a little hard right now." I laughed. Ryan smiled and sat down next to me.

"Is all this normal for you?" He asked, a smile gracing his gorgeous face.

"What do you mean?" I laughed. "Getting mowed down by charter buses during a game of tag? Obviously not if I'm still here." He laughed and shook his head.

"No, I meant getting saved by rock stars. Is this how you reel them in?" I laughed loudly. I mean, I was laughing so hard that I was like crying.

"Oh man, No." I laughed. "Reel them in? What are you rock stars? Fish?" He laughed hysterically with me.

"Well, We do drink like them." He responded. I smiled and shook my head.

"Come on fishy, Lets go eat. Now I'm really hungry." He nodded and stood up with me.

"Where are we going?" He asked as we started walking again. I looked ahead to see the infamous red guitar lighting up over the building. I smirked and pointed at it.

"There." He looked up to it and smiled. "I thought it would be perfect for a rock star." I laughed. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Hard Rock Café. It sure is fitting." He replied. I laughed and took his hand, pulling him towards the restaurant. "I've never been here before, is that going to be a problem?" He asked as we walked up the steps.

"No, Trust me. You'll love it here." I said as I walked through the revolving door. Ryan got through the door and his eyes widened to the size of saucers and his mouth dropped to the floor. I smirked, putting my hands on my hips and looking around the restaurant like I was proud of my accomplishment.

"Table for two?" The hostess asked. I looked to Ryan to see he was still blown away by everything. I turned to the hostess and nodded.

"Yes, Please." She smiled and nodded, walking towards our table. I laughed, grabbing hold of Ryan's hand and pulling him towards the table. He gasped, seeing all the memorabilia hanging on the walls.

"Oh my god! That's Jimi Hendrix's Guitar!" He shouted out. I nodded slowly, sitting down at the table.

"Yes, Ryan. There are tons of things from legendary artists in here." I told him. "It's kinda the point of the Hard Rock." I laughed.

"We are the biggest museum of rock memorabilia in Maryland." Our hostess told him. He smiled like a little kid and continued to look around. She smiled and handed me our menus. "Your waitress Kendra will be here shortly."

"Thanks." I laughed. She nodded and walked off. I let Ryan look around while I looked over the menu. I had been there enough, I didn't need to see it all again. Ryan was in shock and awe. It was really cute. About 5 minutes later, Our waitress walked up.

"I'm Kendra. I'll be serving you tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?" I looked up to her and smiled.

"Can I just get a water?" She nodded and looked to Ryan who hadn't stopped looking around since he sat down. "Ryan." I laughed, kicking his leg under the table. He jolted in shock and looked at me with wide eyes. "What do you want to drink?" He looked to Kendra and down to the menu and back to her.

"Uh, I'll have a yuengling." Kendra smiled and nodded.

"Sure. I'll be right back out with those." She said before walking off to get our drinks. Ryan looked to me, his eyes still wide.

"You ok?" I laughed.

"You kicked me." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"You weren't paying attention. What else was I supposed to do?" I asked. He sighed, calming down a bit.

"You could have clapped your hands, snapped your fingers, waved your hand in front of my face, anything but kick me!" He laughed. I smiled and shrugged. "You're abusive."

"You'll learn more about me than just that." I laughed. He sighed and settled into his chair. "You good now, fan girl?" I smirked.

"Fan girl?" He laughed. I nodded, smiling brightly. He rolled his eyes and kicked my leg lightly under the table. I gasped and kicked him back.

"You don't kick girls!" I laughed. He smirked and leaned in a bit.

"I don't see a girl. I see a bad ass." I smirked and folded my arms over my chest and nodded.

"Yeah, You're right there." I laughed. He chuckled and looked down to the menu for the first time. "They have really good burgers. That's what I always get." I told him.

"For your girlish figure? Wow." He joked. I scoffed, shaking my head. "Why'd you order water? Don't you drink?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I don't think they would have given it to me anyway." I told him. He looked at me oddly.

"Why not? I mean, Yeah you look like you could pass for 18 or so, but that doesn't mean they should serve it to you." He responded. I snickered lightly.

"I guess I look my age then." He didn't get the hint. He looked me over a couple times, trying to get what I said registered in his head. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I'm 18 you idiot." I finally told him. His eyes widened and he backed up a bit. "Did you really not know that?" He shook his head. Oh great, Now I'm screwed. I like a guy and he won't like me anymore cause I'm not in my 20's. "Wow, I'm sorry. I thought you knew." I groaned, hiding my face.

"Can I see some ID?" He asked. I looked back up and him with a confused look.

"I'm sorry?"

"Can I? I don't believe that a cute, funny, confident, bad ass, smart alec girl like you could ever be 18." He smirked. I smiled lightly and blushed a bit. I really hope the lights were low enough in here so that he wouldn't see me blushing. Luckily, Kendra walked back over with our drinks.

"Have you had some time to look over the menu or do you two need more time?" She asked. I wouldn't mind more time with Ryan at all.

"I think we're ready." Ryan said, looking to me. "Right?" I nodded, looking back down to my menu. "I'll have the 10 oz. steak." Ryan told her.

"I'll have a cheeseburger." I smiled. Kendra nodded, writing down our orders.

"Sounds good. That should be up shortly." She smiled before walking up. I sighed, taking a sip of my water.

"So, You going to tell me about yourself?" Ryan asked. I smiled and put the water down.

"Depends on what you want to know." I replied. He laughed and nodded, sipping his beer.

"Basics." He responded. Oh boy, Here we go.

"Well, There's not much to tell about." I started with. "I'm 18, I live just outside of Baltimore, I'm not a vegetarian, I have 2 dogs, I live with my mom, sister and her daughter. Her baby daddy comes over every once in a while to hook up with her and I have to keep my niece occupied away from them. I drive an Escalade. My friend Adrian lives in my basement with her sugar glider and ferret. We dropped out of high school senior year cause we were bored with it and that's pretty much it." I spilled. Honestly, Those were the basics.

"Wow. That's a lot." He laughed. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. "What about your dad? Is he around?" I sighed and shook my head.

"No, He left my mom when my sister got pregnant. He said that it was my mother's fault that my sister would do something like that and he wouldn't be around to see me end up like that." I sighed sadly. Ryan gave me the sympathy look. I shook my head. "Please don't give me that look. I don't want you to think I'm a poor little girl with no daddy and blames herself for him leaving. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself just fine." I told him.

"No, It's not that. I was just thinking of what a douche bag your dad must be to leave your mom for such a dumb reason." He replied. "It doesn't add up."

"Probably because that wasn't his real reason for leaving." I sighed, not really wanting to dig up this repressed memory. Thankfully, Ryan noticed my un-easiness about it.

"Parents are wack-jobs." He smirked. I smiled, looking up to him thankfully. "Cheers to douchey parents." I smiled brightly, holding my glass up to clink with his. Wow, He really gets it. Our food came not much later and we chatted idly about our lives. He told me about his family life and how he got into the band. Apparently, He was one of the dorky kids in high school. Then he turned 18, dyed his hair blonde, grew it out, learned how to play the drums and got some tattoo's. Now, He was a big rock star. "So if you ever hear someone say, They're too dorky to be famous, think of me." He smiled. I laughed, trying to keep the water I had just taken a sip of in my mouth. Suddenly, I feel a vibration by my foot. I look down to see my purse sitting there. Now, why would it be…My phone! I quickly reach in and pull out my phone. 23 Missed calls, 14 voice mails, 104 text messages.

"Holy fuck." I gasped, looking at all the text messages.

"Someone is popular?" Ryan laughed. I smiled and opened the latest one from Becca.

If you don't call or text me right now, I am calling the cops and we are going on a manhunt to find you!

"Oh shit." I groaned. "I really have to get back, I totally forgot about my friends." I groaned, texting Becca back telling her that I was alive.

"I'll get the check, You go outside and call them. I bet they're about to send the search and rescue party after you." Ryan smiled. I smiled thankfully to him and handed him a 20 dollar bill. He shook his head and pushed it away. "No, Dinner is on me."

"No, I offered to take you to dinner, I am going to pay for it." I argued.

"I don't care if you offered, gave, or cooked the damn food yourself. I'm paying. Now go before the cops come get you." He said, sternly. I sighed and nodded.

"Fine, but I get the next one." I told him.

"There's going to be a next one?" He asked, a small glint of hope in his eyes. I smirked and shrugged my shoulders, getting up from the table.

"Maybe, If you're a good boy." I smiled, walking out to the front of the restaurant. I dialed Becca's number and didn't have to wait too long for her to answer.

"You bitch! Where the fuck are you? Do you know how worried I was about you? I thought you were kidnapped, raped and shipped off to Somalia to be one of those pirate wenches! You said we could be pirate wenches together!" She yelled. I laughed lightly, shaking my head. That's my Becca for ya.

"Was that seriously your first thought?" I laughed.

"Well, No. My first thought was I wonder how good you and Brian hit it off. That was until I saw Brian pacing a cursing at himself, obviously meaning you were kidnapped by pirates and made into their queen." She replied. I rolled my eyes.

"I thought I was their wench." I smirked.

"Well, Pirate Wench queen, ANYWAY! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" She screamed after clarifying her thoughts finally. I laughed loudly.

"I'm standing outside of the Hard Rock Café like across the street a bit. Chill out. Ryan and I went to go get dinner." I told her calmly.

"You and Ryan? Whoa, You sure are a player there Ace. First you crush Brian by blowing him off and now you're with another guy already?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes again.

"Whatever, Brian kissed me and he has a fiancé. I'm not about to be the other women of that relationship. He can get a groupie somewhere else." I groaned. "I like Ryan and he treated me way better in the first 5 minutes that I met him than Brian did in the first 3. So fuck him."

"Are you coming back?" She asked sadly.

"Where are you?"

"Tatyana, Adrian, and the guys are playing poker. Brian is somewhere, No one has seen him for like half an hour." Becca replied.

"Good, He can go jump in the damn harbor for all I care." I seethed, pacing back and forth in front of the restaurant.

"Can we go? I'm tried." Becca sighed, suddenly sounding very tired. I couldn't tell if she was physically tired or just tired of dealing with my drama tonight. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm on my way back." I sighed. Becca hung up the phone without saying goodbye. That's not a good thing. She always said goodbye unless she was pissed. This meant she was mad at me. Why? I did the right thing. I stood up for myself. I wasn't about to be used by some cheating rock star.

"Everything ok?" Ryan asked, suddenly appearing beside me.

"Holy shit! Where did you come from?" He laughed and put his hands in his pockets.

"Did your parents never have the talk with you?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"I came in right about the time when you told your friend how Brian kissed you." He sighed. I groaned, shaking my head. I'm such an idiot. I totally screwed things over between us now. "I also heard that you liked me." He smiled. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"You actually heard that part?" I whispered out. He nodded, smiling lightly. "Uh, wow. I, uh…"

"I like you too." He laughed. I smiled brightly and hugged him tightly. "How about we do 2 things?" He asked. I pulled away, looking at him oddly.

"I don't kiss or have sex on the first date." I laughed. He laughed hysterically and shook his head.

"No, How about I give you my number and then we get you back to your friends." I smiled and nodded.

"That sounds great." He smiled, taking my phone and putting his number in. He then took my hand and we started walking back towards the venue. Ever get the feeling you are being stared at? At this moment, I couldn't shake that feeling…
♠ ♠ ♠
OMG! I'm actually updating and it's in less than a month! ...I think.

I had a hard time writing this part, I don't know why. I hope you all like it!

Gotta say, I didn't get as many comments as I would have like. I apparently have 39 subscribers and only got like maybe 6-7 comments? I am NOT COMPLAINING! I totally get that some of you are silent readers. I totally am that way on some stories too. I just like reading comments. I'd love to hear how you all are liking the story, any suggestions or anything? Message or comment. I will get back to you! I love talking to all of you!

Stealing this from Ali ;-) If you want to connect with me personally, I have a Twitter! I'll let you know when I'm updating (or trying to lol)

Ok! That's a long enough Author's Note. Comment, Read, Subscribe, Enjoy!
Oh! I got 10 stars for this story! THANK YOU!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! <3