Girl at the Rock Show

Man-***s and Tramps

Ryan and I walked across the street together, safely. I didn't need another near-death experience. Thunder rumbled in the distance and that made me groan. I hate storms. They are annoying.

"Not a fan of storms?" Ryan asked with a smile on his face. Whoa, Mind-reader?

"Never have been and never will be." I told him. "I used to be petrified of them when I was a kid. Then I got a little older and my fear of them just went away."

"Did you go to a therapist or anything like that to help the fear go away?" He asked as we walked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, Technically I did have to go to therapy for it, but that woman was a quack. She would ask me, 'Ali, There was a storm the other day. How did you deal with it?'. I would smile and tell her, 'I did great! Wasn't scared at all.'. Which, of course, was a load of bullshit." I laughed.

"Then why did you tell her that?"

"She had a lot of cool toys in her office and she wouldn't let me play with them until I told her stuff. So I just told her what she wanted to hear." I smiled brightly. He laughed loudly, shaking his head. "Yeah, Then she would bring my mom in while I played with the toys and my mom would totally rat me out that I was lying. So, after a few sessions of lying to play with toys, my mom just thought it would be cheaper to not send me anymore." Ryan smiled and nodded. "Like I said, the fear just kinda went away randomly. Now I'm not petrified. Just annoyed." I laughed.

"That's good to know." He smiled. I couldn't help but stare at his smile. It was so bright and beautiful. I could totally imagine waking up to that smile every morning. Wait, What?! I had just met him and now I'm thinking of waking up to his smile? What the hell am I thinking? I bet he doesn't even like me like that. I don't even like him like that. Do I? No, I just got out of my relationship with…Damien. "Ali? What's wrong?" Ryan asked. I looked up to him. "Why are you crying?" I brought my hand up to wipe under my eyes to see that I was crying. "Are you ok?"

"Ali!" A voice yelled out. We turned to see the person I wanted to see the least at the moment. "Ali, Are you ok? Why are you crying?" He asked, seemingly caring. "Why is she crying? What did you do?" Brian snapped at Ryan who held his hands up defensively. I groaned and pushed Brian away from him.

"Would you go away? It has nothing to do with you! He didn't do anything." Brian looked down to me, a fury in his eyes that both scared me and turned me on.

"Then tell me why you're crying." He demanded. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away from me before turning to look to Ryan.

"Ryan, I am so sorry about him-"

"Don't fucking ignore me when I'm right behind you!" Brian screamed. I turned, giving him a 'are you fucking kidding me' look. I then turned back to Ryan and smiled sadly.

"I'll call you. I think he's drunk and I should get him back to his band." Ryan nodded, looking to Brian briefly.

"Let me know when you get home safely, ok?" I nodded, making him smile. "Thanks for taking me to dinner. I had fun." I laughed lightly and nodded.

"Thank you for saving my life." I smiled. He laughed and nodded, taking my hand and kissing the top of it.

"See ya around, kiddo." He laughed before walking away. "Gates," He muttered in a goodbye acknowledgement to Brian.

"Drum bitch." Brian muttered in return. I gasped and smacked him hard. "Oh come on!"

"No you come on! Who the hell do you think you are? I was having a good time with him and you had to go and fuck it up!" I screamed at him. He looked utterly unfazed by it.

"Then why were you crying? Why did he call you kiddo? What the hell did you two do together after that 'dinner' anyway? You sure were gone for a fucking long time. Have time for an after-dinner quickie?" He sneered. I screamed in frustration.

"No! I did not have sex with him! I didn't even fucking kiss him!" I yelled. "Wait! Why the hell should I tell you what I do on my dates? You're not my fucking father! Hell, I just met you tonight! Fuck off!" I groaned, walking away from him. He grabbed hold of my arm, pulling me back to him. "Get the fuck off me!"

"How could you go on a date after making out with me? That's kinda trampish if you ask me." He glared. I scoffed and pushed him off of me.

"How could you make out with me knowing that you have a loving fiance waiting for you at home?! Huh? Now that is just man-whorish and being a man whore is way worse than being a tramp!" I accused. He didn't seem impressed or fazed by my logic. "It's true! Ask any of my friends! Being a man-whore is way worse than a tramp." He smirked evilly.

"Fine then, Lets just go ask them." He replied before picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder. I gasped and screamed, kicking my legs all around.

"Put me down you fucking man-whore! I don't wanna be anywhere near your skanky ass!" He chuckled and bounced me on his shoulder. I groaned, feeling my food starting to come back up. While I was up there though, I couldn't help but look at his ass in the jeans he was wearing. Oh my god, His ass looked great in those pants. I wonder how good it would look without the pants… I shook my head of my thought and began pounding on his back as he walked through many hallways. His back was really muscular through the shirt he was wearing. Fuck! Why did he have to be so hot?! I yelped in surprise when he threw me down off his shoulder and onto a couch. A not very cushiony couch either.

"There you are!" Becca smiled from the poker table. She was sitting next to Jimmy who had his arm around her shoulders and was looking down at what seemed like her cards. She looked to Jimmy and gasped, holding her cards against her chest. "Jimmy! No looking at my cards!"

"I wasn't. I was staring at your chest." He smirked. Becca smiled and shrugged her shoulders, putting the cards back down from her chest.

"Well alright then." She smirked. He smiled and hugged her shoulders tighter. I rolled my eyes, glaring up at Brian who was smirking down at me.

"What the fuck is your problem, asshole?" I asked. He laughed and motioned his head towards me. I looked down, seeing that my shirt had fallen off my of shoulder, exposing my bra strap and part of the cup. I groaned and pulled it back up before standing up. "Man-whore."

"Tramp." He muttered back.

"Dude, A Man-whore is a way worse insult than Tramp." Tatyana said from beside Zacky. I smiled triumphantly. He rolled his eyes. "Uh, Are we missing something?"

"Mr. Man-Whore here didn't think being called a Man-Whore was worse than calling me a Tramp!" I smirked happily. Becca gasped, staring daggers at Brian.

"You called my Ali a Tramp?!" Brian groaned and waved her off. "Oh fuck no you did not just wave your hand at me!" She screamed, throwing down her cards and standing up, marching towards him. Jimmy got up and held her back from beating up their guitarist. "Jimmy, If you have any sense, you'll let me go right now!"

"Yeah, Good luck with that." Brian scoffed. I glared at him, shaking my head.

"Ok, You know what? Fuck you, Brian. I came to this concert to have a great time and hopefully meet my favorite band. Ever since you met me, you've been nothing but an egotistical asshole to me!" I yelled at him. He just stared at me with wide eyes, like he was hurt or something. "I'm fucking done." I muttered. "Becca, Tatyana, Adrian, Lets get the fuck out of here." Adrian nodded, getting up, leaving Johnny looking quite upset that she was leaving. Becca turned to Jimmy and hugged him tightly. They whispered things to each other, but I wasn't paying attention.

"Uh, Ali. I drove myself." Tatyana told me. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Call me when you get home." Again, I nodded and walked towards the door without looking back to Brian at all. It took all that I had not to cry. All of my dreams of meeting him had been shot to hell. Why didn't I think that he would be such an asshole? All rock stars are egotistical bitches. Adrian and Becca walked behind me while I practically stormed off to my car. All I wanted was to go home and forget this night have ever happened. Wait, No. I didn't want to forget this night. I had forgotten about my great evening with Ryan.

"Ryan." I gasped, turning back around and running towards the backstage area.

"Ali?" Becca called out to me. "Where are you going?"

"I have to tell Ryan how sorry I am!" I called back.

"They already left!" Adrian called to me. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked back to them. "I heard as soon as Ryan got back they were all packed up and waiting for him. They're off to their next venue."

"Where are they going?" They shrugged their shoulders. "They won't be with Avenged?" Becca shook her head.

"This was their last night with them." She said sadly. I sighed and nodded, starting on my walk back to the car. "You ok?" I shook my head, heading towards where I parked. Becca looked to Adrian sadly. Adrian sighed, catching up to me.

"Ali, Look. I know tonight didn't go as well as you hoped for. You can't let this bring you down though. He's just a stupid guy who doesn't know what he's giving up." I laughed lightly and shook my head. "Lets just go home?" I nodded, getting into the drivers seat. Becca sat next to me, playing around on her iPod that was in my docking station.

"Becca, Am I taking you home or are you coming home with me?" I asked, monotonously.

"I should probably go home. Karen will be wondering how the concert went." She replied, looking through her play lists. "Have any requests?" She asked, looking to us. Adrian was already listening to her own iPod and I shook my head. Becca nodded, turning on a random play list. Papa Roach's I Almost Told You That I Loved You began blaring through my speakers. I looked over at Becca, glaring at her. "Oooh, Sorry! It was on Shuffle!" She quickly turned it to Hollywood Whore. I laughed lightly and shook my head, driving out of the parking garage. As soon as we pulled out onto the street, we saw that the band was just getting into their tour bus. "Oh my god! Tatyana is going with them!" Becca shouted, rolling down her window. "Go Tatyana!" She laughed. Tatyana smiled and waved back to us. Brian looked at me through the window of the bus sympathetically. I rolled my eyes and sped off away from the venue. "Jesus, Speed Racer, Could you go any faster?" Becca groaned, sitting back in her seat.

"Don't fucking tempt me." I growled to her. I raced back towards our houses in record time. It usually takes us almost an hour to even get out of the main Baltimore area to our little suburban area. With my heated driving, I was dropping of Becca at her house in less than half an hour. Becca looked to me with wide eyes as I smirked happily while I pulled into her driveway. "You're home."

"That was fucking fast!" Becca shouted. I nodded. "How did we not get caught? You were doing 85 in a 55!" I laughed and nodded at my accomplishment. "Whatever, I'm going inside and going to te…sleep. I'm going to sleep. Night!" She cried, getting out of car and running towards the front door. I looked to Becca and then back to Adrian suspiciously who returned the look.

"She's so not going to sleep, Is she?" Adrian shook her head. "Whatever, Lets go home." I sighed.

"Actually, Do you think you could take me home?" Adrian asked sheepishly. I looked back to her like she had grown 7 heads.

"You mean like your real home?" I asked. She nodded. "Why?" She shrugged.

"Well, My parents aren't home and there are some things that I want to get there." She told me.

"You want me to wait outside while you get them?" She shook her head. "You're going to stay the night there?"

"My parents are gone on a business trip. I'll be fine one night. Besides, I want to have my car. Don't worry about me." I couldn't help but to worry. Adrian hated her house. She said it was far to extravagant for her. It was her parents dream house to raise their dream children. Too bad the only child they got was Adrian and she was more like a nightmare for them than a dream. I drove out of Becca's driveway and towards Adrian's house.

"It looks bigger than I remember." I said as we pulled up to the house. Adrian nodded.

"They added another wing to it recently." Adrian muttered, gathering all her shit up. I looked to her oddly.

"For someone who doesn't talk to her parents or even live here, you sure know what is going on. What, You got spy cameras here?" I joked. She laughed lightly, putting her bag over her shoulder.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She said, getting out of the car.

"Bye," I said quietly. I watched as she walked up to the door and inside. I shook my head and drove a few blocks down to my house. I parked my car out front and got out. I looked up at the windows and saw that my mom's bedroom light was off. Awesome. She'd kill me for coming in this late. Seeing as it was almost 3:30 in the morning and I had told her the concert ended at 11. I walked around the back of the house and into the kitchen through the back door.

"You're super late." A voice called to me in the darkness. I gasped and looked over to see my sister, Alana sitting at the kitchen table.

"Jesus Christ, Alana. What the hell are you doing awake?" I groaned, coming down from my mini heart attack. Alana rolled her eyes and stood up, holding onto her robe.

"Kendall woke up from a nightmare. I just got her back to sleep and noticed you weren't home. Where were you? Where's Adrian? Didn't you bring her home with you?" Alana drilled. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Concert ended later than we thought, traffic getting out was hell, there was an accident blocking our only way out so we had to wait until it was cleared out to go. Adrian is actually sleeping at her house tonight for some strange reason. Can I go to bed now?" I groaned after using the excuse I used every time I got caught coming in after curfew.

"The ending of that is new, but that excuse has been used by me more times than I can count." She said. "That was my excuse when I got home the night I conceived Kendall." I groaned, scrunching my face up.

"I would really not care to think about that night you and the devil created your little demon, Ok?" Alana scoffed, hitting me with her slipper.

"My daughter is not a demon!" She yelled quietly.

"Tell that to my goldfish. Oh wait, You can't. Cause she flushed him!" I yelled back. Alana rolled her eyes.

"Will you just go to bed before mom wakes up and realizes you were late?" I made a face at her which she returned.

"Yes of mommy dearest. Let me just run up to my princess room and await the morning light." I said mockingly. Alana scoffed and chucked her slipper at my head. I caught the slipper and threw it into the sink full of dirty dishes soaking in soapy water. Alana gasped in anger. "That was more Mr. Swimmy!" I laughed, running up to my room before she could murder me. I got into my room and locked the door, laughing lightly at what I had just done. I sighed, looking around my room. Right above my bed was a poster of Avenged Sevenfold with Brian smirking like the cocky bastard he was. I glared at it, taking a sharpie from my desk and hopping up onto my bed. I drew horns on him, a devil tail and then wrote 'Man-Whore' right above his head. Smiling happily at my masterpiece, I walked into my bathroom to wash off my make-up and brush my teeth. I then walked into my closet to put on my pajama's. I got into my bed and laid down, staring up at my ceiling. The night was over. It was all over. Little did I know, This was the fucking beginning to the rest of my fucking life…

Fucking great
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Yay! Another update!
I'm really happy with how this turned out. It's fun and dramatic all at the same time! Woo Hoo!
This update is for Ali, My awesome main character. I told her I would probably update and she got excited. Lol.

Ok, That's it! Comments are greatly appreciated. Am I doing a good job? You guys keeping interested? I hope so. PLEASE COMMENT! I NEED TO KNOW!

...Ok, Begging done. BYE! <3