Devil's got a new disguise

Chapter 2

The girl walked along the street, her dark hair swaying in the light breeze .Her backpack resting on her shoulder. All that studying had made her tired and she just wanted to go to sleep .At least her grades would improve, she thought. The moonlight and street lamps lit her way. She pulled out her IPod and began listening to her favourite band – the dead silence was too uncomfortable for her. A chill ran up her back and she quickened her pace. She felt a presence behind her and turned off her iPod only to hear whispers. Her eyes darted back and forth trying to find the source. Was this one of her friends playing a prank?

‘Tara, stop this- it’s just your imagination.’ She thought to herself. Tara kept walking still with an uneasy feeling. Cutting across the park, Tara heard the whispers again. She stood still in the center of the park. Her breathing became erratic.

“This is not funny; I know it’s you Patrick!” She shouted trying to be brave. Half-expecting her boyfriend to appear, Tara waited. She did a full turn, not knowing where the whispers were coming from. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest. She began to think about whether to run or stay. The swing set began to slowly rock and the wind blew off the climbing frame, making a whistling noise.

Montague Hills was a small town and she had heard the news, girls just like her, going missing. Girls she had know, girls she had befriended. She bit her lip and prepared herself: she was going to run. With one last inhale she pushed her backpack up and ran but not quick enough.

Something collided with her and sent her into a heap on the floor. Blood trickled from her mouth on to the hard floor. She spluttered and tried to scream but the air had been knocked out of her. Tara felt herself being dragged back, she struggled, kicking and grabbing on to the floor. A large object was flung into her face. Tara’s vision began to blur until it faded to black.

The sun rose on the park and a lonely backpack lay on the floor.

The Impala turned right passed the sign for Montague Hills and traveled along the small road. Rock music blaring out the windows.

“So Montague Hills, does it have a bar?” Dean asked his brother.
Sam scoffed, trying not to show his nerves, he didn’t know what to expect.
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I like writing this scene where Tara is attacked. I did not want to write more, since I thought this chapter should focus on 'the attack'.

So the usual guys- feedback please.

I think if people enjoy this story, I might update every Tuesday, or every two weeks on a Tuesday, I need to work it out.

So thanks everyone who commented and subscribed on the previous chapter.