Walking With My Head Down

Chapter (Four)Eighty-three

Zoey didn't know about the party and was elated when she walked into Georg's apartment and found all of her best friends ready and waiting to wish her a happy birthday.

There was much gift giving and many high-pitched thank yous. There was a huge cake and the eating process of said cake didn’t end very well for Zoey or Georg's hair.

''So then the reporter asked how we met and this funny guy says that he walked into me on purpose.'' I said to the group, pointing to Tom with my thumb. He smirked and nudged me with his shoulder.

''Weren't you the one who was so adamant about that she walked into you?'' Zoey asked.

''Yea! And now he's saying that he walked into me and that he did it on purpose!'' I said.

''Well I did.'' Tom shrugged as he put a forkful of cake in his mouth.

''Yea right!'' Gustav laughed loudly and I jumped slightly. I'd never heard so much volume from him.

''You wouldn't shut up about how she walked into you! And you were angry about it!'' Georg added.

''Only cause she punched him.'' Bill laughed and Tom rolled his eyes.

''Apparently he let me do that.'' I told them and all four of them laughed.

''You bitched about that too!'' Georg said.

''You are a liar Mr. Kaulitz.'' I said with a smirk, pointing at him with my fork.

''A liar eh?'' Tom said and I nodded.

Suddenly, he dipped his finger into the icing on his piece of cake and smeared it across my face.

''Asshole!'' I laughed as I jumped back. ''You'll get it now.'' I stuck my finger into my own cake.

''Bring it babe.'' He said devilishly.

I lunged at him and managed to spread it across his lips and chin.

''Hey, hey, hey! If you make a mess, you're cleaning it.'' Georg said as though he was our mother.

''Yes mom.'' I said playfully.

''You should wash your face.'' Tom laughed as he looked at me.

''So should you.'' I said as I got up. He took my hand and we walked to the kitchen.
I grabbed a paper towel and wiped the icing from my face.

''Gone?'' I asked Tom.

''No, you missed a bit.'' He said.

''Where?'' I asked, wiping my face again.

''Here.'' He gently kissed my lips.

''You taste great.'' I smirked as I pulled him back in for another kiss.

I put one hand on the side of his face and was careful to get every bit of icing off of his lips before I pried them apart with my tongue.

''Get a room!'' Georg called into the kitchen and I smiled as I pulled away.

I wiped the remaining icing from Tom's chin and we went back to the dining room.

''We should probably get going. You probably want to give Zoey her real birthday present or something nasty like that.'' I said and Zoey smirked.

''Yes, you should all clear out immediately.'' She said. It was about ten so it wasn't a totally unreasonable request.

We all shuffled to the door and said our goodbyes before we were shoved into the hallway be an all too eager Zoey.

''I'm glad they're happy, but she's way too eager. I barely had my shoes on when she shoved us out.'' Bill said as we all walked towards the elevators.

''Would you rather have had them go at it while we were still in there?'' I asked.

''Absolutely not.'' Tom answered flatly.

''But I wouldn't mind someone else going at it.'' He added in a seductive whisper, leaning to my ear.

''Here they go again.'' Bill rolled his eyes.

''Just leave them.'' Gustav said and the two boys continued ahead of us.

''And what makes you think anyone else will be going at it tonight?'' I asked teasingly.

''I'm psychic.'' Tom replied.

''Oh yea?''

''Yea.'' He said and then poked my side.

I squealed and Tom continued to poke me, starting an all out tickle fight in the middle of the hall. I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away but he simply pulled me closer and continued to tickle me.

I looked up at him and his face was right in front of mine.

''And what am I thinking now Mr. Psychic?'' I asked, my voice low.

''Kiss me.'' And then he connected his lips to mine. Maybe he was psychic.

Tom held me close as his lips moved in perfect sync with mine in the most innocent yet passion-filled kiss I had ever experienced. His tongue never moved to part my lips but love radiated through this sweet, innocent kiss regardless.

I placed one hand on the side of his face and-

Suddenly an apartment door was thrown open and met the wall with a loud bang.
Tom and I immediately pulled away from each other and looked to the source of the noise.

The door that had been thrown open was apartment four-oh-six and standing in the doorway was a man with graying hair, wearing nothing but a scowl and a half open bathrobe.
I was scarred.

I placed a hand over my eyes and buried my face in Tom's chest as I convulsed with silent laughter.

''You two again?'' the old man snapped, somehow remembering us from our run in with him months ago.

''Yea?'' Tom said, although it was more of a question.

''Do you have any idea what time it is?'' the man demanded and my silent laughter continued.

''Ten?'' I could hear the repressed laughter in Tom's voice.

''Get freaky in your own damn apartment!'' The man snapped and then threw his door closed with as much forced as he'd used to open it.

I looked up at Tom and we both burst out laughing.

''We probably should get back to our own damn apartment.'' Tom said when our laughter had died away.

''I agree Mr. Psychic.'' I replied with a smile.

Tom laced his fingers with mine and we walked out to his Audi, his car of choice since we'd been dating.

When we got back to his apartment, Tom and I got changed and climbed into bed. He sat back against the headboard and I wrapped myself up in his arms, a position I had never found comfortable until I met him. He ran one hand soothingly through my hair as we lay there.

''Jenny?'' Tom said softly.


''I love you.'' He said and even though I'd heard it a hundred times already, it still made my heart soar.

''I love you too.'' I replied and an involuntary but welcome smile spread across my lips.

Those three words were so liberating. 'I love you.'. It was like they were everything I'd ever wanted to say to Tom, good or bad, wrapped up into one tiny phrase.

But it wasn't just those words that filled me with that liberating feeling, it was being with Tom in general. Everything about him, every quirk, every habit, every flaw, every perfection, made me tick.

It was like I had been a square peg trying to fit into the round hole that was Andrew, and when Tom showed up and became my square hole, everything suddenly fit, I was complete.

I was glad that I had come to my senses and realized that I loved Tom.

I was glad that I was no longer walking with my head down.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize for not posting this last night but my internet was out all night. But, enough apologies.

Thus concludes another of my Kaulitz love stories. It was a wild ride with alot of twists all starting from an out of the ordinary beginning. I appreciate you all sticking with me this long despite my somewhat sadistic tendancies. This has been my most popular story yet and I thank you all again for reading.

But when one door closes, another opens. The new door opening tonight is that of 'I Smoked Pot And Nobody Died.'. I posted the first chapter earlier today and look forward to seeing all those of you who like my writing enough to read another of my stories.

And so, for the last time for this story, thanks for reading, subscribing, and/or commenting! I appreciate it so much!