‹ Prequel: Secrets in Blood
Sequel: This God Have Failed
Status: Complete. =)

The King of Fools


My hate for you remains undiscovered, don't let this freak stop you from being like me, excuse me if drunken ho's are the only action you get. The little kid all once knew, has turned into the biggest whore. It sickens me, if you were my blood, my flesh and son I'd kick you outr and disown you faster then you can say 'SCHREI' Don't let me stop you, just know that you are not liked. Everyone hates your guts.


My hate for you remains unseen, I never thought I'd be this angry until you came along. I'd give anything fur dich to fall down into a hole and lose everything, your little band 1you knew is nothing compared to what I can do. You're gone with the wind and everyone's got you identified. You know nothing of us, you just love the fame and the @$$ it brings to you along with the broken hearts. Don't let me stop you, as my hate fur dich remains unseen.


Get back away from me, something's gon' happen I can see, we don't have to like each other just let me get this all out: Ich hasse dich, dich hasslich schlampen de Holle, fur dich to burn out and fall down to a Spears meltdown is something I'd very much like to see. This hate in me is like a brand new feeling. I hate you so much I'll gladly boast it around! Get back (x4) Don't lay a hand on me, I'll make personal sure you blackoutand wake up in the white room no one likes to see.

(Chorus x3)

Heul doch (x3) I hate you so much it's undescribable, you want to fight? I'll make you bleed and cry, You'll never see the light I hate you and I'll make you cry. Fur dich to get back from me is meine greatest dream! Take a hint when I say that your fans are dying out, if you want them to stay and to gain fans another day, release music not that moaning crap you sing!

(Chorus x3)

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Guess you could say Tom is on my "To Hospitalize and/or Have Raped In All Ways" list. =) Ich.Hasse.Dich.Cow.Shitz. =) I thought no one was worse then Bill in the studio (he sounds ok live) but damn. To be outsung by your own flesh and twin in terms of supreme shitty-ness......PWNAGE! >xD Should I send them this song? Oh dear GOD, THAT'S fucking hysterical to think about. *laughs hysterically* Sara if you read this, call from ONE NUMBER PLEASE?? :P