
Bring Me To Life


Val's Point Of View...

I watched as Matt and everyone else made their efforts of calls to Leny after waiting a few seconds after Jimmy came up for her return. She never surfaced. Matt did the only thing left he knew to do. He took a running start and plunged into the water head first. I was still in shock and too worried about the look on Zack's face to pay attention to the hushed conversations going on around me.

Zack's eyes slowly traveled up from the water and met mine and it was then I saw his eyes held nothing but pure fear, worry, and concern. I shot him a glance and a nod towards the water telling him it was okay to go ahead and help find her. He blinked before looking down at the water, then back to me.

He needed a little push, Brian saw this, he caught on, and he gave it to him. He gently pushed him towards the ocean snapping Zack out of whatever trance he was in. He then, also, took a running start and dived into the water. Matt had already been under for nearly a minute and still hadn't resurfaced with her. With the way things were going, he was gonna need Zack's help.

I stood, alternating between biting on my thumb nail and chewing on my lip, just waiting nervously. I crossed and uncrossed my arms. I tapped my foot. I was anxious. I glanced down at the digital watch on my wrist. It's only been about a minute and a half. It seems like hours. This was killing me! I mean, my ex, my best friend, and the love her life could be drowning and all I can do is stand here and wait to see what happens! This is ridiculous.

Just about the time I thought about forgetting all else and diving in myself, someone came up above the water gasping for air. Then someone else. I recognized Matt and Zack. My heat sank. I mean, I could literally feel it sink. She's gone. They didn't find her. She's dead. Those were the first thoughts running through my head.

But my thoughts were put to a sudden halt when they raised her up out of the deep blue sea that had just previously tried to swallow her, and she was cradled in both their arms. I sighed with relief grasping my chest. I thought she was dead. I mean, I thought my best friend had frowned. And then it dawned on me as I watched them lay her out across the soft sand.

Just because she's out of the water, doesn't mean she's breathing.

I watched as Zacky quickly moved away after she was laid down. I shot a sympathetic glance his way. I knew he was still in love with her. It was written all over his face. I quickly walked over and knelt down to her side where Matt was trying to will her out of this state she was in.

"Leny, Leny! Come on. Come on you can do this. Wake up!" He practically begged her. Tapping the side of her face, pumping her stomach with his hands. He was trying everything. I leaned my head down to her mouth.

"She's not breathing!" I cried. "We have to do something, she can't just die!" I exclaimed, looking up at Matt with pleading eyes. He looked down at me terrified. And I'm telling you, I've never, ever seen Matt scared. Even in the short year I've known him. Nothing scares him. But this terrified him.

"Somebody do CPR!" Breanna shouted.

"Matt, can you do CPR?" He looked stunned.

"I-I don't know."

"Didn't you take a CPR class in high school?"

"No, I skipped it!" I sighed and rolled my eyes frustrated.

"Come on people, while we're standing here trying to figure out who's gonna save her, she's gonna die!" Leana exclaimed. And I knew she was right.

Something must have snapped in Zacky. I'm not sure what exactly. Hearing those words maybe? But suddenly he jumped to his feet from his spot in the sand where he had previously been huddled, looking nervous and helpless, like he didn't know what to do to help. Now he was on his feet right next to us.

"I'll do it. i took the CPR classes, I know the whole deal and how to do it." He said, kneeling down next to her so he was across from me almost next to Matt. Matt shot him an unsure look.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked Zack as he was getting ready to try and save her life. Zacky sighed and rolled his eyes leaning up once again.

"Look, we don't have time for this bull. Leny's about to die and you're worried if Zack giving her mouth to mouth to save her life is going to ruin your relationship with her. Well it's not, he's simply trying to help her since you decided to skip those classes so shut up and wait patiently or you won't have a girlfriend!" Brian said, getting very aggravated now.

If there was one thing I've learned about him, he probably has the second worst temper out of the group next to Matt's. Who by the way is silent now. Zacky leaned down carefully over Helena, holding her nose as he did so, and connected his mouth to hers trying desperately to breath the life back into her.

After a minute or two, I'd given up hope. Tears had found there way to my eyes.

"It's not working. She's dead!" I cried.

"No stop it! Don't say that." Zack ordered, sitting up now and looking at me. "Look just, I'm gonna do mouth to mouth again, only this time, every time I come back up, you pump her stomach again, Matt. Alright?" Matt swallowed and nodded. I was silently praying as they proceeded in trying to bring her back to life again.

"Please, please, please." I whispered over and over, my eyes were squeezed shut tight, my hands folded together so tightly under my chin they were white as I anticipated this. Leana, Bre, and Tihana were just as worried. I think at this point, we would've donated our lungs to her if we had to.

I was still whispering my pleads keeping my eyes shut, not wanting to see the seen, when all of a sudden I heard a loud gasp. But not just any gasp. It sounded like a gasp for air. My eyes shot open and the sight I saw was absolutely beautiful. Well, in a way. Her eyes were open! She was breathing again! Well, coughing up water and choking a bit, but she was breathing again! I also noticed that Zack was already about fifteen feet away from her again. Odd, but then again, they weren't exactly on the best of terms when she went out on us and if she woke up to Zack giving her 'the kiss of life' who knows what could've happened.

I snapped out of my thoughts and rushed over to her, pulling her away from Matt and everyone else's comforting arms and into my own. I hugged her tightly to me.

"Oh Leny. Leny, Leny, Leny. Why oh why did you do that?" I murmured. "Why?" I asked, tears sliding down my face. Partly because I was happy, partly because she had me terrified.

"I-I'm sorry." She shivered.

"You're cold?" I asked, pulling away from her slightly. She nodded.

"Hold on." I ran over to where the fire was starting to die out and grabbed her hoodie she was previously wearing that night. I helped her slip it on and then hugged her again. "Don't you ever do that to us again alright? You had me terrified sweetie. I thought you were dead." She shook her head, smiling lightly, weakly.

"You should know I'm not gonna die off that easy. I got way to much trouble to give you guys." A laugh managed to break through my tears and I hugged her once more.

"Even though I've only known you a year, you've become my best friend. If I lost you, I'd be lost myself." I just felt her nod against my shoulder.

I saw Jimmy running over out of the corner of my eye. "May I?" He asked, worry etched all over his face. I gave him a reassuring smile and released her to Jimmy. He immediately wrapped her in his arms.

"I'm so sorry Leny. So, so sorry. I never ever should have agreed to let you go in the water knowing your drunken state. I'm so sorry Leny, please forgive me." He pleaded, looking down at her. She smiled up at him, placing her hand on his face.

"Of course I forgive you Jimmy." She hugged him close to her then. "How could I not? I was the one who suggested it in the first place."

"Yeah but if someone were to drown out of it, it should've been me." She shook her head.

"I'm glad it was me rather than you." He opened his mouth to protest, but she interrupted him. "And I'm fine. So don't worry about it." He kissed the top of her head.

"You've had a lot of accidents in your time, but somehow you always seem to pull through for us." I smiled up at him.

"You're not getting rid of me yet big boy."

"Good, wouldn't want it any other way." They eventually ventured over to where the rest of us were and we decided it was time for bed. It was after all nearly three in the morning.

The Next Day
Leny's Point Of View...

The next day, we were all out on the beach again, but this time just relaxing. No music, no volley balls flying, no alcohol, just relaxation.

"I'm really glad you're okay Lanes." Leana said as we were putting on tanning lotion. I smiled over at her.

"Thanks. I've had a lot of incidents like that in the past you have no idea."

"Well you obviously gave them one heck of a scare this time! I mean, if Zacky hadn't give you mouth to mouth then-"

"Wait, what did you just say?" She looked over at me confused and I set my bottle of tanning lotion down looking at her very seriously.


"What did you just say? Like just a second ago, Li Li?" I asked.

"Oh, that if it weren't for Zacky giving you mouth to mouth you'd probably be dead?" My jaw dropped.

"Are you serious?"

"Yup. It's because of him your alive. Matt was clueless about CPR and wanted to argue with Val over it. Then got jealous when Zacky immediately volunteered to do it. So Brian basically told him to shut his trap and get over it." My jaw dropped once again.

"A-are you serious? I-I mean, when I woke up Zacky was clear away from me. Matt was the one who helped me up and everything."

"Yeah, Zacky fled when you woke. Guess he thought you wouldn't take too well of a liking to his mouth on yours is what Val suggested." She laughed. I sat shocked for another minute before picking my lotion bottle back up and looking over towards Zacky. He hadn't said two words to me since all this happened. And he was my hero? We're barely even on speaking terms!

Later that evening, the girls and I were having small talk while the guys went in to check o dinner.

"Yo ladies! Dinner's ready!'" Johnny shouted out the sliding glass padio door of the dining area where we all eat. I stood up from my spot dusting the sand off my skirt.

"Johnny, must you all ways greet us with, 'Yo ladies'? I mean, we have names."

"Like I'm gonna stand here and rattle off all your names." I shook my head walking towards the door. I sat down in the seat next to Matt and looked at the display of food in front of front of us.

"Wow, this chef knows how to cook!" I said, grinning.

"That's right, I do Mademoiselle." A shorter, older fellow who I'm guessing was the chef came in.

"Oh well hello, the food looks delicious."

"Well thank you Madam, what shall I name you as?" I looked to Matt with a raised eyebrow.

"He means what does he call you? What's your name?"

"Oh!" I looked back to the chef then.

"Leny, you can call me Leny."

"Well then Leny dear, the food may look great, but I'm sure it tastes better!" We both laughed.

"Thank you Leny dear. And by the way, you can call me Chef Papa. That's what everyone call me. But I am certainly delighted that you take a liking to my cooking." He kissed my hand.

"Mathew, you picked a good one you did." He just grinned and leaned over kissing my cheek. I think I felt myself blush for the first time in years. I also felt Zacky's stare on me. It was kind of eery. I wanted to know why he always looked at me like that whenever Matt did something sweet. Jealousy?

Through the rest of dinner, which was delicious by the way, everyone talked, and laughed, and just had a good time. I'd glance over at Zacky now and then to try and get a readable emotion from him. But nothing. He's just so hard to read these days. Used to be I could read him like a book. But that's when we were supposed to be best friends.

"Zachary!" Chef Papa came in with a cheery voice. "You have a visitor here to see you."

"What?" He looked confused. Brian leaned over and whispered something to Zacky, but I could hear what he said.

"I thought no one knew about this trip but us." He nodded.

"Me too."

"The place is reserved for all of you guys, so anyone else that comes and wants to speak with you has to have your permission." Chef Papa explained.

"Well who is it?" Zacky questioned. He shrugged.

"Not sure. Just a girl, maybe about you're age dear." He looked at me. "She didn't give her name."

"I wonder how she found out I'm hear."

"Tabloids?" Chef Papa suggested. Matt looked like he realized something then.

"Tabloids, that's it. It's probably just a fan." He waved his hand in the air as if shooing them off. Zacky nodded, grinning. "I completely forgot. I've survived nearly 48 hours without being asked for an autograph, I guess I forgot that I was famous for awhile and that that was a possibility." Everyone laughed and the boys all nodded in agreement. "Tell the girl I'm busy having dinner with family right now." He shooed the unknown fan off with his fork.

"Very well sir." The chef turned to leave. I had a gut feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm not sure why, I just did.


Later that night, I had just got dressed for bed and was getting ready to climb in when Matt came up behind me, picking me up and swinging me around. I giggled and playfully smacked his arm as he put my feet back in contact with the ground again.

"Spongebob pj's?" He asked, an eyebrow raised at me as he pressed his forehead to mine. I nodded eagerly. "You're so cute." He laughed before leaning down to kiss me lightly. "I'm really glad you're okay baby." He sat down on the bed and wrapped me in his arms. "I know." I leaned my head over on his shoulder.

"I know you are."

"Just promise me you're never gonna do anything like that again?"

"As long as you promise you'll never let me." He wrapped his arms tighter around me and kissed my head.

"Of course not. I didn't want you going out there last night but little miss persistent insisted." I giggled and sat up a little to kiss the tip of his knows. He scrunched up his nose making a face.

"Oh you big baby." I playfully smacked his arm leaning back against him once again.

"Hey Matt?"


"Leana said Zacky did CPR and saved me last night. Is that true?" I asked him. I knew it was true, I was just curious and wanted to hear it from Matt for some reason. He sighed.

"Yes. It's true."

"He still acts like nothing towards me, or better said, he acts like I'm nothing to him." Matt sighed again.

"Look Leny, he's probably just. I dunno, just uptight right now."

"But he was supposed to be my best friend Matt."

"I know. I know. Can we just, go to bed now?" He asked, obviously uncomfortable with the conversation. I sighed.

"Yeah, yeah we can." I curled up under the covers next to him and tried to fall asleep. But it was gonna be kinda hard to fall asleep, when I was more focused on how I've never been able to hold a relationship with a jealous boyfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
OMG!! If you ask me, that was a pretty exciting chapter!! but hey, I'm the writer, I'm supposed to think that. What do you think?! That's what I wanna know! Do you really think that guest for Zacky was just a fan? Maybe. Maybe not. But if not, who? And why did Leny have a gut feeling after she heard about her? Put all the facts together now loves. What a scare Leny gave us there huh? Omg. Wow. And now she's thinkin' about her past relationships and how some got ruined because of a jealous guy! *Gasp* Do I since jealousy coming from Matt? Uh. Oh. 0.0

Be back soon guys! Promise!

Title Credit:
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

Vengeance Princess~