Discovering the Past

For trees...

Gerard looked at me with sorry eyes.
“My god.” I didn’t know if I was crying because Frank didn’t look for me or because the whole story was so sad.
I could not believe it was my story.
“Why would she say that….?” Michael asked, releasing of my thought.,

My mother had lied to Frank, about me. Why? She had lied to me.

“She was probably still mad at him, or was trying to... I don’t know protect you….”
Gerard looked so shocked.
“I cannot believe you are ….his daughter.”
Michael looked so surprised too at the news.
“Why would she do that…?” I wiped away the tears.
“I´m sorry…”
“You have to tell me where he is. Please?”
Suddenly, I felt this strong pain in my chest. I had to find him; I had to tell him I was alive. And that we could be a little dysfunctional family. Me and him.

“I´m sorry, but…”
“You have to; you were his best friend…!”
All the affection I had developed for Frank came back.
“I was….he disappeared. That day….was the last time I saw Frank.”
I cried again. Michael held me tight and I rested my head on his shoulder.
We stood in silence for a second.
“He looked for you, ok? He made a mistake, but he tried to correct it. He always wanted kids,” Gerard smiled sadly.
“Yeah…He even wanted to adopt child, and all those dogs he had…”
Gerard smiled silently. “And I’m sure he would have been a hell of a dad.”
I didn’t know if I should feel good or bad about that.
“Can I ask you something?” If someone had answers, that person was Gerard Way.
“Did you love him?”
Gerard’s face went dark “How could you tell her this things?” He looked angrily at Jr.

“He didn’t tell me, I figured it out myself,” I told Gerard before Jr. could defend himself.
“C´mon Gerard the videos!”
He fell back on the sofa.

“I did. I loved him once"
“What happened?”
“It none of your business,” Gerard stopped being nice.
“So, okay, he dumped you, but what about friendship? You treated him like shit.”
“What does that have to do with you?”
“I’m trying to pull all the pieces together.”
“Well, this is not part of the “puzzle” sweetheart,” He said sarcastically.
“I think you’re just curious.”
“Why you are so mad at him? It´s been, what? 15 years?”
Gerard raised an eyebrow.
“Get over it!”
“Hey! It was my life. You….”
“Okay. This is enough.”
It was Michael. “I don’t want my uncle and girlfriend fighting.”

Girlfriend. My face went red.

Gerard laughed.
“Stop fighting.”
“We weren’t fighting, just that she...” Gerard pointed at me and kept arguing with Jr.

I wanted to kill him….after all the damage he inflicted on my Dad, he didn’t give a damn if he was alive or living under a bridge in Berlin.

“So you don’t know where Frank is?” I cut their discussion off.
“Nope,” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“Any idea where he might be?” Jr. asked.
“His last postcard said Berlin,” I said, crossing my arms also.
“The ones you never wanted to read,” Gerard just looked at the ceiling
“No one can disappear from the face of the earth and not leave something behind,” I said frustrated to Michael, before He started to tell me off again.
“How does he support himself?”
“I don’t know, selling the records?” Gerard said, I could swear he was interested in the matter, but he had put his glasses back. No this guy had a cold heart. He didn’t care.

“We still sell records you know,” He said with a small grin. “You can’t buy a house in LA with that, but I guess you can survive.”
“What about Skeleton Crew?” Michael asked. Gerard just shrunk his shoulders.
“Do you think we can track him?”
“Brian can do it, I guess. He can do everything. I’ll give you…”
“Save it.”
“She already met him.”
“Really? Fuck, you know how to do your homework, don’t you?”
I smirked at him.
“I also talked to Bob, and Ray.”
Gerard’s mouth dropped.
“And dad,” Added Jr.
“Yeah,” I said proudly.
“How are the guys?”
“Fine. You’re so stupid.” I said to him
“Excuse me?” Michael this time just shook his head.
“You all live in the same town, and never met!”
Gerard smiled. “You’re fucking right. But , all of them must hate me.”
“I think they all miss you.”

Gerard didn’t reply. Why would the other guys hate him?
“Anyway, I’ll call Brian,” I said.
“We better get going then.”
Gerard looked annoyed.
“Hey next week…”
“Yeah, I know Dad told me.”
“You can come too, I guess, if you stop asking annoying questions.” I smirked at him and he returned the smirk.
“What’s up next week?”
Gerard just looked annoyed. Michael had a big grin on his face. “Uncle Gee’s birthday, he doesn’t like getting older.”
“It’s not getting older, it’s getting wiser. Forty- seven is not old,” He scratched his head.
“Forties are the new thirties.”
“Yeah, for trees!” I said, the exact words my father once told him, I had seen it in the videos, and when Gerard said that it just came naturally.
Michael and I laughed, but Gerard didn’t.

“Of all the first girlfriends in the world that you can pick, you had to pick, Frank Iero’s daughter!!”
Mikey went red like a tomato. He just waved his hand at him, and pulled me out of the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for readng..
comments please!!!