Discovering the Past

Where the hell are You?

The next morning I felt tired for not reason, I didn´t wanted to leave the bed.
The events of the preview night stood in head for the rest of the day.
The happiness of seeing long time lost friends, brother. But still, something missing.

It was him? The missing part?

No. After so much time, I had learnt not to miss Frank anymore, not to think of him anymore.


“Frankie, woke up…”
I was full dress already
“Don´t….waant…to” He mumbled, covering himself with the sheets.
I smiled at his cuteness.
“Baby, the plane´s going to leave you”
He said more incoherencies.
“You´re going to Jersey remember?” I rubbed his back thought the sheets, gently.
He sat on the bed, fully awake.
I gave him a peck on the lips. After stretching Frank went to the bathroom.
“Stop looking at my ass!” He said before closing the door behind him.
I laughed.
I had never thought I would become so depended of Frank. I loved him so much.

We had the perfect plan, almost perfect and then two day later, at Ray´s party, We were going to tell the guys. Finally free to express our love. Well, actually it was almost perfect, I had already told my mom.
She freaked out. Totally lost it.
Frankie was scare, I could tell, but I had faith in him. I was scare myself but the idea of having him for the rest of my life gave me courage. I didn´t care what my mom said I was my life not hers.
I had waited almost two months, hiding, lying. I was sick of it.

“So, I´ll be back for the party, just in time. We´ll meet there” He said as He was putting his pants and looking for some t shirt. He was nervous.
I went to where He was and kissed him full in the lips.
“It´s okay, Frankie your dad is way more understandable that my mom”.
He just nodded, going to the bathroom.
“Everything is going to be alrigtht” He got out with tooth brush and a little bag.

I sat on the bed and he sat next to me.
We smiled at each other like fools.
“You´re cute”.
He giggle and kiss the top of my nose.
“I love you” I said. “I want to see your face every day until I´m so old ..” He cut me with a kiss, biting my lower lip.
He smiled into the kiss.
“Just the two of us” I whisper when We separated
“And Rose Helena!”
“Who?” I raised an eyebrow “Is that a dog name?..”
“More like a kid name…” He blushed. “You know We could…adopt…and that...”
I looked at him in aware.
“Yeah, why not?” He looked me for the first time since He said the name.
“I never thought in that before, that´s all…” I caressed his head.
“Rose Helena?” Finally realizing of the name.
“Our Grandmothers…” He said blushed.
“Aww..It´s cute…” He giggled.
“So what do you think…”
“I think We´ll have time to discuss that….” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kiss him softly “I just want to be happy with you, and that you´re happy aswell”


I went to the kitchen, I guess I should eat something
The phone rang
“Gerard, Hi!”
An exited voice sounded in the other side of the line. I´ve already know who was it, I had forgave of him.
“Hey, Matt. How are you?”
“Great. Hey, do you want to go out to have dinner with me tonight?”.
I doubted for a minute, but I guessed that a dinner out and some sex at the end of the night, won´t be that bad, I needed to clear my head anyway
“Great!” He almost yelled.”I´ll pick you at eight”
“Okay. See ya”

I smiled at his cuteness and hung up.
Matt and I met in a comic conference, He was an artist also, very cute and had a crush on me. We dated and fucked occasionally. He was funny to go out and was hot as hell; younger also.
I returned to sleep a little more.

When I laid in bed there was something bother me, for the first time actually, I realized something, there a question, none seems to be able of answer.

Where the hell is Frank Iero?
♠ ♠ ♠
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