Discovering the Past

Internet...Use it!

I entered the house; it was nice. She led me to the kitchen, looking at mefrom time to time in a curious way.
“Sit down please.” I sat by the window, looking outside; she had so many plants.
She went to the fridge.
“I got no milk, maybe some orange juice?”
“It´s okay,” I didn’t like orange juice.
“Maybe some coffee?” I asked a little ashamed.

She went to the coffee machine, and I could swear she hid a smirk.
Seconds later, she was sitting in front of me with a cup of coffee for the both of us.
“ did you recognize me?” I took a sip of the hot coffee, it smelled so good.
“I have seen pictures of you.”
She nodded as she drink her coffee.

“How is your mother? I haven’t talked to her in years…” she counted mentally. “… 5 years maybe.”
“Five?” My mom was in serious trouble.
“You seem surprised.”
“I am,” I said honestly.
“I should be surprised. What motive brings you to my door?” She asked me with a smile.
“Err. Well…” I thought for a moment. “I’m kind of searching into my mother's past.”
“Your mother's past? Wow. It was a crazy time,” She had a wide smile in her face. “Why don’t you ask your mom? She'd know better.”
“She’s kind of avoiding the subject,” I looked at her and then to the coffee. “She’s hiding things.”
Emily arched a eyebrow.
“You for example.”
“She said…” I thought again; she was going to be pissed. “She told me you were dead." I said almost whispering.
She almost spilled the coffee in my face.
“Sorry,” I looked at my coffee again.
“Why would she said that?”
“I don’t know. You knew my mother before I was born, why would she hid everything from that time?”
“Well, I don’t know why she would hide the fact that I’m still breathing for God´s sake,” She took a deep breath. “But she must have her reasons” She was clearly annoyed.
“Maybe because of my dad?” I said slowly.
“What about him?” She crossed her arms over her chest.
“I don’t know him,” I bit my lower lip and looked at her, pleading for some answers.
“Your dad lives with you.”
“I meant my real dad.”
“Oh,” She froze and her face went pale.
“Did you …”
“No” she said too quickly.
“Honey. I got a lot of things to do.”
“You know who He is, don't you?”
She stood and started to lead me to the door.

“Please. I need to know,” I said as she dragged me to the front door.
“Ask your mom.”
“She doesn’t tell me!” I felt the despair, she was my only hope.
“Please Emily. Frank what? Please.”
Her eyes opened like plates. We were at the door.
“Please.” I was about to cry.
She sighed.
“Please, I need to know, if He is dead, or alive, or living under a bridge!!!"
She closed her eyes slowly.
We went back to the kitchen.

“During that time your mom and I were inseparable. We were young and passionate. Both of us were rock fans and loved to go to the concerts and festivals. Every week a different city. We worked in a coffee shop and with the money went to concerts.”
I listened carefully.
“Aiden. Avenged Sevenfold..”
I nodded; I had seen and listened the CDs.

“They were before your time. But they were great in the beginning of the century you know? There was a special band we were fans of…”
She looked at the ceiling and smiled. “My Chemical Romance.”
I remembered the CD I had seen.
“They were just great. Everything about them. Their looks, their music, their message. I even got a tattoo. And your mom .... she was just crazy about them. Of course we and million of others kids around the world" She smiled again.
"But I had a cousin, and he had a friend and the friend had a brother who worked as a sound guy in the My Chem crew”

Suddenly,Emily started to sound like a teenager. All exited just to say the world Chemical or Romance.
“So you knew them?”
She game me an evil smile
“After a concert we were introduce to the band” She lowered her voice, like she was telling me a secret.
“Oh My God!” I jumped on my seat when she screamed. “They where so cute and real, not like those stupid rocks stars who think that they are gods. They were just normal people, with great ideas and power to say them and be heard.”

I nodded and smiled at the idea.
”Molly was so nervous, She even confused Gerard's name and called him by his nickname, Gee,” She giggled.
I laughed too at the idea of my mother all nervous, confusing a guy's name.
“Gerard?” I asked second later.
She opened her eyes like the moon.
“Gerard Way.” I still had no idea. “The singer. What do they teach you in school?”
I smiled a little ashamed.
“Well. After that we kept seeing them after a couple of concerts. And your mom and Frank...”
Something jumped inside my stomach at the pronunciation of my father’s name.
“There was something there, you could tell, the way he looked at her. You mom was so funny and he was hilarious. Both vegetarians and smoked like junkies.”
“Wait, wait…..My mother smoked?”
“Like a chimney.”
She laughed.

“She is so going to kill me for telling you this, but I’m already dead, right?” She smirked at me, her eyes were shining.
“Right,” I said nodding and smirking too.
“So…they hang out for a week or so, and they were already a couple, a weird couple, but maybe because Frank was weird.” She moved her head.
“The whole band was surprised with your mother being Frank's girlfriend, and Gerard didn’t like it”
“Don’t know.”
“What happened when she got pregnant?”
“I really don’t know, Their relationship didn’t last more that a month, they had big fights all the time. And one day your mother said she had to travel. And disappeared. I didn’t hear from her until after you were born.”
“How do you know Frank is my father?”
“I really don’t know.”
“Damn it.”
“But …”She thought for a moment.
"I see him in you. It´s like you had the Iero genes"
I couldn’t help but smile. Iero.
That was his last name, I liked even though I didn´t know how to pronounced.
"The eyes, always moving, even if you’re still; the way you smile.”
She looked down.
"I don’t think I should have said this to you but… He was a nice guy, very sensible and funny.”
We went to entrance, “One last thing.”
She looked at me, waiting for the question.
“Where is he?”
“I don’t know. The band disappeared. And all the members did too. I haven’t heard anything of any of the guys.” I made a sad face.
“You should ask you mom”
“She’s in Hawaii. Second honeymoon,” I put my eyes on blank and just moved my head.
“She kind of promised me to tell me something after ..I hope she does. But thanks.”
She held me tight.
“And tell your mom, that I want to see her ass begging me for forgiveness. We were soldiers in the MCRmy!!”
“Internet honey, use it!!!!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, update