Discovering the Past

And here We go again

“So you want us to go to every fucking retirement home in the country and look for this dude?”
He made a strange sound. “Well, at the least the ones in London.”
“But you already have the information you want. Frank killed himself because his boyfriend died.”
I just looked angrily at Gerard.
“Case solved.”
“But that´s even more strange; who that hell is Paul Harner then, where does he fit, there is no connection Gee!”
“I don´t care,” He kept walking fast until we reached the hotel.
I let out a small frustrated scream, “I care!”
“And I’m going to find out!” He got out of the car and opened the door for me.
He let a small groan.
I made an evil grin but Gerard didn´t see it, he kept talking until he slammed the door of his bedroom.

He was jealous

So for the next day we had a list of retirement homes close to London. There were about ten. I wanted to search more, but Gerard just looked at me in the way my mom looked at me when she says
A no is a no

So, we had been going to all the retirement homes since early that morning. They were all the same, full of old people, nurses, and in all of them the same answer, there was no Paul Harner working there. This time we got the car back.

It was almost 5 pm when we reached another place. It was the 6th we checked. Gerard was stressed and I tried to keep the mood light.
“I´ll wait here,”
He said this time.
“Okay,” I get out of the car and closed the door. “Asshole,” and walked into the place, it seemed a nice place, prettier than the others. It was located between some hills and there was a lake not too far away.
“Excuse me?”
A girl in her twenties with brown long hair and a white uniform was in the reception table. She looked kind.
“Yes?” The girl smiled at me. “How can I help you?”

“Well…” I read the name on her uniform, Lauren. “I´m looking for some information.”
“Of course,” She put out a paper, ”Here in the brochure you can find all the information you need, I can assure you that we take care in the best way we can of our patients.” she talked without stopping, like a well learned speech.
“We have the best facilities and the most qualified nurses and doctors in the whole region.”
“That´s great, but I’m looking for a person…?”
“Oh,” She smiled,
“A family member interned here?”
She looked at her computer.
“Actually a worker…”
“Oh,” she looked around.
“Well I’m new here. But, Hey!” she waved to a girl.
She called for anothe girl dressed in white; she looked more like a nurse.
Emily came closer to the receptionist’s desk.
“Lauren, no yelling please” Lauren nodded, embarrassed, “Tell me.”
“This young lady wants to know about a worker here.”

Emily had a strange combination of grey and green eyes. Her black hair and pale skin made her really beautiful.
“Err. His name is Paul Harner.”
Emily looked strangely at me.
“Forget it, probably you don´t know who he is…”
“No wait,”
My heart jumped.
“I know Paul, but it’s just that…”
“Well, nothing.”
“C´mon I’ll take you to him.”

Lauren waved goodbye to me and I waved back.
I followed Emily through the place; it was pretty illuminated and clean.
Old people all over the place, playing games or talking, watching TV, soft music in the background.
She guided me to another area, more like a deposit area.
We entered a room that seemed like a big store room, there were supplies.
“Okay, he’s supposed to be here at this time…” She looked at her watch.
“Oh,” Her cell phone rang.
“Oh sorry, I have to take this” She looked her cell phone and started to leave.
“Just go straight, he should be there,” she pointed at a door.
Before I could ask her what the guy looked like she left.
♠ ♠ ♠
comments? sorry is short, more comming!