Discovering the Past


It was Michael at the frame of the door and behind him, Frank.
“Hey, c´mon in”
“Hi” Frank was wearing a hoodie hiding his face in certain way. I hugged him to gave him reassurance.
I entered into the house followed by junior and Frank.
When He faced the guys inside the house the only one that kept smiling was Matt.
“Guys…” I told them.
The first one to do something was Bob. He stood from his seat. Then Ray left the magazine he was looking up and started to walk in the direction of Frank. Frank took a step back…Ray stood in front of him.
“Ray…” Frank whispered….”you……. cut your hair”

Why that was the first thing everyone notice?

“Motherfucker” When I was ready to stop a possible punch. Ray was hugging Frank. The smaller man was motionless, his arms on his sides while Ray was taking the air of him after some seconds He was sobbing and Frank was hugging back.
“You….could…haav..e call?”
“I´m ….soo..rry” Frank was sobbing too.
“Get out Toro” It was Bob He hugged Frank even harder. “Bob..I……………. can´t……………………. breath” The tears were streaming from both men faces. It was so moving, Bob squeezed life from Frank´s body. He didn´t say a word, but whit they broke apart Bob punched Frank on the chest and smiled. Behind Bob figure was Brian, He was serious.
“God” He came closer slow. Frank was in no good shape by then, his body shaking from all the crying. “God” He touch Frank face and wiped some tear. It was really sweet. They hugged for what it seemed forever. After Brian, Mikey came.
I think He was the more tragic of all, Mikey was hugging himself.
“Frankie, Why You did that?” Frank started to cry all over again, I thought for a moment that He was going to break. He was close to, when Mikey hold him and Frank put his head on Mikey´s shoulder and cried. The other guys started to come closer.
“It´s okay” Ray said caressing Frank hair. “It´s okay man”
“Just breath, Frank” It was Bob who was caressing Frank´s back. He hugged Frank too, Ray and Brian came after. It was a big hug group. There was only one person missing. I felt Michael hand took mine I smile at the feeling. I looked around and see Gerard sitting on the couch still. His body was like ready to stand up and go with the rest of the guys. But there was something holding him back. A hand intertwined with his hand. Matt´s hand. He was holding Gerard with so strength. Even when Gerard wanted to stand up. The hand kept him in place.
I wanted to go and punch Matt. Instead I just when over to Gerard and put my hand over his shoulder. He was looking down. Slowly He raised his hand over to me, I looked at him and smiled. Gerard looked at Matt, which upset me even more.

“I…I can´t” He stood and release from Matt´s hand, he passed next to the group that didn´t notice him and leave the house, closing the door behind him.

In that moment I thought nobody had noticed Gerard living. Nobody turn his face, they were concentrated in the hug in each others.

After several minutes of the guys holding and crying they started to calm down. Frank cleaned the tears and walked slowly to the couch and sat there, Mikey next to him and Ray to the other side.
“Bring a glass of water” Said Bob to Michael.
“Drink it dude” Frank did what Bob said and drank the water.
He was like a small kid that felt and hurt his knee, crying and sobbing
After like half an hour He was kind of calm as the rest of the guys. Gerard still missing and Matt still sitting in the same couch with his porcelain face and unbreakable smile.

After the whole drama shit, they started to talk like if the time apart was never existence.
They talk of everything it was like each one of the guys talked of his life.
Bob new company and girlfriend which I didn´t know about, they lived together two years already. He was happy, but missed playing too much, his wrist was in no shape to play but that because He didn´t follow therapy after the operation. The doctors said that he needed a second one but He didn´t see the point.

Ray and Krista were happily married and Anthony, his adopted son was the light of his life. He had decided to put the academy when He saw how easy was for him to teach Anthony how to play.

Brian was living with someone too. His secretary. I have to laugh when He said how talented she was, as a secretary of course. He managed a lot of small bands from NY and NJ, but nothing like MCR.

Mikey was the most success of all in business, his Producer company was very good, even if the bands were not that famous they were good and going big, the most important thing for Mikey was that the band had a purpose. He talk shortly of Alicia´s dead, it was painful still and He was so proud of how was Jr doing.

After all the catching up talking of the rest of the guys.
Frank started to talk about his job at London, a little about Jasper. And that was all, nobody pushed the subject of the pretended dead.

“Dad” Michael had to interrupt.
“We should order dinner. Don´t you think?”
“Yeah right! Dinner. I totally forgot, Can you call?”
Michael rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen
“I offered to cook, but he didn´t let me”
I looked at Mikey.
“It´s okay. You tend to burn things”
“No I don´t”
“Yes you do“
Frank and Bob said at unison.
We all laughed.
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ok, another short one!
please comment!!!