Discovering the Past


“Hi. Are you new?”
A nice lady, brunnette and tall greeted me at the door. She looked like a model, but not that young anymore.
“I…” I smiled not know what to say, she was really beautiful.
“I’d like to talk with Mr. Toro please?”
“C’mon in. He’s finishing a lesson.” I could hear the guitars playing in the back. It sounded amazing.
“I’m his wife, you can sign up for the course with me too.” We held hands. I smiled.
“I kind of… want to talk to him.”
“Okay,” She looked puzzled but held the smile on her face.
“I’m Krista by the way.”
“Rose.” She looked at me and nodded. “Rose…Iero.”
She opened her eyes bigger.
“I’m Frank Iero’s niece.” Bob’s idea of who I was gave the perfect cover.
“He and your husband-”
“I do know who Frank is,” She smiled. “How is he?”
“I haven’t seen him in years, I don’t even remember him. I’m trying to find him, and learn more about him.”
“Sure,” She nodded. She looked at me; analyzing me.
“You look a lot like him.”
“Really?” I said excited.
“Yes.” I had a huge grin on my face.
“Oh, here is Ray.”

There were kids coming from a room, and behind them, was a guy that I assumed was Ray, He hadn’t changed a lot like Bob had. Only his fro. His curly and short hair let me see his face; he had tender eyes, and he smiled when he saw his wife.
“Bye guys.” He said to the kids. “Zack, I want that part learned for tomorrow,” A small kid smiled and nodded.
Krista went by him and told him something in the ear.
Then he looked at me and nodded to his wife.
Ray came closer to me.
“Hi,” I said. “I’m Rose.”
“Frank’s niece?”
“Nice to meet you.” He gave me a little smile. “Come.” We entered a room, which had lots of guitars all around, and mirrors.

“So Krista said you don’t know where Frank is.”
“Nope. I thought maybe you’d have an idea.”
“Sorry girl.” He looked in the distance like searching for something in the air, a memory, a track. “I wish I knew. I haven’t seen your uncle since 2011.”

Good. The last time bob saw him it was 2009.

“We met at a party with Jamia.”
The wife.
“I was hoping you can told about the time you and Frank where in the band.”
He grinned.
“My Chem…” He closed his eyes for a second. “God, it’s been so long.” He scratched his head, now with short hair.
“We were…”He thought.
“Great?” I said.
“Yeah, Great.”
“I talked with Bob, he said the same.”
“You saw Bob. How is he?”
“Really?” He laughed out loud,
“I guess things change.”
I just nodded.

“So…Frankie.” He smiled, remembering, ”He……………..He was a crazy little guy, great with the guitar. He could come out with some chords, I will never dream off. The best rhythm guitarist I’ve ever played with.”
I smiled.
“What happened? Why did you guys split up?”

His face changed and he tensed up.

“Bob told me about Frank and Gerard fighting.”
“Oh, those bastards,” He relaxed a little.
“They were so fucking in love with each other.”
He laughed nervously. “I meant they were perfect for each other, they were best friends and brothers.”
“Why’d they fight then?”
He looked nervously at me again, ”I think Gerard was jealous. Frank dated a girl for a while; I don’t recall her name…”
“Yeah! Molly!!” He yelled, apparently happy to remember my mother's name
“Gerard was so jealous…because they were friends, you know.” He tensed up again.
“After Molly disappeared, They were okayagain. Then He went back with Jamia. Then the fights became just too big and loud. And after that silence.”
I looked at him, confused.

“They didn’t talk to each other for months before the band broke up. Even the day we were at the airport, saying goodbye, they fought. It was awful.”
"I remember clearly…"


“Bye Mikey, take care.” Ray held Mikey tight. “Alicia, take care,” Mikey had tears in his eyes.
Gerard was holding Bob. And Frank was talking to Brian.
“So this is it.” Ray said to a crying Mikey.
“Gerard, come here man.” Ray called Gerard and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Stay strong, okay. Don’t want to know you’re going back to that shit.” Gerard had tear-filled eyes. He just moved his head in a negative answer. “I love you man.”
“If you don’t want this to be over, just say it, and we can fix it.” Ray said to Gerard.
“There are things you can’t fix.” He looked at Frank, who was now consoling a crying Brian.
“Hey, at least say goodbye to him”. Gerard just nodded.

He went to Frank, who was giving him the back. He touched Franks shoulder and he turned around. He didn’t give the chance for Frank to respond, and before he knew he was on the floor with blood coming from his mouth. Gerard had punched him in the face.
Frank looked into Gerard’s eyes for a moment, not believing what had just happened. All the other guys froze. Frank pulled himself together slowly and stood up.
“Screw you Iero. I hope you regret this everyday of your pathetic existence.”
Frank just stood still, listening.
He took a deep breath as Gerard finished his speech of insult.
“I hope that you have nightmares about this. You screw everything, you motherfucker.”
Jamia came from behind and grabbed Frank’s arm pulling him away.
“Are you fucking crazy?” Gerard looked at her with the same fury.
Frank had tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry.” He said in a small voice.


“We never knew what happened.”
“Whoa, that was intense. They really fought, didn’t they?”
"Yeah. It was nasty.”
“Listen, I need to find my …” I was going to said dad, “…uncle.”
“I don’t know where he is. I would like to know, but he disappeared.”
“And what about Gerard, you think I could talk to him?”
“I haven’t seen him in years, but he does`'t talk about Frank. He is still mad or it’s still too painful, don’t know.”
“Maybe Mikey can contact you with Gerard. They see each other; I think…..I hope.”
“They brothers right?”

Mikey, the cute one. I got exited.

“Wait, no.”
“He moved to LA. I don’t have his new number.”
“I have Brian’s number.”
“Our old manager.”
“He must know.” He smiled taking out his cell phone. “Mikey has a record company and Brian knows everything about record companies, I even think he manages a band from Mikey’s label.”
I jumped from my seat.
He looked at me puzzled.
“Listen kid, you’re moving things here that have been buried for years, be careful, you might find things you don’t like. We all have secrets and a dark past.”
I looked at him seriously.
“Just a warning, listen to an old man like me.” He smiled.
“The past doesn’t make you.” I said.
“But it can mark you,” He smiled tenderly.
“Good luck.” He gave me Brian’s number and address.
“Thanks Mr. Toro.” I stretched my hand but he held my eyes.
“Call me Ray.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay update
tell me waht you think, thaks for reading!!!