Discovering the Past

Friends again?

“And how are thing going between you and Frank?” I asked Rose. We were gong to have some coffe at Starbucks.
“Great!” She smiled “We went to the Zoo the other day”
“To the zoo??”
“Yeah, he said that he wanted to do all the things he missed…Even if they are stupid for my age”
“I loved it..I didn't find it stupid at all”
“Then it's great” We kept on walking.
“I'm really happy, you know, that you are having this with him, I’m sure It makes him very happy”
“Since when you are worried about Frank's happiness?” She asked doubtful
“Hahaha. Truly fair. We kind of made peace. Haven't he told you?” I tried to sound casual about the matter.
“No. We don't talk about you, ever. I've never touched the topic”
“Oh. Why?”
“I was afraid of his reaction”
“Okay, I understand”
“So are you guys talking?” She couldn't hide the happiness and exciment in her voice, but I had to tell her the truth.
“No, We haven’t..”
“But…. .I guess I could…. give him a call…”
“Yeah!! Totally!!!!!” She almost jumped. “Tomorrow we are going to a fair outside the city, Want to come?”
“A fair?”
“I told you, recovering the time”
“Yeah..Er..If it's okay with him..”
“Totally, Michael is coming too”

We get to the Starbucks. I had picked her after school and decided we needed coffee.
We kept the subject light, about the new series from my comic.
“A movie?”
“I'm not so sure about it..”
There was an important offer from a film company, after all this time, they were interested in making The Umbrella Academy a movie.
“I don't want them to change the story” I wasn't so sure about it, but there was a big opportunity for the story and for me.
“No way, I think it will be great” I just shrugged and drank more coffee.
“The story is amazing and you´re hitting new generation here”
“Okay…that made me feel old”. I laughed bitterly.
“You're not old, Gee. It's all in your head”
“Who's the grown up here?”
She laughed, that contagious laugh she had, the kind of laugh that made me see Frank in her.

The next day came quickly, it was Saturday so we met at the fair, I arrived with Michael and Frank with Rose.
It was awkward at the beginning, the kids got ahead and left us alone with the two of us.

“I thought you'll bring Matt” Frank said looking at the front.
I looked at him puzzled.
“Oh, Matt!” I laughed remember the whole Matt experience.
“We're not together anymore”
“Sorry”. He said trufully.
“It's okay”

We got to one game, it was some giant cups spinning.
“This one!” Rose screamed and pulled Michael alone with him. We both laughed. “She´s so energetic, isn't she?” Frank asked lighting a cigarette.
“I thought you gave up smoking” I pointed at the cigar in his mouth.
He smiled bitterly and shruged.
“Yeah, she is energetic…Must be the Iero genes” He just smiled and blushed a little.
“I guess” He got the same face he always had every time someone bother him about his undying energy of costume of kick things or hurt people on stage.

“Frank!!!!! C'mon!”
It was Rose, she was with Jr in the line to the game.
We went to where they were.
“Aren't you going to come??” She asked me.
“There's no way …”
“Giant cups and me, don't get together well, But I'm sure Frank will love it…” I knew he didn't like it. Frank pretended a smile and turned off the cigar.
I had to suppress a laugh.
After the cups, we went to fire the ducks and then to the carousel.Then we bought some cotton candy.
“I felt like Disney” Frank said lighting another cigar. “I hate Disney”

It was dark already. Frank had the same “enthusiastic” face as me. I remembered that he hated Disney as much as me.
He spend the whole day smoking and laughing at Rose.

In some strange way, I felt comfortable and quiet. That whole family environment felt nice. Michael looked happy as well, I wished Alicia could be here too.

The last game we went was the Fortune Fade.
Of course Michael and Rose went together, leaving me with Frank.

“I don't like highs” Frank started to get worried, he looked down and then back to his seat while the wheel keep moving slowly.
“Yeah, I remember, don't worry, nothing will happen” I noticed he smiled at me. Even if it was Frank in front of me, there was still something missing of him, it was like if he was back but not entirely.
I guess people change.

I've changed, maybe we had change and there was no way that we could be friends in the way we were.

“I could missed this particular part of her life” He brought me back from my thoughts.
I laughed.
“Men, this is exhausting”
I couldn't help but smile at that. I didn't notice I was staring at him.
“Err. Nothing..”
Tell me.
“Your….laugh….it was a while…..”
He smiled.
“It's good to see you too again” He stood in silence for a second.
After some minutes the wheel stopped, We were in a very high part.
“Jesus” Frank looked down, and fell on the seat, putting the seat bell.
I just couldn't stop myself from laughing.
He said annoyed.
“You're funny”
He just looked at me, again I felt that the person in front of me was another one, It was Paul or the shadow of Frank. His eyes looked different for moments.
“Relax. Don't look down” I tried to say something.
He just smiled and Frank was back.
The rest of the ride was the same silence we had enjoyed on the balcony that day.
That peaceful silence, no need for words. Just that peaceful silence.
“It was fun, wasn't it?” Frank smiled at Rose and lit another cigar.

“Okay it's time to go” Frank said.
“Yeah, tomorrow's a big day”
“What's up tomorrow?” I didn't understand.
Michael just looked at me. “Frank's going to Rose house."
“You haven't gone yet???!”
Frank just walked to the car.
“No, he haven’t, Is that a problem…?” Rose asked looking at me in a not very friendly way. She looked like Frank when he was mad.
“But!! But!!”
“Drop it Gerard” She went inside Frank's rented car and closed the door strongly, Frank was inside already, he waited for us to come into the car on the driver seat.
“They don't like to talk about it” Jr. whispered to me.
“I see” We went inside the car in silence. The whole ride was silent.

I wondered why Frank postponed so much talking to Molly, It was obvious that they should clarify the situation. If I were him, I'd be dying to tell the truth in that woman face. I had come to load that woman.

Frank dropped Michael at his house and then me.
I was leaving the car. “Good luck tomorrow” I waved my hand and started to walk to my door.
“Gerard” I heard the sound of someone leaving the car. I turned to see Frank coming to me.
He scratched his head and started to look for a cigarette in his pocket.
“Do you have something to do tomorrow?”
“Can you….come..tomorrow. You know”
“Are you sure?”
He thought for a second.
“Yeah. I'm sure”
“It's weird…..Your presence bring me peace”

I though It was only me.

“It's weird, I guess, that I feel so relieved that we had become fri….that we are talking again”
“Yeah, I know”
“It's like Jasper said….He always thought that we should make peace” He smiled as he lit the cigarette.

Jasper. I am going to name my dog like that.

“Sure….Ehh, you can pick me up tomorrow “
“At noon?” He asked.
“Yeah, okay”
♠ ♠ ♠
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