Discovering the Past

You´re not alone

Frank POV

-Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be-

I looked himself on the mirror, for the hundred time. I was so nervous about the whole Molly meeting. But this was part of the process, I had found. No Rosie had found me and bring me back to life, and a price of being a part in her life was facing Molly.
I remembered howsShe lied to me when I went to look for his child.

“The baby died Frank, it´s fucking dead”

For moments I thought I have no right in judging her, I´ve made so many mistakes in my life, I was no one, but stills, it felt so unreal.
I started to doubt if inviting Gerard was in fact a good idea.

She´ll freak out, to see us together
Not together
We were not together.
I was still alone.

Only the moment that I shared with Rosie where colorful and full of joy, most of the time I just sat on the bed, in the hotel room, looking at the ceiling, I didn´t feel like I had a purpose. I didn´t feel some one care for me apart of my daughter maybe ex band mates, but they had their own lives now, and I ´m not going to be a burden to any of them.

Even if I couldn´t admitted it, I was depress again, depress and with no wait out. There was no way I was going to give the trauma of her life to her daughter to have a suicide father. I just felt sick imaging that. But I couldn´t help the emptiness inside me. There was no inspiration apart from her, so I decide to build my world around her, and It works, for a while, but she always go back to her house, or sometimes She was out with her boyfriend cancelling our meetings.

I changed clothes again.

-You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold-

I missed Jasper, lately I’ve been missing him a lot. Missing our conversations, I never get bored talking with him. He had past for so much during his live, He also loved to listen to me talking about my childhood, about my dad, about the band, about Jamia.

I haven´t had a decent conversation with someone since him, maybe that talk with Gerard the other day.



I stop in the little kitchen of the hotel room. And grab a glass of water, again I doubt if having Gerard there was a good idea. I started to doubt if having Gerard in my life again was a good idea.
I mean it was great that We are talking but I could help felt nervous around him, but peaceful still.

I´m must be insane.

It was weird, but nothing with Gerard was normal. It was always strange or conflicted, Gerard was those kind of persons that you can´t be in calm, because his only presence is strong, He always had that bit of arrogance in his look, He didn´t mean it but He was a attractive human, You can´t help feel dragged by him.

-Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away-

I finished my hair and grabbed the keys of the car I was renting.

Buy a car…..I must remember to buy a car

I tried to stay calm. I didn´t know how Molly was going to react.

-Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone-

Breath, Frank. Breath.

Gerard POV

-You are not alone
I am here with you--

Though you're far away
I am here to stay-

I was getting ready to go to Molly´s house, Rosie´s house.
The last time We saw each other’s it wasn’t very nice. So I really don´t know what I was thinking when I said Yes to Frank yesterday.

I must be insane.

I guess that I can´t say no to Frank. he had that power over me, he always had, he just have to looked at me with his deep eyes and maybe smile a little and he got me, he always did that, and now he still, I don´t even think that he´s aware of that.

So I´m going to see Frank, so he won ´t feel alone with her. She probably was going to ripped him apart.

-You are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
You are not alone-

I was going to help him, even if I didn´t want it to admit it, I was going to make him company. I was sure he was scared as hell. He gave me those eyes when he asked me to go with him, I couldn´t say no to those eyes. He knew that and he was using that.
I went to the car and started up.

“And now an oldie with My Chemical Romance.
The world is Ugly
Enjoy friends.”

“Oldie, my ass”
As the song played, I remembered that day in the airport, and Rosie asking me about that song. There was no way I was going to tell her that the song was all about Frank.
I smiled bitterly As I remembered in what depressing state I was when I wrote it.

I arrived to Rosie´s house, there was a strange car parked outsite, I imagine it was Frank´s rented car. I had called him early, to tell him that I´ll be arriving in my own car. I thought that It´ll be even more weird if We arrived together.

--Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms-

I knocked on the door.
“Coming!” It was Rosie. She opened the door with a big smile on her face.
“Hey Gee!!!!” she hugged me, no she launched at me.
“Okay!” I hugged her bad. “Someone is happy”
“Yeah!! C´mon in, Why took you so long?” I watched at my clock. “but, Frank said…”
“It doesn´t matter, C´mon in” We entered the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks guys for keep on reading!
The song is from Michael Jackson. "You´re not alone"
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