Discovering the Past

He left his coat

Frank got into the house after a while, Gerard was not with him anymore.
“Where is G?”
“He remembered that He had something important to do” Aswered Frank with a plane expression
“What?!!!” I waited a moment expecting any other explanation
“But He didn´t say goodbye”
Frank just shrunken his shoulders, putting his hands inside his pockets and when to the kitchen where Mom was.
After some minutes, He was out.
“It was some kind of emergency? Is Mikey okay? I mean He left his coat and…”
“No, Rose, drop it!!”
He, for the first time yelled at me.
Joe and mom froze on their spot.
“Sorry” I went upstairs.

I got to my room and sat on the bed. Maybe I was overreacting, but I saw Frank more like this great and funny big friend, like a big brother more than a Father.
“Rose” There was a knock on the open door.
“I didn´t meant to yelled you”
“It´s okay, I was being annoying”
“Still” He sat next to me, “I promise I won´t do it again”
“You´re my father, that´s what father do”
I laughed at him. “Tell their kids when they´re being annoying"
“So I guess I´m doing my job” I smile again, he looked different, sad.
“Is everything okay” He smiled and me, but I saw that his eyes were still sad.
“Sure, honey”
He looked around my room.
“So this is your room “ I just nodded, Frank stood and started to see the pictures and portraits on my walls, the frames on my night table.
“You were a cute baby”
“Thanks” I smiled again.
“Oh shit… I almost forgot”
I went to my closet and got out the present I wanted to give Frank.
He froze. He looked at the white guitar like some kind of monster.
“Take it” I insisted “ It´s not going to bite you” I joked.
He smiled nervously.
“I can´t take it, it´s yours now”
“I want you to have it”
“I don´t play anymore” He looked afraid of the instrument.
“You can star again” I stretched my arm a little more so the guitar was practically in front of his nose.
“But, you practice with this one” He made up an excuse
“It´s okay. I got another one and besides, my birthday is coming..” I made an evil smile.
He smiled also and make an attempt to take the guitar
“Are you sure?”
“Just take it!”
“Okay, okay”
I sighed in victory
“Thank you”
He seemed really grateful for the give; afer a moment We went downstairs, where Mom and Joe were having some wine, after like an hour or so of more chatting Frank left. I didn´t asked about Gerard anymore. After Frank left the house I grabbed G´s coat. It was too strange.

I guess I´ll have to asked him directly.

It was already late, I felt like I could wait.

The next I was telling Micahel how thing went, and the strange dissapereance of Gerard.
“I´m telling you , it was way too weird, I´m sure they fought, Why would Gerard left in such a hurry”
Michael thought for a moment.
“He left his fucking coat!” I drank my coke and looked mad at my sandwich. “I hate not knowing”
“Okay, take it easy”. He caressed the side of my face . I took a deep breath.”My cute controller” I smiled at his nickname. He was right, I loved to control all the things around me. I get anxious when things are out of my control.
“Yeah, sorry” After He gave me a peck on the lips. I was thinking again.

The people in the school cafeteria passing by around us. Michael got some friends, they were all into the same stuffs like music and comics.
Brian, one of them played guitar and He wanted to start a band.
“Hey Mikes” Adrian another of the guys sat next to him. “Hey Rose”
I just wave my hand to him.
“So today”
Michael just nodded.
“We need you man”
“Sure " He said in a tiny voice. Adrian started to eat his food.
“What´s going on today?" I asked at my boyfriend
“Errhh, nothing important”
“Nothing important??!!! Dude!!!!”
I looked at Adrian.
“The first rehearsal. You haven´t told her!” He punched Michael in the arm.
“You guys are forming a band? Why didn´t you tell me??”
“Okay, that´s my call to leave you two alone” Adrian grab his food and left the table.
“It´s nothing really”
“It´s seems important to him” I was mad at him.
“Really, it´s nothing!"
“Are you mad at me, why you didn´t tell me???”
"I´m sorry okay, forget it"
“I know what it is! You don´t want me to join, isn’t it?” He made a face.
“No!!, It just..” The bell save him.
“We´ll talk after class”. I pointed my finger at him.

But I didn´t see Michael after school, I supposed He left early to his stupid band rehearsal. So I decided to drop by Gerard´s house and gave him his coat. He must be cold. I´m doing a good action. Protecting the …oh fuck, I´m just curios to know what happen on the weekend between Frank and Gerard.

“Who is it?” It was Gerard voice.
“Iero” I joked.
“Which one, the annoying one or the annoying one?”
“Ha ha! Very funny, open up!”
He opened up and I entered the house.
“Hey honey” He looked okay.
“Hi G”
“Want something to drink?”
“No, thanks. Here, I have your coat” I took out his coat from my backpack.
“You left it in my house”
“Yeah, sorry. I had to run”
“I was asking Frank about that” He suddenly seemed nervous.
“What did He said?”
“That You have an emergency” I looked at him, but he looked at the floor.

Bad sign

“Yeah, I had to go..sorry, I got to…”
“What happened, what was so important that you even forget your coat”
“Errr… …”
He looked around.
“My mom called me, she was in town”
“Really? That´s weird, She didn´t call Mikey” He smiled nervously.
"I mean Grand mother, she and Mikey don´t speak"
“Your Grandmother? The one is dead?”
“My other grandmother!” He said quickly
“Gerard!! C´mon you can do better”
He just hide his face in his hands.
“Did you and Frank fight?”
“No!” He screamed
“I mean, Honey" He took a deep breath "This is really between the two of us. I just want you happy with your dad”
“But I…”
“Please, Thanks for the coat. I got to go and pick up my laundry”
♠ ♠ ♠
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