Discovering the Past

God bless the condom

After picking up my laundry, I went to an art exhibition of a friend of mine. Rosie visit was obvious, She wanted to know what happened between me and Frank, I understood, but I was tired of she knowing all the occurrences. That girl needed to back up a little.

Sebastian was from Spain, He was a plastic artist that came to New York 7 years ago. We met up trough Matt.
“Gerard!” He yelled at me from the opposite corner of the gallery when I arrived.
“Hey !” He shook hands. It was always nice to see him, He was always happy and cheerful
“How are you?” He said with his Spanish accent. His blue eyes where in perfect harmony with his blond hair. He was very fashionable, always wearing designer clothes. He was very rich also.

Sebastian was about my age, cute and interesting. He had a crush on Matt, but Matt always had a crush on me, so there was never hope for him. Guess life is not fair.
“How are you?”
“I´m fine. So what do you think?”. I looked around some of the sculptures.
“Great dude, looks great, how goes the selling?” He was donating 50% of the profits to an AIDS foundation. Sebastian brother died of AIDS in Spain. He was gay also.
“Fine…I hope you bough something..”
“Of course…give me something tiny and cheap” He laughed at my joke
“Cheap bastard” I laughed of the grammatically wrong insult. I kept looking around, I noticed that He´d managed to reunite a good among of people.

I thought for a moment, must be awful to have that disease or know someone who have it.
God bless the condom.
One name came to my mind.
And then another name, but I tried to block it out.

“How is Matt doing?” He said a little more serious.
“Err. I think he is okay. I haven´t seen him in a while”
“Really?!” Sebastian smile grew bigger after hearing the news about Matt.
“Please at least try to hide your enthusiams” I joked
“Oh sorry mi amigo” He used to do that, mix English and Spanish.
“I´m joking, you should call him”
“Maybe I will”. He grinned.
“Tell me about your life, it´s been a while since We last met”

My life, a living fucking hell.

“Fine” I lied. “Everything is great” There was a waitress, she offered me some drink, I took a soda.
“I heard you are getting back together with your old band” The soda that was entering my mouth got out abruptly, after hearing what Sebastian said.
“Sorry!!!???” Sebastian laughed, He always seemed entertained by my reactions.
“You´re funny. Americans are funny”
“Explain yourself please”
“You´re always have this funny..”
“Sebastian! I mean the thing you said about the band!!!”
“Gerardo relajate!”
“Relax” He put his hand on my shoulder and smile.
“I have a friend, that know your ex manager, Brian, He´s cute by the way” He lick his lips, which was really strange, he thinking about Brian in a sexual way.

Trying to ignore this I just nodded. I drank more soda trying to process the information He was about to reveal.
“He told my friend that there may be a reunion, something about a lost member being found”
I smiled at the mention of Frank.
“Well, yeah..”
“Anyway…You guys are going to reunite?”
“No, I meant…yeah there was one of the guys that was kind of lost, and now it´s …..” I sighed, “back to life, you can say”
“That´s terrific” He drink his whisky. “You know I´m not into that kind of music, I prefer classic and opera, talking of that have you listen the new Il Divo Album, Por Dios, can those men get any hotter”
“Sebastian…”I laughed “Is something more in your mind besides sex”
“Art!” He smiled again.
“Errr…I don´t think so…”
“Why not?? Music is your life”
“Part of my ..”
“C´mon Gerard don´t be a pussy”
I just laughed.
“Excuse me, I had to talk with these people.” He pointed some old ladies. “Stay around for the after party”
“Sure, go ahead”
After the party, I didn´t see Sebastian anymore He was talking with a lot of people, I only manage to get close to say goodbye.
“I will, hey here you have”
“What´s this” I gave him a piece of paper
“Matt´s number” He grinned.
“Take care”
I left the gallery and went home, I needed to call Brian.


“Hey Gerard!” Brian´s voice at the end of the line seem cheerful.
“Can you explain me since when MY Chem is going back together?”

Busted dude.

“A friend of a friend told me that you told him..”
“Wait, I not following you…”
“Have you mentioned to anyone about that idea? Of the band back together?”
“Err..Well. I might mentioned, but..”
“But nothing. Brian that´s insane..”
“Ray and Bob, don´t think like that”
“Have you talked to Bob and Ray about it, and they agree??”
“You know that you can make a big hit again”
“MRC is dead.”
“What are you afraid of Gerard, c´mon You know…”
“Listen, why don´t we argue about this tomorrow at breakfast, I`ll buy you a breakfast, I´ll call Bob and Ray, you can call Mikey and Frankie, okay? ” Before I could say no. “Great. See you tomorrow, at 8 ..”
“Brian, don´t ..”
“Hung up” I said after he already have hung up the phone.

This was crazy
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thanks for reading
love you all