Discovering the Past

Mr. Schechter

That same day I was going to Brian’s office; he still worked as a manager. I didn’t have any info from this guy. So I was walking into the dark here.

I knocked the door of the office in the center of New York and a girl opened it for me.
“Hey.” I greeted
“Hi, do you have an appointment?” She probably thought from my look that I was a singer or musician to be.
“Ah? No. I was hoping maybe…”
“Sorry you need an appointment,” she said like a cold bitch.
“So, take care …” There was a man holding another man’s hand by a door that had just opened. One of them had a lot of tattoos and was like in his forties, maybe older. The other was young.
“Thanks Brian.” It was him. I went closer.
“Hey miss, you can’t….” the secretary tried to stop me
“Yeah?” He looked at me, confused.
“I’m Rose Iero.” The secretary came behind me.
“Sorry, Brian, she…”
“Iero you said?” He raised an eyebrow. He looked at me suspiciously.
“Frank’s niece.”
“Okay.” He said not surprised.
“Can I talk to you?”
“Sure.” He said without enthusiasm. “Gaby, if James calls, will you take the message?”
“Sure, Brian.”
We entered into his office, it had lot of band posters, and I saw one of MCR. It was right behind his desk, and it was big, bigger than the others.
“So, what do you want?” He sat behind his desk and crossed his fingers. He wasn’t nice like the other people I had seen.
“Err… I’ve lost track of my uncle, I’m trying to find him, and know more about him and his band.”
“Right. You didn’t know he was in My Chem?”
“So…” I started to get nervous. He looked at me serious trying to find something in my eyes.
“Ray gave me your number. I’m trying to find Mikey.”
“Mikey? Is he your uncle too?” He said in a sarcastic tone.
“No.” I said annoyed. “But he might put me in contact with Mr. Way; and him to my uncle.”
“Right.” He said for the third time already.
“Listen kid,” He came closer.
“My Chemical Romance is dead, dead and buried. The best band I ever managed you know. But it’s over. Disappeared.” He raised his arms “Disappeared in the air… and their band mates disappeared too.”
“So you don’t know anything about Mikey or Frank?” I said trying to hide the anger in my voice.
“Nope. Frank’s possibly dead also.”
“How can you say that?”
“As I said, he’s disappeared from the face of the earth!” He sat back on his chair and put his arms behind his head.
“Maybe he killed himself after the divorce, who knows.”
“So…” He came closer to me and looked me intensely in my eyes. “Niece you say…how do I know that´s true, because you look like him?”
“Thanks for your help, I have to go now.” I quickly stood up. He stood too.
“Listen kid, I don’t care who you are, but what you are doing is a waste of time.” He came closer to me, “MCR is dead.” I saw something different in his eyes, sadness?
I looked at him. “Thanks for nothing.”
I left the office and slammed the door.
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Sorry for the late and the short update
comments anyone?