Discovering the Past

Iero vs Iero

“Frank!!!” Rose screamed as they apart.
“Pregnant!!??” Frank voice was a mixture of anger, deception, rage and hysteria. His eyes were out of place.
I just stood there. Rose look at me in horror and then to Frank who was already down in the room.

“Are you mental?!” Frank said, not said, yelled.
“Frank..We...” Michael tried to explain.
“Get get out…” Frank said to Jr., slowly, trying not to kill him probably.
“Frank, is not his fault, okay?” Mikey was already besides me, Jr ran to his father side. He had never seen Frank that mad. Mikey remained silent by my side.
“What were you thinking? Having sex….!” Frank yelled hysterically to Rose.
“You´re too young to have sex and without protection!!!!”

“What’s going on?” Ray whispered.
I just shook my head, we were standing at the as Frank and Rose fight in the center of the room.

“And you come here with him your room. What were you doing…?”
At the mention of his son, Mikey took Jr. out of the room, Ray followed the example.
They went to the living room. I decided I should leave too so I went to the living room, but the voices were to strong to ignore.
“We were just talking, and don´t yell at me” Rose yelled, by the tone of her voice you could say she was crying.
“That’s why you´ve been acting weird all this time?” Frank angry voice fill the room.

“Dad..I” Jr tried to reach his father.
“Don’t say anything We’ll talk at home” Mikey was serious, He was angry but trying to control himself, he looked for his jacket.
“It was a mistake” Rose voice was annoyed, she obviously felt ashamed but also was upset.
“A mistake?!!”
“Can you please low your voice” Ray looked at me and grab Krista hand, she started to search for her thingsto leave the house.

“Is my house, I can yell all I want!” He said even louder knowing that we were still in the living room.
“It was a mistake okay!”
“A mistake that you could have regretted all your life, haven´t you learned anything. I’m so disappointed on you now, I thought you were clever”

It seems like that was Frank final statement, he started to go upstairs to find a very unconformable Ray, Krista, Mikey and me. Jr. Was already in the car waiting for his dad.
But the fight was not over, at least not for Rose.

“Yeah, like you regret me, isn’t? I´m a fucking mistake. That’s what you´re saying!?” Rose followed Frank upstairs, apparently she didn´t care anymore our presence.
“That´s not what I mean”
“Yeah that´s you and mom always thought that I´m the thing that ruin your lives!”
“Rose, I don’t think that” Frank voice changed to more calmed one “… you´re the best thing that could happen to me. You found me” He took a step closer to her.
“I’m your father and because I’m your father I can’t let this just pass” Frank was fighting to find the right words. Rose speech caught him out of guard.
“Father? Rose was sarcastic as a spoiled teenager could be. “Is so easy to be a father when is convenient for you!”

I could not believe what was happening, Frank eyes were petrified, Ray was petrified. Krista was holding Ray’s hand tightly and Mikey didn’t move at all.
Rose was crying but had also an anger and frustration in her voice.
“You´re not my father”
The first in react was Krista, she made a strange sound, as Ray opened his eyes wide, I just look at Frank, I tried to move but Mikey’s grip hold me in my place.
“You’ve never been there all these years….you don´t know the first time I fall or my first crush” Frank was emotionless. “So you don´t have the right!”
"You know why I wasn´t there, you know why” Frank said taking a few steps closer to where she was, he took a deep breath, trying to cool off.
“You´re grounded” He said calmly, trying to act like an adult and not yelling like a minutes before.
“You don´t have the right to grounded me!!” Rose continue with her defiant tone.
“Like it or not, you have my blood running down those veins of yours” He pointed at her “And this” He pointed at the floor “... is my fucking house! I´m your fucking father, so yeah you´re grounded! You don´t even respect my house and my rules”
“Rules!! What rules!!!!!!!! You don´t have rules! You´re like an old kid, like a big brother, buying presents all the time. You don´t act like a father and now, now you do!!!” Rose didn´t want to finish the argument.
“Okay, let establish some rules them”. Frank was hysterical again. “Rule number one: You won´t see that boy again”
“What!!!!!” Rose screamed even more, I was sure the neighbors could also hear the fight.
“That’s not fair” She cried.

This time it was Mikey who tried to say something but Ray stopped him.
“You can´t do that. We love each other”
Frank smile at her daughter declaration, looked at the floor and sight deeply.
“I love him!” She screamed again.
“Love! You don´t know nothing about love!” Frank yelled again. “You’re a fucking teenager!!!”
“And you do?” She asked sarcastically.
“I think I have an idea”. He crossed his arms
“You ruined every relationship you ever had”


“You have a person who loves you and you don’t even realized” She pointed at me


Frank looked at me briefly but quickly returned his attention to Rose.
“You´re grounded” He tried to cut the argument as Rose was crying.
“You´re grounded because I´m your father and because I´m said so”. It was his final statement, Frank turned around.
“Now, you act like a father with rules and stuff” She tried one more time.
“Yeah…now I’m acting like the crappy dad that´s worry about her 16 year old getting pregnant, I´m telling you Rose you´re no seeing Michael ever again” He looked at her one more time and then turned to us again.
Both of them were acting hysterical and without thinking. Rose was being spoiled and Frank was taking extreme measures; and both of them were stubborn and irrational.
“Sorry guys, You better leave” He ignore Rose cries and talked to us. Our eyes met again.

“I hate you!!” Rose angry voice came from behind. I started to worried and wonder if We should intervene, it seemed like the argument was never gonna end.
At his daughter voice and declaration, Frank just nodded his head and smile at the typical teenager phrase. I gave him a sad smile.

“Why couldn´t you just stay dead”

Silence, every single living creature froze, even the dogs that had been barking because of the screams.

You could have cut the tension with a knife.

Frank looked at me, his eyes were asking for help, that last phrase definitely touch a cord inside him.
Rose was just standing in the same place, covering her mouth with her hands and crying even harder. Her eyes had nothing but regret.
Frank turned around slowly and looked at her with a hurtful look.
The whole house remained silence

“Then you should have not looked out for me in the first place” Rose didn´t move.
“Grab your things, Ray will take you home”. He turned to Ray. “Is that okay?”
Ray just nodded.
Krista was the first to react, she went to where Rose was and pull her along. Rose grabbed her jacket and left the house with Krista. Ray just said a quick goodbye and left after her wife.

Mikey apologized with Frank and said that He’ll talk with his son about the whole thing. Frank just nodded, he was motionless. I stood without moving.
When the house was empty Frank sat on the couch, He looked at the emptiness. He took a bottle of wine and started to drink directly from the bottle.
He had put the picture I gave him over the TV.

After a couple of minutes of not knowing what to do I sat next to him. I didn’t know what to say. Frank was looking at the picture and drinking the wine like water.
“Thanks. For the picture” He said after almost half an hour of uncomfortable silence. The bottle of wine was almost empty.
His voice was uneven.
“She didn´t know what she was saying. She was just angry” I finally said.
“I guess that she got that from me, doing impulsive and stupid things” He said, a smile in his face but deception and sadness in his voice.
“And you know what?” He took the final sip of his wine and put the bottle on the floor. “The worst thing.....”
I looked at him in wonder.
“I think she’s right”
“About what?” I asked nervously, I thought he was going to comment about me being the person that loved him, which was true.
“I should have stayed dead” He was already crying by the end of the sentence.
“No!” I couldn’t help myself from hugging him.
He buried his face on my neck and surround me with his arms. He kept on crying.
“Don´t say that!!! Please! You don´t have to take her comments seriously, she´s angry Frankie, just that, she doesn’t hate you” I tried to inject some confidence in my voice; I hugged him tightly and caressed his hair with one hand.
I could feel his tears and hot breath on my neck, felling sort of content in a strange way, having him so close.
I could not repress to kiss his head. After a couple of minutes he started to calm down.

He looked at me. “Thanks”
“Don´t say that ever again Frankie” I cleaned the tears from his face with my thumb. “You dead….it´s the most awful thing” I closed my eyes and shook my head
“Don´t said it okay” He smile sadly at me, I caressed his cheek and hold him again.
“You know why I kissed you that day?” He broke the embrace; we were facing each other, very close.
“What day?”
“That day” He pointed at the picture over his TV.
I swallowed hard and shook my head.
“Because I wanted to…I wanted to do it since I first saw you” I smiled and look down away from his face.
Then it happen, He grabbed my face and kiss me on the cheek.
“What is it with you?”
I was trembling inside but manage to ask “What?” it was more like a whisper.
“Why you always drawn people to you? He wasn´t making any sense and I didn´t understood what he meant, I only understood that the next thing that happen was that Frank was kissing me on the lips.

At the beginning I froze, but only two seconds later I was kissing back.
Our lips were moving slowly, tasting, remembering. I grabbed his face and deepen the kiss to what he responded putting his hand on my waist.
I was swimming in a pool of clouds. I could not believe this was happening. As he opened his mouth to let me access, which I did took advantage of, I tasted the wine in his mouth, and it was intoxicated, involuntary I pushed him onto the sofa. He took a position under me, and we started a heated making out session. My hands started to travel from his neck to his chest and to his waist. I broke the kiss apart and attack his neck, slowly biting a little bit.
I went to his mouth again and he held my face and looked at me.
We stare at each other for a second. His eyes were the most beautiful thing ever.

Suddenly, Frank pushed me away and stood up. I just remained on the couch, looking at him. Confused and horny.
“I ´sorry, that was wrong” He started to walk around, messing his hair and shaking his head
I just looked at him in disbelief
“I ...I guess I’m drunk” He laughed nervously and when in the direction of his bedroom
“I´m tired”
“Frank” I tried to call him.
“I’ll call you, Okay?” He didn’t looked at me and went upstairs, where his room was.
I was petrified on my spot. I looked around trying to process the event as I heard the door of the dorm close.

I grabbed my jacket and storm out of the house and drove home.
♠ ♠ ♠
wow! it`s been like...forever! finally I was able to update.
Sorry to all the people that waited and waited, I hope you still aporund.
Thanks to Jocelia, for giving the inspiration to continue this story!

Thanks all!