Text me


To this day never would I ever have thought to think things through. It's just not something I normally do. I mean I'll think about something, or what will happen because of something, but never have I ever thought an entire thing through. The greatest example of this would have to be me opening my big mouth about Charlie. That has to be the stupidest thing I've ever done, but in the end, what's done is done.

Now yes, you're reading this, and yes I'm writing to you, but if you are looking for a book that you can hold high and glorify as awesome in every chapter, stop reading right now, and go find something else. However, if you are looking for a book you can maybe relate to, or maybe confide in, well you have a better chance of relating to this book than to that ever so popular book regarding a girl who falls in love with a vampire.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love that book, almost as much as the book about the train who thought it could, but my life doesn't run like that. My life consists of a few friends, a love or two, a heaping help of sarcasm, and of course, a couple of texts.