Angel Plus Syn Equals ... Love?

Chapter 2; "Streets"

The guy -- Brian, I found his name to be -- pulled his car into a driveway to what I figured was his house. And, get this, despite him being a world-famous rockstar and shit, he actually has a house, not a big ass mansion. No. It's a house. I know, shocked me too. He helped me out of the car, escorting me inside carefully. Again, as if he were going to break me. We were greeted at the door by a small Bichon who came up to me and sniffed at my legs persistently even when Brian tried to shoo the little white fluff ball away. He took me upstairs, into a bathroom and started up the water for me, waiting until it was full enough to turn it off. "There's towels when you're done, there'll be a change of clothes on the bed too," he muttered. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized he was going to leave me be.

I nodded quietly, still not having said a word to him and he left the bathroom. I dropped his jacket to the floor and stepped in the tub, immediately letting myself settle down. It. Felt. Like. Heaven. And I should know . . . kind of.

Maybe an hour later I got out of the bathtub, draining the water and drying myself off with one of the towels he'd left in there, not bothering to wrap one around myself since I was going to be in clothes soon enough. Leaving the bathroom, I saw Brian sitting on the bed appearing deep in thought. As soon as he heard me, though, his head shot up and his eyes widened, starting in surprise enough to fall off the bed. I suppressed laughter at that and grabbed the shirt layed out, raising an eyebrow in curiosity when he got up again, flabbergasted. Being an Angel, I wasn't all that worried about nudity, especially when someone's already seen it all before. So I had no problem taking my time in putting the clothes on.

"Uh-um ...." Brian flushed red. "A-are ... uh ... you..." He bit his lipadorably, spluttering around for words he couldn't seem to find.

"I'm fine. Really. Don't freak out or anything." I laughed a little at his expression.

"So ... um ... I couldn't help but, uh, notice something?" He spoke up after a few moments of awkward silence.

I froze, inwardly freaking out. Sure, I told him not to but that doesn't mean I couldn't. "What exactly did you notice?"

"That, uh, you may have had .... er .... wings?" He blurted, then shook his head furiously. "Never mind that sounds stu--"

"Yeah. I kind of did." I sighed, figuring he'd find out sooner or later anyway.

He audibly swallowed and stared at me wide-eyed. "That's um . . . that's cool?"

"Something like that. I suppose you want an explanation?"

"No! Uh, that's .. okay. You really don't--"

"Yeah, I really kind of do. I know how curious humans can get." I gestured for him to take a seat on the bed, I sat at the foot of the bed. "Long story short: yes, I'm an Angel. No, not from Heaven exactly, more like Mount Olympus. Let's see ... yes, I had wings but then got in trouble and got them removed and kicked down here to Earth. I can get them back. Sorry if I'm ruing whatever religion you might be but no, there is no one God, there's many of them, Greek, as a matter of fact. And no you're not imagining things, high, or drunk off your ass." I told him as briefly as I could, answering whatever questions humans typically would have.

Brian nodded mutely, taking in all this new information. "How can you.... How do you get your wings back, exactly?"

"Sex or love. Whichever comes first."

He spluttered at that again, this time I couldn't hold back the laughter. His reactions were too funny. "I suppose you might want an explanation for that too?" Brian nodded again. "Okay, so we Angels have a specific Sin picked out for them that they can't preform unless they want to become a Fallen Angel and get banished from Olympus forever and most likely get stuck with Hades. Mine is Lust, so if I lose my virginity, then I become a Fallen never to return to Olympus again unless Zeus says. There's your explanation for the sex part. Since Angels are 'pure' and shit, if they fall in love with any kind of creature that roams this earth, then they get their regular wings back and are welcomed back to Olympus." Again, I explained as briefly as I could. "So for right now since I was stripped of them, I'm stuck here until either or happens completely stripped of any angelic shit I had except for immortality. But, since I'd rather get back there sooner than later, I think I'd rather just do the sex thing first and get it over with."

"Yeah that's ... weird." Brian finally said after maybe ten minutes silence this time.

"Never said it wasn't." I shrugged. "I'm just going to say that now you have to keep this a secret from everyone, and I mean everyone for now until I decide to tell them, kay? Cause if you try before I do without any proof, you'll likely wind up in a loony bin with all the other crazies."


"Yep. So, uh, the only question is: what do you want to do now?"

Brian cast his eyes downward towards the bed, thinking about it. Then, with a sigh, he looked back into my eyes. "I guess we have no choice but to keep you here."

I smirked. "Don't make it sound like such a bad thing."
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Now you got an idea of what Angels are. =]

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