Angel Plus Syn Equals ... Love?

"I've never told a lie. And that makes me a liar"

That night we were at Johnny's Bar, all -- but one, me being that one -- having a good time. I sat in the booth, seething as I watched Brian andthe whore Michelledancingdry-humping grinding against each other on the dance floor.

"Brian's blind as a bat when it comes to this shit, he'll come around soon enough..." Zack told me, ruffling my blond locks.

I shot him a narrow look and that got him to stop. I fixed my hair and huffed. "Yeah, whatever," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest tightly. It was too fucking bad Angels couldn't get drunk. I could use a blissfully unaware moment or two right about now. Humans got all the fun! Sure, I'm being childish and I sure as hell know it, ain't going to deny it, but you would too if you were in my position right now, Angel or not.

"Aww. Cheer up, Leila. I thought Angels were supposed to be all happy and, well, angelic." Jimmy grinned cheekily, drunk off his ass.

I stiffened at that. He couldn't know, could he? Brian wouldn't tell..... would he?

His girlfriend, Leana, whacked him a good one. "Shut up, Jimbo. Angels ain't real." She giggled loudly.

"But she looks like one," he slurred argumentatively.

I relaxed at that. They didn't know, good. That means I don't have to kill Brian for both telling my secretand breaking my heart. You know, it was a damn good thing Envy wasn't my Sin right now. I'd be a Fallen right on the spot. If it weren't for the fact that I liked the other guys and gals I'd grab some stranger drunk off his ass right now and fuck him on the spot, I swear. I wanted to get the hell out of here. But it's like I said: I like these guys.

Jimmy was wrong, anyway. Angels aren't all lovey dovey and filled with gooey emotions like you'd think. In fact, we were filled with hate and jealousy. That last one is kind of a bad thing for any Angel not wanting to be a Fallen. Jealousy at the humans, they're all blissfully unaware and get to live their life free and however the hell they want. Us Angels didn't. And that's what pissed us off.

I wanted to murder whoever came up with the idea that us Angels were all nice nice and whatnot. I really, truly did.

"Really, Lana. Brian's going to figure out his mistake soon for agreeing to go out with my gold digging whore of a sister. Pretty damn soon I'm hoping." Valary smiled at me, calming me down ever-so-slightly.

I snorted in response. Yeah, real attractive I know but who cares? I turned back to glare at the happy couple and found them making out on the floor, tongues lashing out and everything. That was my breaking point. Slamming my drink down on the table, I stormed the hell out of there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Like I said: to be short. xD

Comment/subscribe? I got the next chapter written up just need you guys to encourage me to get it out. ;] (And also because I'm a comment whore, what can I say? Fuel the addiction.)