Angel Plus Syn Equals ... Love?

"Expect the Unexpected"

Nobody followed me out an for that, I was grateful. I got a few feet away from the bar when I heard a distinct growling. Grimacing, I broke out in a sprint. Just what I needed at a time like this: demons. The growling grew louder and suddenly I was knocked over, a snarling beast inches away from my face. Just as it was about to take a bite, it was knocked off me. There was a loud thud, yelp, and silence. Sitting up, I looked around cautiously. Figures that just as I loose my powers, I'm attacked. A pale, yet colorful hand extended itself in front of me. I jolted, startled, and looked up to see a very familiar pair of jade green eyes staring into mine. I gaped. Zack?!

Zack grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "What the hell?" Was the first question blurted out of my mouth. Could you blame me? A freaking human knocked a big ass demon off me! You don't see that... ever!

"I'll explain everything later, just come back to the bar." Zack smiled calmly at me, as if this was completely normal. A big contrast as to how I was feeling right then. Was he kidding me?

I didn't want to, but somehow I found myself sitting back at the bar, Brian problems completely erased from my memory for now. Said guy was staring at me strangely, I ignored him, eyes on Zack at the moment, trying to figure out him and his secret. Guess I'd have to wait... Gods be damned, I hate waiting!


"Explain. Now," I growled when Zack and I were alone at his house. Gena was out at work and everyone else was hungover. I wanted an explanation.

Zack sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "Namari!" He called out and suddenly aAmazonian princess woman appeared in the middle of the living room, scaring the hell outta me. Just who the hell was she? And what the hell is with all these surprises!

The girl turned to me, expression blank. She dipped her upper body in a formal bow, surprising me. "Hello, Padrone," she greeted, using the Italian word for "master". Odd. I could tell she was Greek, so why was she using Italian? Even stranger, was her calling me master. What. The. Fuck?

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, you don't have to call me that," I muttered, embarrassed. Zack was laughing silently at my expression, so I glared at him in annoyance. He grinned cheekily in return. "So, either of you care to explain yourselves?" I asked impatiently, my tone that of a mother reprimanding her children.


A couple of hours, many 'huh?', 'what?', and 'dear gods' later, I had my explanation. Yes, it took that long to explain. I just didn't believe it, especially that Zeus of all gods would resort to having a human assist me in this insane 'task'. That guy really was desperate for me to get back to Olympus. I couldn't see why he wanted me back so bad, but I guess I could kind of understand, it was a rare thing when any Angel of Pain came around, even rarer when Zeus actually liked them. Hell, it was a rare thing period when Zeus actually like somebody. Big goof.

Confused yet? Okay, let me explain as briefly as I can. Let's start with Namari, she's a half-God, an abomination in God terms. So for simply existing, she was sent into exile brought out to save my ass from getting killed--like earlier--and help me fall in love. Zeus was even desperate enough to--as a last resort, of course--have me turn into a Fallen and he'd still let me back onto Olympus. Either way, I knew Artie would be pissed. I guess the deal with Zeus was that if she helped me and succeeded--amazingly with no time limit--she'd be set free to do whatever. Not only that, but she was what people up in Olympus called a "Channel". Whenever a god wanted anyone's powers taken away, they'd take it but they have to have someone to have them go through, and that was a Channel. Normally they'd be able to give you your powers back at any time but Zeus had it to where she was blocked off and couldn't so she was to be using them for a temporary amount of time.
Now Zack was also made to help out, he wouldn't give me details, just said Zeus picked him and therefore he was pulled into help him. Who was he to deny a god?

The 'task' I've been talking about is them helping me fall in love, and get my wings back. See, now here's the thing with doing that, though: there's no guarantee I'd be able to return. Or even want to. I was only worried about the former and not the latter, of course I'd go back! But if Zeus lets me, I'd be able to stay here and be able to go back to Olympus. No doubt he'd do that for me, especially after all I'd done for him. Zeus doesn't forget things like that.

"This is absolutely insane, I do hope you know that..." I said finally after soaking in this new information.
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Update. xD
