Angel Plus Syn Equals ... Love?

Walk-ins, beach scene flirting, and club hopping

So we decided to tell Brian about all this the next day. He didn't get it at all until after 4 hours of explaining. (Hah! I took longer than I did to explain it.) So it was a couple of days after that and we were sitting at the table, munching on our cereal. I glared at Michelle (yes, she was here much to my hate) who stared at all the "fattening" food in disgust and Brian stared at her with gooey eyes. Why I was eating cereal, I wasn't sure. But I sure didn't want it anymore after that. So I dumped it in the sink, bowl and all and stomped back up to my room. Discreetly, of course. Not that it would have mattered because Brian wouldn't notice anyway.

I decided to take a quick shower, so I stripped out of my pajamas and hopped in the shower quick a second, coming out 15 minutes later to have gotten a text. I was in the middle of drying my hair, brushing my teeth, and reading the text when Brian did his seemingly favorite activity of the morning: barged into my room with me still naked in it. Every time it freaked the hell out of him, and every time it still amused me. Especially the fact that he got a boner every time. Nice to know I still had that effect on him. And every time I still never had a problem with it. So I stood there, running the towel through my hair with one hand and texting Val back with the other. "May I help you?" I asked him, looking up curiously. Valary told me that we were going to the beach and asked if I wanted to go, so I was in the middle of accepting the invite when he barged in my room. I hit "Send" and set the phone down, going back to brushing my teeth.

"Er.... Never mind," he mumbled, shaking his head and quickly getting out.

I sighed in frustration, going to the sink and spitting out the toothpaste, rinsing my mouth out. I ran a brush through my hair, deciding to let it air-dry as usual and went out into my room, greeted with an unpleasant surprise: Michelle. "What the hell do you want?" I asked, I never bothered being nice with her.

She grimaced when she saw me. "Can't you put some clothes on?"

"Can't you go fucking kill yourself already?" I growled back, standing in front of my dresser, sifting through it for my bathing suit.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yup," I answered bluntly. I felt her appalled stare on my back. I ignored it. Fake tears gathered up in her eyes and she broke into sobs. I rolled my eyes, knowing Brian would come up in 3...2...1.

"What's going on? Michelle, why are you crying, baby?" He cooed at her.

I made a gagging noise, he shot a glare in my direction. Still ignoring the freaks, I grabbed the purple suit from the middle drawer and pulled on the bottoms. "Any reason as to why you two are still in my room? Again without knocking?" I asked irritably, tying on the halter top to the suit.

"Any reason as to why my girlfriend is crying?" He asked back, sounding just as irritated as I was.

Like had a fucking reason. "No, actually. There isn't. I think she's gone insane, maybe you should check her into an asylum before we all get the crazies," I said dismissively, getting some pants from my closet and tugged them on quick.

Brian groaned in annoyance but I simply rolled my shoulders in a shrug, simply not caring. "Do you guys always have to be like this?" He asked.

"Yeah, pretty much." I nodded, pulling on a Duff Beer tube top over my head, slipping my feet into a pair of white flip flops. He sighed, shaking his head. "Never said you had to like it, might as well get used to it," I told him, Michelle glared at me. Again, I ignored. The final touch to my outfit was a purple belly button ring that I clipped on to said area of my body and I grabbed a beach towel on my way out. "Later."

"Where are you going?"

"Beach. Val invited me." I shrugged, hearing the honking of a horn. "Buh-bye now." I smiled with sweet venom and skipped out the door to Matt's Esky.


"So how are you going to hide the wings?" Zack asked me in a hush-hush sort of tone. I pointed in Namari's direction, whom decided to join us. Well, I'd asked but then she said she didn't have a choice, so we got in an argument and in the end I won. So now it was settled that she'd only do stuff if she wanted when I asked, and would with no question if I demanded of it. I really didn't like that second part but she came up with it.

Somewhere along the line while we were lounging at the beach, Brian and the bitch decided to join us, ruining my fun and causing excitement for others. I decided to keep to myself, continuing my son bathing relaxation.... until It came over. She took the available seat next to me (I'd have to kill the other girls for that, but not really), trying to imitate my smile from earlier only to have failed. I laughed, shaking my head, and stood up, suddenly bored and disgusted with this scene and joined the others in the water.

Very quietly, I snuck up behind Brian, jumping on his back when close enough. He let out a yell but caught me otherwise, "Who the hell is so light?" He asked, genuinely confused to the point where I laughed aloud. "Figures it's you." He smiled, jumped up a little, shifting me up higher on his back and had a good hold of my thighs while I had my arms closed around his neck, resting my chin on his shoulder. "So what brings you over here?"

"Bored and sick of suntanning. It's not like I need it anyway, what with the immortal powers and shit," I added in a quiet tone, smiling cheekily, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Brian rolled his eyes, but otherwise smiled and blushed ever-so-slightly to the point where no one else could see, but I definitely could. After making him do that so many times, I knew when he was blushing and when he wasn't. "Oh shit, forgot to take of my clothes." I said out loud on purpose, making everyone crack up except, of course, the Whore from Hell.

Brian gave me a weird look before shaking his head. "No matter how many times I hear your weird ass random sentences, I'll never ever get used to them."

"Aww," I cooed. "You're just jealous, ain't ya?" I giggled, kissing his cheek again before jumping off his back and skipping back to my spot on the sand. Kicking off my pants, Michelle decided toshriek speak.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She hissed at me.

"Flirting. What else?" I titled my head, pulling off the tube top and un-clipped the belly button ring, setting it carefully under my shirt between that and the pants so no one would take it. Tugging my hair out of the ponytail I'd had it in, I shook it out before smiling my signature smile and skipping back out to the water. "I'd say I'd love for you to join us, but then I'd be lying!" I had told her before going out and jumping on Brian's back again.

That somehow decided a game of Chicken. Me and Brian vs. Jimmy and Leana. The rest of the time at the beach was us just screwing around, me flirting shamelessly with Brian and even got him to flirt back, much to Michelle's hatred and my liking. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad?


Valary's ringtone blasted through the air in the middle of my game between Brian and I. We were playing Guitar Hero (cliche, I know) II, Beast and the Harlot, seeing who'd win. I, of course, did, after countless hours of playing this game while the boys were at the studio and either us girls or just I didn't feel like going and watching. Therefore become the master at this game. I kicked his ass, hitting 98% of the notes while he got 93%. Not too far, but still annoyed him since, you know, it was his song and all.

Snatching up the phone, I answered, "City Morgue! You slash 'em, we stash 'em! How may I help you?" I asked in a cheery, peppy tone.

"That..... Is still fucking weird. But oh well. You wanna go hit up some clubs or bar tonight?" She asked with a laugh.

"Oh hell yes! You kidding? Clubs all the way, chica. What time?" I agreed enthusiastically, taking a seat on the couch. Brian gave me a questioning look, to which I held up a finger signaling for him to wait a minute.

"Picking you up at 7:30, that good?" I glanced at the clock, it said it was 5. Plenty of time.

"Sounds good, love. See you at half past seven!" I chirped.

Valary laughed again. "Bye, Angel."

"Buh-bye!" We hung up, I tossed the phone on the table. Angel had become a nickname for me ever since Jimmy spoke up that night at the bar. I turned towards a still lost Brian. "We're going club hopping tonight, Colonel Sanders and VD are picking us up at 7:30 so get your ass ready by then," I explained, skipping up the stairs. An amazing feat, I know.

Yeah, Colonel Sanders and VD. There were just too damn many Matt's so I gave them nicknames, and VD is Val's first and last initial. Creative, I know.

I took another shower, taking a longer one this time. I heard the door to my room open. Probably Brian barging in again. "Hey Angel," yep, definitely Bri since I'm pretty sure Michelle's voice wasn't that masculine and she sure as hell didn't call me Angel. "Where's my--" The door opened. "Never mind, got it."

I laughed. "Will you people ever learn to knock?" I asked, not really minding it but it still kind of freaked others out.

"Nah, probably not. You've got an hour and a half by the way," He informed me before making his exit.

Cutting off the water, I stepped out, towel-drying myself and opting to use the blow-dryer this time. I got changed into a crop top, criss-crossed, and a deep wine red, a pair of short-shorts a charm bracelet, grabbed some sunglasses, new belly button ring, and knee-high boots with 3-inch heels that just screamed "fuck me". And that's just the message I wanted to give.

By the time I was done, 7:30 rolled around and we were off to the club.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bam! Club scene next chapter. xD
Comment to get it.... Do it!!

Clubbing outfit (plus picture of Leilana, finally)
Beach Outfit