Angel Plus Syn Equals ... Love?

Part Tres

"What the fuck was that?" He growled, his brown eyes narrowed into slits and looking absolutely livid. I flinched at his tone, biting my lip.

"Nothing," I answered shortly. "At least none of your business."

Brian took a step forward, I held my ground. "That didn't look like 'nothing' to me." He snapped.

"Aw, why's that? Jealous?" I cooed mockingly, raising an eyebrow when he took a few steps closer in my direction until he was right in front of me. I crinkled my nose at the smell of the alcohol on his breath. I could've sworn I heard him mutter 'maybe' before crashing his lips against mine. He snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest before I could get away. Sooner, rather than the later I was hoping for, I melted against him, giving into the temptations. I tangled my hands in his hair, tugging lightly, getting a moan out of him as he slid his hands down to cup my ass.

"What the fuck?!" Just my luck.... It came outside and Brian ripped away from me, turning around sharply. Right when I thought he was going to apologize, he laughed instead. Confused and snapping out of it, I looked to see what he was laughing at: Michelle had her hand in someone else's, whoever's lips attatched to her neck. Really? And she's wondering what the fuck we're doing?

"I could ask the same damn thing, but I won't because I'm fucking glad." Brian smiled cheekily. "I guess this is my cue to break up with you. So... we're done." He smirked. Michelle shrieked. I cringed.

She did the hoe-ish thing you'd expect in this situation, taking the guy she was with and stuffed him into a cab, taking him to what had better be his place for the night. I shook my head, snickering. "Fucking whore." I muttered, amused. Brian turned around, and I could see the pissed off, annoyed, and slightly hurt expression on his face. The anger won over, however, and he stormed off to his car. I stood there,flabberghasted stunned. He turned around then, looking at me almost expectantly.

With a shrug, I followed him climbing into his SUV. Just like when I first met him, the car ride was silent. Yet it was different this time, the silence was awkward, not comfortable, and tense.... very tense. I wondered vaguely if he should be driving right now, but when we didn't crash or look too obvious to have him labeled as a drunk driver, I figured it was okay. So I stared out the window, staring at the reflection in it.

He had one hand on the wheel, the other raked through his hair, scratching the back of his neck. His eyes were dull, lifeless, glazed over and this upset me. I hated seeing him like this, and that also bugged me since I couldn't tell why. I'd barely known him yet..... No, not possible. I let out a sigh, drawing in the fog my breath left on the glass, drawing in a frowning face before wiping it off.

The car parked and I glanced up, recognizing the fact that it was house. The door was open though, both Brian and I stilled, tossing each other cautious glances. We rushed out of the car, stepping into the house carefully, listening for any distinctive noise. We both jumped at the sudden sound of a woman screaming in ecstasy..... she wouldn't. Brian ran up the stairs with me hot on his heels, slamming the door open to his room to see Michelle and that guy fucking on the bed. Brian's jaw dropped and he stood frozen on the ground, but I was pissed. Michelle looked over, smirking until she saw me walking over. With my signature sweet venom smile, I grabbed her hair, throwing her off the bed, turning my attention to the man on the bed. "I think it'd be best if you left now." I didn't even recognize my own voice right then.

He nodded frantically, scrambling up off the bed, grabbing his boxers and putting them on, getting all this other items and leaving. I looked back at Michelle with a smirk, taking a couple of steps until I stood in front of her. Her face was contorted with fear, her eyes wide and fearful. I grabbed her by her throat, she screamed until I squeezed, cutting off her air supply. Just as she was turning purple, an arm reached out, grabbing my own gently. I turned my head, teal eyes meeting brown calmly. "Lana, let go." He said slowly, carefully, as if afraid I'd turn my anger on him.

I shook my head, glaring back at Michelle, lips pulling back into a snarl.

"Lana!" He said more firmly now, hands gripping mine tightly.

With a growl, I dropped her to the floor, leaving her gasping for breath. Brian knelt down to tend to her, and that only pissed me off more. So I did what any other person would do in my situation: I ran. I ran until I decided I was far enough, finding myself in the park by the lake, staring at my own reflection in disbelief.

The girl staring back mirrored my expression, her pitch black eyes wide, mouth agape, her raven black hair curtained around her face. I swallowed, hard, backing away, completely freaked out right now. I bumped into something, or, more importantly: someone. I looked up, finding it to be Ash. He looked just as confused as I had. "Don't freak..... well, any more than you already have. But relax, breathe, it's only temporary."

I nodded, my entire body shaking, breathing in deeply, shakily, and letting it out slowly. I repeated this process a few times until I felt myself shift, as weird as it is to say, back into myself. Opening eyes that I hadn't even realized shut, I looked back at Ash again who was smiling at me, a weird glint in his eyes that I knew all too well. "Dare I ask what?"

"Now I definitely have to have you," he laughed. "That was some freaky shit but if you learn to control it, you won't even need to go back to Olympus and could stay here." He smirked. I gaped at him, he'd answered my fears. . . . again, weird to say. Ash was right, I didn't want to go back to Olympus and the same old routine for the rest of my life, but instead stay here and have fun, no real plans or anything, just going with the flow.

I bit my lip thoughtfully, "You think so?"

He nodded. "I know so, baby girl. But I'll help you out with that later, lover boy's almost here and I gotta disappear." Ash smiled, pressing a kiss to my temple before disappearing.

"Lana! La--" Brian stopped when he saw me, expression cautious. We stared at each other, him too afraid and unsure to advance. But when I gave him a small smile, he rushed over, gathering me in his arms. "You had me so scared," he whispered, voice strained.


"Don't do that again, okay?" He demanded, pulling back to look me in the eye. I nodded, muttering a 'promise' that he smiled to and embraced me again.

I hugged him back, nuzzling my face in his chest, breathing in his comforting scent and feeling the warmth surround me. I was fine. I was calm.... I was home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Michelle's outta the picture. xD
(Sorry Michelle lovers, but I don't like her too much... >.> )
