The ABC's of Growing Up

C is for Contraception

Zacky walked me home, his arm tightly wrapped around my shoulders as we walked as if he was trying to protect me. I still didn't quite understand why he cared so much. This was probably the longest amount of time we'd ever spent with one another without Sarah or Lyndsey being here as well. I chewed my lip as I glanced at him, wondering what was going on in that head of his.

"Take a picture," Zacky chuckled as his gaze flickered to me for a moment. "It'll last longer."

It was only then that I realised my glance had turned into a stare. I felt myself blush and looked away from Zacky. I heard him chuckle again before he pulled me closer to him once more. I brought my hand up and brushed some of my hair behind my ear, letting my gaze flicker around and noticing that we'd turned into my road. I sighed as I realised that I was going to have to tell my parents that I was no longer with Jack. Hopefully they wouldn't ask too much into why and if they did, hopefully I'd be able to make up a convincing lie.

"You going to be okay?" Zacky asked quietly as we came to a stop in front of my house.

I looked at him and nodded before shrugging.

"He's only a guy right?"

Zacky smiled slightly and chuckled.

"Yeah. We're pretty easy to get over."

I smiled and shrugged. "It'll just take time. I think it's more the reason that hurts than the fact that I'm not with him anymore. He was a bit of a dick sometimes."

Zacky nodded and shoved his hands in his front pockets as he looked up at my house before looking back to me.

"If you want to talk or anything then give me a call," he offered with a small smile still on his lips.

I looked at him for a moment, still wondering where all this was coming from.

"I would," I commented. "But I can't."

"Why not?"

I chuckled at the look of confusion on Zacky's face.

"I don't have your number," I explained.

Zacky grinned before darting his hand to the front pocket of my jeans and stealing my phone. A moment later and my phone was back in my pocket.

"Now you do."

I smiled slightly before sighing. "I guess I'll see you around then."

Zacky nodded and flashed me a small smile before I walked up to my front door. I turned as I got there and waved to Zacky before watching him as he walked away. I ran a hand through my hair before opening my front door and stepping in, hoping to escape up to my room.

"Teagan? Is that you honey?"

I groaned quietly as I pushed the front door shut.

"Yeah Ma!"

"Can you just come into the dining room for a moment? Your father and I would like a word."

I gulped; my mind racing as to what I could have done that would result in this kind of talk. I pushed myself away from the door and headed towards the dining room, ready to say 'I didn't do it' as soon as I walked in.

"Darling, sit down," my dad stated as he gestured to one of the chairs.

I nodded and quickly sat down, hoping they'd get to the point of this discussion.

"What have I done?"

My parents both laughed slightly and shook their heads.

"You haven't done anything," my mum replied. "Your father and I have been talking and we think that you're old enough to have this talk now."

My eyes widened as she said this. Dear God please say they aren't about to give me the birds and the bees talk.

"You've been with Jack for a while now," my dad started before clearing his throat. "And your mother and I understand that when in a relationship, especially at your age, that you'll want to do…certain things with him."

"But I…"

"Darling, please let us talk," my mum pleaded softly. "This is just as awkward for us as it probably is for you."

I wanted to beg to differ. I wanted to tell them I wasn't with Jack and therefore didn't need this talk, though that would probably instigate some kind of talk about the dangers of promiscuity.

"We understand that you want to be intimate with Jack," my mum commented before flashing a warm smile towards my dad. "I remember what it was like at your age."

Gag me with a spoon. I almost gagged at that point. The last thing I wanted after a day like today was the idea that my parents have some kind of sex life at any point in their lives. In my opinion I was born from a test tube and my parents have never touched one another, or been touched by anyone else for that matter, in any way that went beyond platonic.

"We just want to make sure you understand the consequences if you aren't careful," my dad voiced.

"I've had this talk at school," I pointed out.

"We know honey but still, we felt that it was best for us to speak to you about it too."

I swallowed and felt my face fall into an awkward expression. I was not comfortable talking to my parents about this. I had a perfectly fine relationship with my parents but we weren't overly close. To be honest, it surprised me that they had even thought about having this kind of talk with me. But I guess that's parents for you…when you want them to talk to you they are too busy. When they want to talk to you, it's about things that will embarrass you and possibly scar you for the rest of your existence.

My fingers began to fidget with one another as I waited for the next part of the discussion. The one that would undoubtedly be about contraception and how if I didn't use it I could become pregnant and/or catch a nasty disease.

"We obviously don’t need to tell you the ins and outs of the various diseases and infections that you could catch if you're not careful," my mum remarked as she looked at me. "Or that if you're not careful then you could fall pregnant."

My brow creased in confusion. If they weren't going to talk to me about that then where was this leading.

"I was thinking that maybe I could take you to the doctors soon and we could have you put on the pill."

If I had been drinking anything at that point it would have probably been sprayed across the table. Luckily I was without drink so all that happened was my jaw dropping as my mouth hung open.

"You want to take me to go on the pill?"

My parents both nodded, my mum smiling warmly to me as my dad flashed me an encouraging smile.

"You're seventeen Teagan and you're in a steady relationship. I think it's time for you to…"

"I'm not in a steady relationship though."

My parents both looked shocked at me.

"What? But Jack…?"

I nodded before shrugging. "Jack broke up with me earlier today. But thanks for this awkward talk."

I stood up and smiled stiffly at my parents, wanting out of the room as quickly as possible.

"Just so you know, when I have sex I will be careful, don't worry."

With that I removed myself from the room and went up to my bedroom, wanting to get rid of the last few minutes of my life.


lyndseyxsexface: Ha! Did they really?

dancemagicdance: That's hilarious ducky! Not gonna lie.

I rolled my eyes before typing out my reply.

teagansaysblah: Thanks. God it was so awkward. I bet if they'd let me say that Jack and I weren't together first then they wouldn't have made me sit down.

lyndseyxsexface: Remind me to kick Jack's ass later for that.

dancemagicdance: Yeah. Stupid wanker. But it was sweet of Zacky to keep you company.

teagansaysblah: Weird is more like it.

lyndseyxsexface: Weird?

teagansaysblah: He never usually talks to me…like ever. Yet today *shrugs*

dancemagicdance: Maybe Zacky dearest has a crush…

teagansaysblah: Yeah…probably not.

lyndseyxsexface: Why not?

dancemagicdance: I'm with sexface…why not?

I looked at the screen for a moment as I wondered whether what Sarah had said was true or not. I shook my head, denying the possibility completely. I wasn't the kind of girl Zacky usually goes for.

teagansaysblah: Because…

dancemagicdance: That's not really an answer there.

lyndseyxsexface: *whispers to dancemagicdance* I don't think she want's to talk about it.

teagansaysblah: Whispering in an IM isn't quite the same thing…I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!!

lyndseyxsexface: *giggles* Oops….so…how about them contraception talks?

dancemagicdance: HA!!!!

Teagansaysblah is offline.
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Ah, that chapter was fun to write =D Hee hee!!!
Hope you liked it!!!
Comments are very much appreciated!! x