Blog my Heart out

January 29, 2009

Welcome to:
Twisted Scar's Blog!

The phone call that I got yesterday was Roan...

He called to ask me to come over to his and Kimberly-Ann's apartment, he didn't sound very good on the phone, he sounded like he was about to cry...

And when I got there I knew fucking why!

Roan had tried to commit suicide!

When I got to his apartment I found him lying on the floor in his room. His wrist slashed and his blood pooling around his delusional head like a horror movie halo!

He had tried to take his own fucking life!!!

I called the ambulance right away, and then tried to stem the bleeding with some clothes that had been laying on the floor.

Kimberly-Ann's clothes.

The moment the clothes had come in contacts with his bloodied skin though Roan had screamed and bucked like a wounded beast; for some reason the very touch of the clothes hurt more then the slashed vain!

There seems to be a fucking black veil falling everywhere around me...and I don't know what to do about it.
The people around me are ether hurt, dying, or trying to end their own miserable lives...


Is it me? Is the fact that they all know me driving them so insane that they have to get away?!


These voices keep popping into my head, telling me that life isn't worth living, that now that everyone is leaving me...I should just die...that I should try like Roan and end my fucking pathetic excuse for a life.
