And Her Nose Starts to Bleed a Most Beautiful Ruby Red

In this world of 2407A.D. Life has changed. Mortals do not run the world as the once did. Vampires do. There is a coven my powerful then any in the world the five memebers of it are the only five remaing pure blood vampires left in the world. All the others had been killed off hundreds of years prier. The only one for a vampire to become one is too be beaten noone can reproduce pure ones anymore the last female was killed 300 years ago.

In life and death the circle of ones we know and love come back too haunt us somtimes in the most unheard of form. But this time in the rebirth of life 300 years later.

Frank and the others come across their fellow covener reborn, but as a mortal and deffintly not with the same traits as before. Frank most convince his wife of 300 years ago too trust him and be with him the only problem is she keeps running.
  1. Three hundred years
    Introduction.. the borning stuff.
  2. Fear
    Spilled food and screams
  3. 400 years earlier
    Amber's formal life
  4. A spy.
    there is a spy within the coven.
  5. Understanding
    Present time
  6. Back too the past