Status: Currently stopped working on.


Chapter 5

When I could see my house, I slowed my pace. I didn't know why Tom was home so early, he would've still been at work. I stared at the empty looking house. I dropped my bag by my feet and thought.
“Why am I hurrying to get home. If Tom is truthfully home then it won't make a difference what time I walk through that door. If he's not home, then I would just have to stay with mother. Why am I standing here?”
I picked my bag back up and started walking back to Ryan's house. I periodically laughed at my self and shook my head. I stated thinking about what if Tom really was home? What if he was mad enough to hurt Mother? What would happen when I got home the next day? I started panicking. I ran into Ryan's house. He was at the counter in the kitchen talking to his mom. “Jecht, what are you doing h-?” I cut him off by hugging him tightly. “I need to tell someone.” His mother was standing across the counter, smiling. “Jecht, I know hunny, it's going to be all right.” she slowly walked over and joined our group hug.
Ryan and I sat in his room, staring at each other. Both of our eyes were red and watery. His mother said that she would take care of the whole thing. I begged her not to let them take my mother, but Ryan insisted that we go to his room. The tears came and went. I would cry, then stop. I sat on his floor, my legs crossed. I stared at his wooden floor. I would periodically hear something like a mumble, but whenever I looked up Ryan was totally silent.
I heard something outside. I jumped up and looked outside in his driveway. He followed me downstairs. His mother was still on the phone, pacing in the kitchen. Ryan got his mom's attention and mouthed “Someone's here.” His mom nodded and I opened the door. There was my mothers car in the driveway. No one was inside and no one was walking towards the house. “Mom?” I whispered, walking towards the car. No one answered. Ryan slowly walked behind me, like a stalker. I heard a groan. “Mom!” I yelled. I looked back at Ryan and he was staring at the car. I immediately looked back and saw my mom on the ground, bloody, laying on the cold ground. “Ohmygawd Mom.” I said, and the tears started falling sown once again. Ryan and I ran towards her and sat her up against the car. “Mom. Come on mom.” I said as I pushed the hair out of her eyes and face. I started wiping the blood from her face with my sleeve. “Go tell your mom.” I quickly told Ryan. He nodded and immediately stood up and ran to the house. I kept wiping the blood of of my poor mothers face, she was groaning and pushing her face away from my hand. Probably from the pain. “Mom, what happened?” She tried to open her eyes, but they didn't stay open long. “Your father.” she croaked. She coughed a few times. I pictured Tom beating mother. I regretted not walking through those doors when I had the choice, maybe I could've stopped this?
Ryan and his mother ran out. Ryan had a glass of water and a wet rag. His mother was still on the phone, but this time the help wasn't for me.
“Mom, what happened to Tom?” I asked as I ran my fingers through her hair, waiting for the ambulance. She shook her head, I didn't know if she could speak. She was beat up so badly. She had the same black as I myself had on my left eye. She had a mark from right below the black eye, until the side of her mouth. I kept on wiping it, wanting it to disappear. I started to cry again, waiting for an answer that I might not get. “He's worse then me my son.” A faint smile came to her face. My eyes grew huge. What?

"I am not afraid to keep on living.”

The ambulance came and the tears came faster and harder. Ryan held me close as she drove away. “Come on.” His mother said as she put her hand on my back. “Get in the car.” Ryan and I hugged each other as we walked and both sat in the back seat. His mother started the car.
“Wait.” I said as I wiped my eyes. “What about Tom?” His mom looked back at me and gave me a sad look, she shook her head. I laid my head in Ryan's lap and we were on our way, following the ambulance to the hospital.