Unknown Goddess

Get Ready,Get Set,Destroy

The tunnel opened into the living area of the palace.Callie was lucky enough to land on the couch.Jake however wasn't as fortunate and landed on the floor,with Nannook on top of him.

"Callie.Be a dear and get your fucking wolf off of me!"

"Hehe.Come on Nanook get of Jake.You know,it's not my fault you have bad aim when you land.If I were you I would practice alot more."

"That's easy for you to say."Jake said in an annoyed tone."You actually landed on something soft.I landed on the cold hard ground with a wolf on top of me!"

"Well,if your going to yell don't yell at me.You have only yourself to blame."With that Callie got off the couch and helped Jake up.

"Thank you,And I'm sorry I just get annoyed when the damn tunnel opens in places I don't want it to open.It was supposed to open in your room.It's carpeted,and has more furniture.That way if I missed,it wouldn't be as bad."

"Haha.Sorry I had to get that laugh out.While I'm practicing my skills why don't you practice yours?"

"Because if I get stuck somewhere and Edward comes back then you'll be in trouble.I would rather do it on my own time."

"Ok,whatever you say."

"Let's go back outside and practice.If you master archery today,I will shit bricks.Then that'll be three things you've learned in two days,that takes others months,and years to learn."

Outside the sun was shining and the only noice was that of a teenager with an arrow in his arm cursing like a sailor.

"Mother fucker!What the hell is wrong with you?When I told you to aim at something I didn't mean me!"Jake yelled.

"Sorry.I didn't do it on purpose.It was an accident.I shot and you got in my way."

"I didn't fucking expect you to do it so quickly.I thought you would have missed.You shot that thing like you had been doing it all your life."

"Does this mean we should go back to using the sword now?"Callie asked.

"Hell no!I'm injured enough.I don't need to add a hole in my chest to the list.Now is a good time to start your healing training.You can practice on me.I want you to sit down and take a deep breath.Close your eyes and empty your mind."

Callie cleared her mind of all thoughts.

"Ok,now,I want you to gently put your hands on my wound."

Callie did as told and waited for her next instructions.

"Now I want you to consentrate on my wound healing.Picture all my muscles,and skin coming together.With any luck you'll help mend it."

As Callie thought about it she could almost feel his wound healing.Her guess was confirmed when she heard him gasp.When she was sure the wound had healed,she opened her eyes.

Jake was looking at her,then at his arm,then back to her.

"I can't believe it!You fixed my wound in no time flat.How did you do it so fast?"

"I don't know.I pictured the wound healing and then it kinda did.It was as if I could feel it healing,and then it happened."

"Well,I gave us four weeks to train and you mastered two weeks of your training in two days.I'm amazed.Come on we're going some place where we can relax for a little while."

"And where would that be?"Callie asked suspiciously.

"The one place where almost everyone can find peace.The ocean."

Jake and Callie walked hand in hand down a long path,until they could smell the salty air.They pushed past some bushes and there was the beach.The blue green waves crashing onto the golden,sandy beach.

Callie and Jake ran down to dunked their feet in the water.Callie got a great idea.She walked behind Jake,and pushed him in the water.

Jake came out of the water,looked at her,and got this payback look in his eyes.Callie ran as fast as she could but he was faster than her.He tackled her and they both fell on the sand.Callie's back on the sand with Jake on top of her.They looked into eachothers eyes and before they knew it,they were kissing.

After a few minutes the kiss finally broke and the two teens blushed ten different shades of red.Jake rolled of Callie and onto the sand next to her.He turned his head and looked at her,and she turned her head and looked at him.

"Callie,I really like you."Jake finally said."We're in this together.I'll be with you every step of the way.I promise not to let you die."

"I really care about you Jake.Your a great guy,and an awesome teacher.I'm glad I met you."

They shared one more kiss before getting up and heading back to the palace.
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Awwww.They were meant to be.Or were they?I'm not good at lovey dovey scences.Hope you liked the chapter