Unknown Goddess

The Final Battle

It's been about four weeks since Callie found out she was a goddess.Her training is almost complete and she and Jake are about to head for Edwards hide out.

Callie was getting her ninjen gear on when there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in."Callie yelled.

"Are you almost ready to go?"Asked Jake.

"Yeah.How about you?"

"I've been ready for awhile."Jake replyed.

So the two headed out on their journey.They only stopped when they had to.The sun was setting when they saw a large castle.It was black and decaying with vines growing up it.

"So that's Edwards castle?"Callie asked.

"Yeah.It may look like it'll crumble any minute but it's very sturdy.The only disadvantage we have is trying to find our way around it.Edward knows this place better than anyone."

"Then that means we'll have to keep our guard up and never let it down."

They went through door after door,and killed minion after minion until there was no one left.They found a huge golden door with the letter E on it.They blasted the door open and found Edward waiting for them.

"Bravo.I see you managed to find me,and kill all my servents.Now you'll join them."

Edward went to swing his sword but Callie dodged out of the way and sent her Lunar Rainbow at him.It hit and sent him flying.

"You think that little power will stop me Pandora.You should be cowering in fear at my feet begging for mercy."

"I'm not afraid of you!"Callie yelled."Jake and I will kill you and make you pay for all the pain you put everyone through.I'll get revenge for my family if it's the last thing I do."

"Strong words for such a weak child.You couldn't even save your parents then,what makes you think you can do it now?"

Callie had about enough of his talk.She ran as fast as she could and tried to hit him.He side stepped and sent a power blast at Jake,who easily blocked it.

"Is that the best you got."Jake said in a dangerous tone.

"That was only a little of my power."Sneered Edward.

Edward shot a power at Callie.Before she could block it Jake stepped in front of her.He was shot back and knocked unconsious.

"Jake!Jake answer me."Callie yelled.

"Look at that.You couldn't even help your one true love.And now prepair to die!"

Callie cried out as she was shot into the air and flung against the wall.Just as Edward was about to finish her off a blinding light swept around her.

Her eyes turned completely blue,her hair went blue,and her black putfit changed to blue.Her swords started to glow and she looked more fierce than before.

"Edward"!She yelled."It's time for you to pay for all the pain and suffering you've caused everyone."

"OSOTA NATHIAN SINTHOSE!!!!!!!!!!!"She yelled.

A blue,purple,and pink light came out of her swords and struck Edward.She could feel his life force deminish,and his power disappear.

The blinding light went back around her,and she returned back to normal.she dropped her swords and ran over to Jake.She put his head on her lap and cried.As her tears hit her face he started to glow blue.

His eyes fluttered open and he looked at her.

"Callie,stop crying I'm ok,don't cry."

Callie looked down at Jake and hugged him.

"I thought you were dead."She cried.

Jake got up and pulled her into a tight hug.

"I'm fine.Your tears brought me back to life.When I blacked out the only thing I thought about was losing you.I couldn't take that.Come on.Lets go home,and as far away from this place as possible."

Jake opened the tunnel and took Callie back to her own time.When the tunnel dropped them off they both landed on her bed.

"Jake,why are we here?I want to stay at the palace with you."

"I had a feeling.Well,I like this time better and I have an apartment here already so..."

Callie gave him a big hug.

"Jake,this is going to be the best."Nanook ran up to him,put his paws on his chest and gave him a big kiss.

"Ya see,even Nanook has grown to like you."

So,Jake and Callie defeated Edward,are now going to the same school,and have become very close.Britt badgered Callie until she told her why she didn't hear from her for four weeks.And Callied parents trip was delayed so they got back moments after Jake left.
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Well I hope you guys liked my story.It's my first so it's not very good,but bear with me.Please leave reviews!