‹ Prequel: I Didn't Deserve You

Looking At The Letter That You Left

Chapter 12

Nick took his key out of the pocket of his tight skinny jeans as he inserted it in the door knob, swiftly unlocking the door. The dozen red roses were hidden behind his back as he walked inside, kicking the door shut behind him.

He had been thinking lately, thinking about he and Bella and all of the obstacles they had been through together. He also knew how much he loved her and that nothing or no one, including Brayden, would change that. She was his life force. For those three years they hadn’t been together, Bella was the reason Nick woke up every morning and got out of bed. He swore to himself that one day he would find her again.

Now he had her, yet he had to break his best friends heart in the process. But it was totally worth it. Look what Nick had now, the love of his life.
He walked a little further into the apartment, tossing his keys down on the counter. Glancing around, he noticed a few things were knocked over, immediately throwing him into panic stricken overdrive.

“Bell? Bella, where are you?”

Nothing. No answer called out to him from anywhere. Nick laid the roses down on the counter and headed for the bedroom. Bella’s shirt was discarded by the doorway, A lamp shattered not to far from it. Nick walked to the opposite side of the bed, finding Bella’s purse, cell phone, and pajama bottoms on the floor beside the bed.

His heart stopped as a white letter sat waiting for his eyes to read on the dresser. Slowly making his way to it, Nick picked up the note and read:

"Aribella’s been a naughty girl, Nicky. She lead you on, knowing damn well that she didn’t love you. If she really and truthfully loved you, do you think she would have lead you on for three years? Do you think she would have fallen for someone? No, she would have waited on you. I’m Looking At The Letter That You Left right now too, Nicholas. You don’t really love Bella. Because if you did, she wouldn’t be where she is right now. You know I’m right.

“I bet right now tears are streaming down your cheeks. I bet your heart is racing and you want to pull out those beautiful curls of yours too. But let me tell you, Bella’s well kept in my hands. I love her. And right now, as you close your eyes, I bet you can smell her scent. I bet you can feel those soft, luscious fingers running down your back right now, digging into your flesh as you kiss her neck in your mind, thinking back to the other night when you gave Bella your everything. How was she Nicky? How good did her lips taste? Was it everything you had ever wanted? Did Bella take care of you? How was your first time?

“You don’t have to answer those questions, because I already know. The bed your sitting on right now so that you don’t pass out, yeah I just took her on that. Does that make you feel used? Oh, I bet so. But I have a girl to take care of right now, so I’m gonna let you go. But don’t worry man, she’s safe.


Nick immediately jumped up from the bed and stared down at it. It was unmade and in a bigger disarray than Bella’s hair first thing in the morning. His red eyes scanned the room as they made it to the head board. His eyes fell on a small red mark on the brown wood. Leaning forward, Nick observed the marking. It was blood. If Nick hadn’t of cried all of his tears out already, he would have been bawling by now.

What had he done? Why didn’t he just stay away from Bella? Her life would have been so much better without him in it. He would rather have been alone if he knew that he wouldn’t have had her in the end. Running his hands over his face, Nick thought of all the things he should be doing at this moment. Was he suppose to call the cops? No, he doesn’t have any other evidence. Plus, it probably wouldn’t be the smartest move, what with Brayden in his current state and all.

The only other idea he had was to call the person who knew Bella just as good as him. Nick reached inside of his pocket and grabbed his iphone, scanning through the list of contacts till he landed on their name. Pressing the green phone button, Nick listened nervously as the phone rang three times before a voice rang out.

“Chello, Fro Bro. What’s up?!”

Nick swallowed hard as his older brother spoke into the receiver. He only hoped Joe had an idea.

“Joe, listen to me; Brayden took Bella and I don’t know where too. He just left me this crazy note on the dress--”

“Woo woo, slow down baby bro. Now tell me what happened from the beginning.”

Nick took a deep breath in order to calm himself down as he spoke more slowly into the phone.

“Well you know already that Brayden is marrying Bella and I’m his best man. I’ve been staying with Bell for the rest of the month so I could help her with everything. At first, she didn’t want to speak to me hardly.

“But just the other night we made love and it was possibly the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Brayden sort of walked in at the wrong moment and blew up at us. But I left this morning to go get Bella some roses. When I came back, the apartment was a mess and I found the clothes Bella was wearing when I saw her last scattered on the floor. Her purse is here and everything. But…there’s a--a small blood mark on her head board.

“Brayden left me a note and said that Bella was safe. He also said that she never really loved me. But I know that parts a lie. She loves me and I can tell. When I held her in my arms the other night after we made love, and I looked her in the eyes, I swear I’ve never seen so many emotions in one person before. Joe, I’m scared.”

A long winded sigh came through the phone, and Nick could almost see Joe scratching the back of his neck in thought. After a few moments, a chocked voice came through the ear piece.

“Have you called the cops?”

Nick shook his head no, forgetting Joe couldn’t see this little gesture.

“No. I know that if I did, Brayden would do something that he shouldn’t to her. I can’t put her in danger, Joe. I’ll do anything else in the world before I let that sleaze ball hurt her. She means to much to me.”

Joe silently agreed, letting his thoughts ponder on to what the next logical response would be to that.

“Well, all I can tell you little brother is that you and I are going to have to tag team this. We’re going to find Bella. Even if it kills us.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hailey here everyone,
So I hope no one thought this was a little to far of a turn for the story. But as I read Lynnie's last update, I really couldn't help but let this thought fog over my brain. I liked this idea. So, to make for certain the rest of you readers would like it, I allowed two of the biggest "Looking At The Letter That You Left" addicts to read over this chapter and tell me what they thought. They loved it, so I hope you did too.

Next up is Lynnie and I can't wait to see where she goes from here. We love you guys. Especially the ones who stuck with this story, even when it moved profiles. So I really hope we are still doing you guys justice!

Much Love,