Driving Backwards

It's Not Me You're Waiting For

Bill scrawled in his notebook randomly. He was bored, pissed off, and upset. He swore to God that if he ever fucking saw Gabe Saporta again that he'd punch him right in his fucking face.

That arrogant prick. How dare he assume that he liked him (so what if he did? It was still rude to think that), and then ignore him like that? He liked him back. There was no problem. The answer was simple:

Fucking sex me up already you stupid ass.

Bill felt stupid for even believing for a second that anything could happen between them. Just kill him now.

Die, Gabe Saporta. Fall in a hole and die.

Gabe was just scared. He knew it. He was scared about being committed. That was it. It had to be.

I hope your van magically disappears and you have to walk in the cold.

He didn't even care anymore. He didn't even fucking care anymore. Gabe was a lost cause. That was just the way it was. He wasn't going to sit there and obsess over him like a little girl.

Please call me. I'm sorry.

His phone rang, and he jumped to answer it. "Hello?" he asked.

"Hey, bro, how'd it go?"

"Fuck you, Sisky. You ruined my life," Bill accused.

"W-what? You guys didn't kiss and make up?" Sisky questioned in horror.

"No. Thanks for nothing," William stated, hanging up the phone. This was all his fault. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't be upset over this all over again.

The phone rang again, and he automatically assumed it was Sisky. He looked at the caller id and there was no name. It just said: Unknown caller. He figured Sisky was trying to get him to answer by *67ing him.

Bill flipped open the phone again. "Leave me the fuck alone, Sisky. I don't want to talk to you," Bill told him.

"Um... it's not Sisky..."

"I don't want to talk to you either, Gabe," Bill growled.

"I know. Just... let me explain, ok?" Gabe asked.

Bill chewed the inside of his cheek. "You have two minutes to convince me," he replied.

He heard Gabe take a deep breath. "Okay. So, let me start off with saying I was a jerk," Gabe said.

"A jerk?" Bill asked.

"An asshole," Gabe corrected himself. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed that you liked me, first of all. Second of all, I should have just told you up front that I liked you. I'm not used to... chasing after guys? Especially younger ones. So, I just hope that you forgive me so we can be friends again."

"It's okay," Bill mumbled. "You were right to think I liked you. Because I do. I didn't exactly try to hide it. I made a total ass of myself, so I'm sorry too. I just never know how to act around you. I'm new to this," Bill admitted.

"It's normal to act weird when you don't know what to do. I was the same way when I had my first guy-crush," Gabe chuckled.

"What did he look like?" Bill asked curiously.

"Dude, no way. You'll laugh," Gabe said.

"No I won't! I promise. Scout's honor," Bill vowed.

"You were never a scout!" Gabe called.

"... Yes I was," Bill lied.

"Pft. Ya right."

"Just tell me. Please? Come on, you saw me when I was piss drunk."

Gabe giggled, and Bill wished he was there so he could like... do really bad stuff to him. "That was funny."

"Whatever. I still got you to sleep with me in my bed."

"Fine. He was really nerdy. Like, skinny with glasses. Not like, math nerd, but a nerd, you know? He was sexy, though. In that sexy nerd way. But he was straight."

Will pursed his lips. Hearing Gabe talk about another guy made him kind of jealous. "Oh. That must have sucked."

"It did. But, you know. I moved on. No big. So, are you doing anything tomorrow?"

Bill blushed. The next day was Friday, and then he'd be off for the entire weekend. "Um. I have school during the day... But. No. Why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to do something. You know. As friends."

Friends. Such a tease. "Um, what did you have in mind?"

"I really have no clue. But... we could hang out at my house if you want, I guess. Well, my grandma's house. But we could find something else to do..."

Bill lit up. He would love to see where Gabe slept. "Ya, that sounds good," Bill stated.

"What time do you want me to pick you up?"

"Um... could you pick me up from school? If I have to ride with Mike and Sisky again, I'm going to kill myself."

Gabe chuckled. "Well, we can't have that, can we? I'll see you then querido."

Bill didn't know what that meant, but he figured it couldn't be bad. "Ya. Sounds good. See you then."

"Bye. Sleep well."

The bastard. Like he'd get any sleep after that sexy tone. "Bye." Bill hung up the phone and collapsed back on his bed, smiling to himself. He was so smooth.

* * * *

"Dude, what's with the smile?" Sisky asked upon seeing William the next day at school.

"Nothing," Bill sang, stepping around him and walking to his locker.

"Bullshit. Either you got laid, which I supremely doubt, or Gabe called you," Adam pointed out, following behind him.

"The first one would be nice, but we'll shoot for the second," Bill replied, spinning the dial and putting his combination in.

Sisky squealed. No, seriously. Squealed. "I'm so happy for you! Are you guys going to go out on a date?" he questioned hurriedly.

Bill retrieved his books and swung the door shut. "Shh. Not so loud. Can you imagine what Santi would do to me if he found out?"

"Oh. Sorry. Right. But ARE YOU?!" Sisky persisted.

William sighed. "No. He keeps calling us 'friends' even though he knows we like each other. I don't know. But he's picking me up from school today," he informed him.

"Lucky bitch. You don't have to ride with Carden."

"That's not the point."

"Maybe you should make the first move," Sisky suggested.

"Wow, Sis. That's like... the worst fucking idea I've ever heard in my life."

Sisky stuck his tongue out. "Fuck you." With that, he strutted away.

Bill rolled his eyes. He needed to get some smarter friends.
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Fuck you mibba for not posting this the first, second, or third time.