Driving Backwards

I Will Follow You Anywhere

William hummed absently as he traced the sharp angles of Gabe's shoulder blades proudly, reveling in the fact that he was his. At least, for right now. He allowed his eyes to shut in pure relaxation. He felt so at ease and so comfortable being in a bed he probably shouldn't have been. He probably should have been more weary of his situation, due to the older man lying beside him, but he wasn't. He was just a carefree kid that had got what he had imagined in his daydreams for weeks.

He felt as Gabe trailed a thumb along his jaw, running it up along his lips, down to his chin and back to his jaw. He wanted to see what Gabe was feeling and to read his featured. Bill's eyes fluttered open to see Gabe looking at him fondly, a small smile etched on his lips.

Bill blushed. He wasn't used to this sort of attention. Obviously, he'd only had girlfriends before (and with that only a few) and they were a lot different. They didn't hold you close and stroke your face and make you blush. They expected you to do that.

Shit. He was so the chick in this relationship. He inwardly facepalmed.

"What's that look for?" Gabe asked, chuckling.

"What look?" Bill replied quickly.

"The look you just gave. You look like someone just forced you to eat dog food," Gabe informed him.

Blushing once more, Bill mumbled, "It was nothing."

Gabe leaned forward and pressed his nose into the crook of William's neck. "Didn't look like nothing," he whispered, his hot breath tickling the surface and making Bill shiver.

"I was just thinking that I'm definitely the girl of this relationship," Bill admitted with a sigh.

"Aw," Gabe simpered, pulling back and studying Bill's face. "You're not."

Bill gave him a look. "Don't bother lying," he stated.

Gabe smiled. "Okay, maybe you are, a little. But it's not your fault you're so damn pretty," he said.

"Thanks," Bill muttered.

"Hey, never think it's a bad thing. In a couple years, you'll be able to use those hips of yours to get anything you want," Gabe informed him.

Bill pouted and batted his eyes. "I can't get anything I want now?"

"You can," Gabe provided with a smirk, "You just need a little practice."

"Hm, I wonder who will be willing to let me practice on them." Will trailed his fingers down Gabe's clothed ribcage.

"I'm sure you can find someone," Gabe answered, leaning in and capturing Bill's lips.

* * * *

Bill pushed his front door open carefully, not wanting to make any noise. If his mom heard him he was serious-

"William Eugene Beckett!" his mother snapped. God damn those maternal instincts. Bill turned his head to see his mother standing next to the couch. "Where have you been?!" she demanded.

"Um... I was at Sisky's," he lied.

"At three in the morning?!" she yelled.

"Um... maybe..." William said.

"You can't do whatever you want, you know. Didn't I teach you better than that? Didn't I teach you to call first?!" she ordered.

"Um, yes ma'am," he mumbled. Best to keep quiet and let her get it out.

"No more sneaking around, you hear me? You may be some kind of little superstar who plays the guitar and yada yada, but you still have rules as long as you're under my roof," she stated firmly.

He nodded. Note to self: don't get lost in Gabe's arms and loose track of time.

She pointed up toward his room. "Now go get in bed."

Hanging his head, he followed her instructions and trudged up the stairs to his bed. He slipped off his shoes and brushed his teeth, thinking about his day couldn't have gone more perfect if he tried.

* * * *

"Gabe," Will whined into the phone.

"Yes, darling?" Gabe replied in an amused tone.

"We should do something today," Bill said.

"Oh? And what did you have in mind?" Gabe questioned.

"Umm. We should... Go shopping," Will answered finally.

"We should... what?" Gabe demanded.

"Come on, Gabey. It'll be fun. I need tighter jeans," Bill informed him.

Gabe scoffed. "You need tighter jeans like I need another hoodie."

"Exactly! I'll have Sisky drop me off at your house."

"Why can't I pick you up at yours?"

Will bit his lip and twirled his hair around his fingers. "Well. My mom kind of yelled at me last night when I got home and asked where I was," he admitted.

"Shit, did you tell her?"

"No, of course not. But, if you came by... she'd get all weird and shit."

"Ya, I get it," Gabe stated. "When do you want to come by so we can set off on our adventure?"

"Half an hour?"

"See you then. Bye."

"Bye." William hung up the phone and went over to his closet, trying to decide what to wear. He ended up choosing low-cut jeans and a regular t-shirt. Chances are that if he played it up too much, Gabe would catch on.

He ran his fingers through his hair and tried to make it look normal. God, he hated it. He'd just have to fucking grow it out.

* * * *

"Hey, Abuela," Gabe greeted, coming down the stairs while putting his purple hoodie on his shoulders.

"Hello, Gabriel. Where are you off to?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Me and Bill... We're going, uh, shopping," Gabe admitted, scratching at his neck.

She chuckled. "Sounds like fun. So, are you guys together now?" she asked.

"Um, I guess so, ya," Gabe nodded, grinning.

Abuela smiled back. "That's good for you. I'm proud you made the right decision," she replied.

He sighed. "I feel like I did, but at the same time, I'm scared I'm going to screw it up," he told her.

"You probably will. You just have to trust that you're willing enough to put yourself out there and hope for the best," she explained.

He nodded, just as the door rang. Smiling slightly, he walked over to the door and saw Bill standing there, grinning.

"Hey," William said.

"Hey," Gabe replied. "Come in."

William followed him into the door and waved to Gabe's grandma. "Good afternoon," he greeted politely.

Abuela nodded. "It's nice to see you out of costume."

Bill blushed. "Ya," he agreed.

"So, what are your intentions with my grandson?" she questioned.

"Abuela," Gabe warned.

"Nothing short of marriage, I assure you," Bill smiled cheekily.

Gabe looked at Bill, and eyebrow raised. "Huh?"

William shrugged. "Guess I should have told you. We're going shopping for your dress today."

Gabe shook his head. "Come on, let's go."

"Don't get arrested!" Abuela called as the pair walked out the door.

"Hey, you were, a, joking about the whole dress thing, right?" Gabe asked.

"Of course. We both know I'll be the one in the dress," William informed him.

Grinning, Gabe pulled him into a short kiss. "You'll pull it off excellently."
♠ ♠ ♠
HEYYY PEEPS. Here is your update. Shitty filler, yes, but drama will ensue in the next one. (DON'T GIVE IT AWAY VICTORIA!)

Also, here's another Gabilliam one-shot I wrote the other night. I'd appreciate it if you'd check it out.