Driving Backwards

I Went On Without You

Bill walked through the hallway swiftly, his long legs taking him far. He was trying to get to his Spanish class a little bit early, because God forbid he actually studied for puntos at home instead of at school.

He wasn't watching where he was going, which caused him to right smack into someone. He looked behind him, about to mumble an apology, until he saw who it was.

It was her. The girl who had picked him apart without even trying. The girl that he had pined over for months. The girl that had made him question everything. "Melissa," he mumbled.

She blinked her blue eyesones he once thought were beautiful, looking at him as if he were a ghost. "Bill," she replied simply, not knowing what else to say.

She had ruined him completely. He had now totally lost faith in women of all kinds. They were stupid, lying, evil bitches who liked to do nothing but watch boys burn. The always said one thing and completely meant another.

But guys, they were pretty straight forward. If they said that they were sick, they were sick. Not just lying to avoid a date or something equally stupid. The could make decisions instead of always being on the fence about something like girls were. Complex bitches.

He turned around and walked away, knowing that he had better things to do than to be stuck in an awkward stare with his ex girlfriend that broke up with him because she decided he was gay.She might not have been far from the truth...

* * * *

Gabe sat in the park, head lolling back, water bottle in his hand. It was filled with orange juice and vodka, in case you were wondering.

He had nothing to do. His friends were miles away in Jersey, and he was stuck in Chi-fucking-cago. He hated having nothing to do. He had considered calling Bill, but he didn't want the kid to have to deal with his whiny bullshit.

Taking another swig of the bottle, he closed his eyes. He really needed to get a life. Or at least a job. He couldn't keep carrying on like this. He was pathetic. More pathetic than a meth addict on crack. Does that make any sense?

His phone vibrated in his pocket. Without looking at the caller ID, he flipped it open and said, "Hullo?"

"Hey, Gabe. It's Bill," the voice on the other end voiced.

"O hai, Bill," Gabe replied, ignoring the buzzing in his skull.

"What'cha doin?" Bill asked.

"Nothing. Just, uh, at my house... watching TV," Gabe lied, taking a small sip of his drink.

"Really? Well that's cool. I'm at the park," Bill informed him.

"Um, really? That's awesome," Gabe stated, looking around for the boy.

"Ya. Except there's some creeper on the bench looking around like an idiot."

Gabe flushed. "Oh, really?" he asked, playing dumb.

"Ya. He's kind of hott, though."

Gabe rolled his eyes. "Just tell me where you are."

Bill giggled. "I'll give you a hint," he whispered.

Gabe took it he must be close. He scanned the horizon, looking for any glimpse of the skinny boy. "Umm... okay..." He then felt a pair of hands cover his eyes.

"Guess who?" an unmistakable voice questioned.

"Wow, I hope it's not that homeless jacket stealing bum," Gabe retorted, pulling Blivy's hands off his eyes.

Bill pouted and sat next to him. "That bum is sexy," he said.

Gabe smirked. "Not sure I can argue."

Bill blushed slightly. "Anyway. Why'd you lie about being at home?" he questioned, changing the subject.

Gabe shrugged. "I don't know," he mumbled, taking a swig from his bottle.

Bill rolled his eyes. "You're kind of pathetic."

"I am nottt," Gabe whined.

"Yes, you are. You should find a job. Seriously. I don't want my friend looking like a loser."

Gabe cocked an eyebrow at him. "Really now? So you don't want me to get a job to better myself, buy just so you can conserve your reputation?"

Bill grinned. "Something like that. Soo whatcha' drinkin'?"

"Orange juice," Gabe answered curtly, taking another sip.

"And VODKA! Gimme some!" Bill whined.

"Um, no. How old are you? Twelve? No, I can't do that."

Will glared at him. "I kind of hate you."

"Well, I kind of don't care."

Bill huffed. "Well, I was going to drag you to a party tonight so you'd at least have something to do, but guess not."

Gabe's lips twitched. "You're bluffing."

William gave him a look. "I'm not."

Gabe pursed his lips. "High school party?"

"Of course. But the almighty me will be there," Bill bribed, batting his eyelashes.

Gabe rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll go with you."

"Who said I wanted you to go with me?" Bill challenged.

"You did, just now," Gabe grinned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title from... well, I don't know, pstump gave it to me.

Speaking of pstump, she got me into kinks, which she wants the entire world to know. Ya, kinky, as in Bden in girl panties, ect. So thanks wifey.

IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE THE UPDATE. So, comment, or else I'll eat you.