Driving Backwards

You Can Hate Me After You Pay Me

William stopped in front of the address Gabe had instructed him to. For the first time since they had began their friendship (about three days before), Bill was actually driving. He had Adam and Mike in the back, leaving Gabe to have shot gun. They kept asking why this guy was so special that he had to save the front seat for him, but Bill just told them to shut up and mind their own business.

Bill honked the horn with Gabe emerging from the house soon after. He opened up the passenger door and slid into the car. “Hey," he greeted.

William smiled. “Hey. You ready for this?” he questioned.

Gabe rolled his eyes. “To feel like a complete loser hanging out with a bunch of teenagers? Sure,” he grumbled.

“Good,” Bill replied. “That’s Mike and Adam back there.” He pointed to each of the boys in the seats behind them.

Sisky was immediately alert. “Hey,” he smiled, not taking his eyes off of Gabe.

“Hey,” Gabe answered, nodding to him.

“Let’s get on with it, shall we?” Bill interrupted their eye contact by pushing on the gas hard.

And they were off. It took them all of three minutes to arrive at the party, Bill parking on the curb outside of the house.

The quartet tumbled from the vehicle, seeing the lights of the house illuminate the street. Gabe didn’t know whose party this was, but he assumed Bill did. Bill didn’t seem like the party crashing type.

“Hey! There’s Santi!” Mike announced, bounding forward and running toward the front door of the house.

“Who’s Santi?” Gabe questioned.

“Josh Santiago,” Siska answered. “He’s some prick who likes to call us fags and all of that dumb shit. So basically we say ‘Santi’ for everything that is good and precious. The opposite of him.”

“Ouch,” Gabe murmured.

Bill, jealous that Adam was stealing Gabe’s attention, grabbed Gabe’s arm. “Ya, he’s a real ass. We’ll avoid him as much as possible,” he informed him, tugging him along.

Sisky caught up with them, falling in step at Gabe’s other side. “But we could handle him if something were to happen,” he assured Gabe.
Gabe nodded. Sure they could.

“So anyway,” Bill stated, walking in the door with Gabe in tow.

Gabe blinked at all of the teenagers before him. He hadn’t been near so many pubescent bodies since he was in high school. It kind of made him nervous. Teenagers scared the living shit out of him.

“Want me to get you a beer?” Sisky offered Gabe.

“Please,” Gabe breathed.

Will’s jaw set tight. Why was Adam being so accommodating all of a sudden? He never usually cared about anyone but himself and his friends. Definitely not people he just met. He glared after Siska’s retreating back.

“You all right there?” Gabe asked. “You look like you just smelled something really bad.”

“I did. And it’s name was ‘Sisky’,” he mumbled.

“Is that what you guys call Adam?” Gabe verified.

“Ya, since his name is Siska and all…” Bill trailed off.

Gabe nodded and saw Adam approaching them once more with two cups in hand. He handed one to Gabe, and Gabe said, “Thanks, Sisky.”

Sisky smiled cheekily as he handed the other cup to Bill. “No problem.”

Bill sucked the corner of his lip and took a sip from the cup. He was not liking the turn this was taking.

"WOOO!" Mike screamed, running past him with random scarves on his head.

"Dude... what the fuck?" Gabe questioned.

Blivy smiled. "What can I say? He likes to party."

"Do you?"

Bill smirked. "I guess you'll see."

* * * *

Oh, Gabe definitely saw. After his third beer, Bill was already all over the place. He was currently perched on Gabe's back, screeching like a freak. "FOR SPARTA!" he declared.

Gabe turned to him, laughing. "You are so gay," he told him.

"Oh, baby, you know it," Bill winked, jumping from his back. "Wanna dance?"

Gabe looked at the crowd of grinding bodies, none of them homosexual. "Um, you sure?" he verified.

"Hell ya!" Blivy exclaimed, grabbing Gabe's wrist and tugging him along.

Gabe chuckled, following his younger and drunker counterpart to the room where the dancing was currently taking place. William seemed eager to dance with him. Maybe a little too eager.

Bill wrapped his arms around Gabe's neck, thankful to actually be dancing with someone that was taller than him for a change. Short people clinging to him annoyed him beyond belief. He looked up and his dance partner, bobbing up and down to the beat. Gabe smiled at him slightly, shaking his head. He knew this wouldn't be happening if Bill was actually sober.

Then, Bill turned in his arms and began to grind his ass against his crotch.

Uh oh.

All Gabe could really think was What the fuck? Seriously, white boy had rhythm. His hips most certainly did not lie. He was really trying to focus on something other than the wonderful friction that was being placed on his pants. If he got hard, he knew it'd all go south from there. Literally.

Meanwhile, Bill was just twisting his hips and trying to tease Gabe as much as possible. This was fun. He moved his ass counter clockwise in an attempt to make Gabe want him.

Gabe bit his lip. "Bill, stop," he breathed, not really meaning it.

William turned his head to look at him. "Why?" he asked seductively, moving Gabe's hands to rest on his rotating hips.

Gabe couldn't actually believe he was getting so turned on by a seventeen-year-old boy. If that wasn't pedo, he didn't know what was. "You're drunk," is all Gabe managed to reply.

Bill turned so he was facing him once more, griding their hips together, giggling. "No way."

Gabe glared at him. "I kind of hate you right now," he mumbled. William was so playing on the fact he was gay right then. He knew Bill wasn't gay (though he was beginning to get suspicious), and even if he was, he himself didn't know it yet.

Bill simply grinned. "You can hate me, after you pay me," he sang.

Gabe removed the hands from around his neck. "Come on. I'll take you home," he told him.

Bill jutted out his lower lip. "But-"

"HEY EVERYBODY! IT'S SAAANTI!" Mike exclaimed, running up to William.

Bill giggled. "Where?" he questioned.

"Straight ahead!" Mike told him, pointing.

Gabe followed the direction of the finger and saw a guy with blonde hair with a blonde bimbo on his arm. How cliche. The chick kind of looked like a transvestite though...

"What are you fags doing here?" the man the was apparently Santi demanded.

"What? We're not allowed to come and party with the big boys?" Mike asked, laughing. He was so wasted.

"Seriously, go off and have a gay orgy or something," Santi instructed. Theman girl on his arm nodded in agreement.

"Oh, we would," Bill stated in a sickly sweet voice, grabbing onto Gabe's arm, "But you used up all of the lube last time because you're a pansy and can't take it rough."

Santi glared at them. "Is that supposed to be funny?" he asked.

Bill giggled. "Ya."

"Come on, Bill," Gabe mumbled, grabbing his arm and pulling him out the front door. Sisky and Mike followed. Gabe put Bill into the passenger seat, and the other two just tumbled into the back. Gabe got into the driver's side. He had a few beers, but he was fine enough to drive. He could hold his liquor a lot better than the other clowns. "Where do you guys live?" Gabe asked.

"You're hott. Will you fuck me?" Sisky replied.

"No. Now where's your house?" Gabe pressed.

"Why not?" Sisky whined.

"Mike, do you know where his house is?"

"Um..." Mike trailed off. "It's the white one."

"Which white one?!" Gabe questioned.

Bill leaned over and put his head into Gabe's lap. "You look so hot from downnn hurr," he slurred.

"Coger mi vida. Aquí me pegan con un manojo de idiotas," Gabe muttered.

"I know! Keep driving, it's on the left," Mike told Gabe.

"Where's your house?" Gabe asked.

"Um... I don't know. I'll just crash with my buddy here," Mike told him, wrapping a arm around Siska.

Sisky replied by beginning to make out with him furiously.

Gabe groaned and began driving, looking for a white house. He couldn't believe he was actually driving around a bunch of not-so-closet-gay-anymore teenagers. "Is this it?" he asked.

Mike removed his mouth from Siska's. "Ya. Come on, Sisky."

Sisky whined as Mike pulled him from the car, but then there was nothing. Except for Bill's head on his lap.

Gabe looked down at him. "I'll drive you to your house now," he told him.

Bill grinned. "Okay."
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is pretty long. Enjoy.

This is for my dear wife pstump, who is away in Washington. When she gets back she will hopefully love me for this. Pray that she doesn't get mugged by Twilighters.

I actually like this chapter. It's so gay. Literally. I actually loled while writing.

Andd in chase you didn't know, the tranny on Santi's arm is Keltie Coleen. Don't even bother being all "SHE'S SO PRETTY!" No. She looks like a man. Maybe that's why Ryan is/was with her. WE ALL KNOW HE'S FLAMING GAY WITH BDEN SO DON'T EVEN DENY.

I'm home sick today so cure me with your comments.