Driving Backwards

Hell Or Glory

Gabe drove to Bill's house in the dark. He remembered vaguely where it was, and, after a few loops around the neighborhood, he found it. Parking in front of the house, he leaned over and tried to see if there were any cars in the driveway. There was. "Bill, are your parents home?" he questioned.

William looked up from where his head was still on Gabe's lap, giggling. "Uhuh," he replied.

"Shit," Gabe mumbled. "All right, I'll try to sneak you in and I'll walk home."

"No, Gabey!" William interjected, grabbing his shirt and pulling himself fully into his lap. "Stay the night!"

Gabe cocked up an eyebrow. "Ya fucking right. You'll rape me in my sleep at this rate."

"I won't!" Blivy whined. "Please, please, I'll do anything!"

Gabe rolled his eyes. "Don't make yourself sound desperate," he advised.

Bill's lower lip jutted out. "I'm not! Please, I don't want ya to get mugged or somethin'!" he told him.

Gabe rolled his eyes. "If your mom calls the cops on me, I am so kicking your ass."


Gabe managed to pull Bill out of the car, helping him to his front door. "Do you have a key?" he asked.

William rested his head on Gabe's shoulder. "Under the mat," he muttered.

Gabe shook Bill off his shoulder and kneeled down to retrieve the key under the mat. How cliche. He picked it up and stuck the key in the lock, turning it. The door opened and Gabe whispered, "Keep quiet."

Bill giggled softly. "Okay!" he whisper yelled, really not being quiet at all.

Gabe rolled his eyes and helped Bill in the door and closing it behind them, leaving them in almost complete darkness. "Where's your room?"

"Um..." Bill trailed off, thinking. "That way." He pointed to the right.

Gabe led him that way and he was met with stairs. "Up the stairs?" he asked.

"Mmhmm," Bill mumbled, beginning to get sleepy.

Gabe managed to drag the boy upstairs, asking him then which door. Bill pointed to one and they stumbled in there. Gabe wrinkled his nose. The room smelled distinctly of teenager.

Somehow in the dark, Bill managed to strip himself of his clothes, save his boxers, and pulled Gabe to him. His bare skin made contact with Gabe's hands as he breathed, "You're so hott, Gabey."

Gabe pushed him away softly. "Just crawl into bed. You need some sleep." He could barely even make out Bill's face in the darkness.

"Go to sleep with me," Bill said.

Gabe shook his head. No way in hell was that happening. He was tired, and he really didn't feel like putting up with any more of Bill's antics. "I'll sleep in the floor," he replied.

Bill pouted, even though Gabe couldn't see. "Fine," he grumbled in defeat. He crawled into bed and tucked the blankets under his chin.

Gabe sighed, peeling off his jacket and slipping off his shoes. He lied on the floor, closing his eyes. It wasn't very comfortable, but it seemed to keep Bill's shenanigans at bay. He closed his eyes, replaying the nights events in his minds. Bill smiling, Bill grinding against him, Bill's head on his lap, Bill's skin under his fingers... He sighed quietly to himself. He knew that he was forming an attraction to the younger boy, even though he had been a pain in the ass almost all night. He couldn't help himself. Bill was just so cute and adorable and cuddly... He mentally slapped himself. William was not to be treated like a puppy. Even though he was so cute like one...

Gabe let out a squeak as something landed on top of him. He came to find out that that "something" was a certain William Beckett. Bill wrapped his arms around Gabe, resting his head in the crook of his neck. It was obvious that this was no accident.

Deciding not to protest, Gabe closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But he couldn't, because, one: the floor was hard and annoying, and two: William Beckett was being all adorable and cuddly. Sleep was the last thing that was buzzing in his mind.

"Bill," Gabe whispered.

"Hmm?" Bill replied grogily.

"Let go of me so I can put you on the bed," Gabe told him.

"No," Bill pouted.

"I'm coming too. I just need to loosen your death grip," Gabe explained.

Bill released Gabe as instructed and let him scoop him up in his arms easily. It wasn't exactly a feat; Bill weighed as much as a toothpick. Gabe set him back on the bed, crawling in next to him. Bill immediately curled up at his side, resuming their former position. Gabe allowed himself to melt into Bill, wrapping an arm around his thin waist. Bill drifted to sleep with one final thought:

I am so gay.

* * * *

Bill awoke the next morning, the sun blinding him. He covered his eyes quickly and allowed himself to wake, trying not to think so much about the killer headache he had. Groaning, he pulled himself from his bed, standing shakily on the floor. He noticed Gabe's black hoodie and sneakers nearby, and the events of the night before came flooding back. He groaned once more. He had made a total ass of himself and he knew it. He didn't even know Gabe that well, yet he had forced him to take care of his drunk ass. He was so embarrassed.

But where was Gabe?

Bill crept out of his room quietly, looking around to see of anyone was around. The house was completely silent, as if dead. He tiptoed down the stairs. He wasn't sure what time it was, so he wasn't sure if his mom had left the house yet. She always worked Wednesday mornings. She usually left before he had to get up for school.

Guess going to school was out of the question. He was probably so late that his teachers just didn't care. Plus, he was a senior. No one really cared if the seniors came. They just wanted them to graduate and get the fuck out of the school.

In his kitchen was the last sight he expected to see. Gabe was standing there, back to him (but it was obviously him, he'd recognize that back anywhere), making coffee. The smell was so potent that it attacked his nose. "Gabe?" he asked.

Gabe spun around, meeting Bill's eyes. "Oh, uh, hey Bill," he stammered somewhat nervously.

"Um, ya..." Bill chuckled. "So... my mom left, right?"

Gabe nodded. "Ya, I heard her leave earlier, and I fell back asleep. Then, I woke up again, and figured I'd make coffee, 'cause you probably really need it now..." he trailed off.

"Ya, I really do," Bill admitted, stepping closer to him. He stole a glance at the clock, which read 10:29. "Shit. No school for me, I guess."

"Uh, ya, about that... there's a note for you on the frig. I was just walking by and I saw it... Um, happy birthday," Gabe mumbled.

William blinked. Birthday? Shit. It was his birthday today. He was eighteen-years-old, and he had forgotten his own fucking birthday. "Thanks," Bill said, walking over to read the note.


I know you'll probably end up sleeping in today because you were up very late last night. Yes, I do know all. Tell that boy that was in your bed that he needs to shave. I'm not going to get all pissy because it's your birthday. You are officially an adult. You have my permission to skip school. Like not having it would stop you anyway.

Love, Mom

"Damn. She is good," Bill muttered, looking at Gabe. "I don't think you need to shave."

Gabe's hand immediately flies up to touch his stubbly cheek. "Thanks," he replied.

Bill smiled. "No problem... Listen, I want to apologize last night for the way I acted... and my friends too. It was really stupid and rude. We don't do that all the time. I shouldn't have made you feel obligated to take care of me," he said.

Gabe shrugged. "It's part of being a kid," he stated, pouring two cups of coffee. "Plus, it was kind of funny to watch."

"What was your favorite part?" Will asked.

"When Sisky and Mike started making out in the back. I don't know why. I wanna piss myself laughing just thinking about it. It was so fucking random," Gabe told him, holding back a laugh.

"Oh, God, they did that?! I didn't even notice," Bill groaned, putting a hand to his head. "Sisky was hitting on you all fucking night."

Gabe smirked. "I know. But you weren't doing much different."

"W-what? Me? Pft, you were the one all awkward when I just came downstairs!"

Gabe rolled his eyes. "I was afraid you would be pissed that I was still in your house," he stated, pushing a mug into the boy's hands.

Bill glared at him as he took a sip of the black coffee. "Whatever. All that matters now is that I'm legal."

Gabe cocked an eyebrow. "Legal for what?"

"Smoking... I can get married... Um... buy an apartment-"

"Pay taxes, jury duty, the fun list goes on and on."

"And fuck around with someone older than me."

Gabe's jaw dropped, but he said nothing at first. He was way to shocked. "You don't mean that," was all his mouth managed to form. He knew that Bill didn't mean that... He didn't like Gabe like that.

Bill looked at him for a moment. "Maybe. Maybe not," was all he spoke.

Gabe pursed his lips. "You'll get in trouble with a mouth like that."

Bill smirked. "I'm counting on it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello my quieridas. Guess what I did today? I wrote a Gabilliam birthday one-shot which is sexy and filled with Spanish. Seriously, ya. It took me a lot of tears and bullshit. So you have to read a comment for me. Please. Please.

Deds to Blivy, who is twenty-four today. May he never ever read this.