Status: alive.

Let's Go Chase The Sunset

do not change the subject

Analeigh Grover sat at her desk in the AP offices, working on a piece about 3oh!3. To be completely honest, she knew nothing about this band, so writing a two page spread about them was quite difficult.

“Hey, Ana,” her manager and boss, Jason, said, walking into her office and sitting in the chair on the opposite side of her desk. “How’s that article coming?”

She sighed. “I’m really sorry Jason. I don’t know enough about them to write this much. Can’t you get someone else to do it?” she pleaded.

Jason sat forward in his seat. “Actually, that’s why I came here. We were given an offer the other day. It could really make our readers happy since they have been asking for more of this kind of material. And, if you could do it, you’ll get paid twenty-five percent more than what you’re getting now for travel expenses. So, do you think you could do this for us?”

Ana stared blankly. “Well, I can’t give you an answer until I know what you’re wanting me to do,” she said slowly.

Jason grimaced. “I was hoping you wouldn’t think of that. I know that you hate to travel, but we really need someone to go on tour with Bring Me The Horizon for their next two tours, being Taste of Chaos and Warped. Please Analeigh, it’d mean so much to me.”

“Well,” Ana said, leaning back in her chair, “what all would I do? Just, live with them for about two months?”

Again, Jason grimaced. “More like four.”

“FOUR MONTHS?!” Ana yelled, suddenly sitting up. “I can't ride in a freaking bus for four months Jason. There’s no way my tolerance can handle that. I don’t even know these guys.”

“Please! All you have to do is ask them questions. Take pictures and videos that we’ll use for the magazine and the website. If you want to leave early then that’s fine. You can quit and wherever you are we’ll arrange for you to come back home.”

Ana slumped back down and glanced at her computer, the mess of a story still sitting there. She sighed. “Can someone else do this piece?” she asked, pointing lazily to her computer screen. Jason nodded and she sat up, resting her head on her desk. “Fine,” she murmured.

Jason let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much Ana. This means so much.” Ana lifted her head and smiled sarcastically. “Why don’t you head on home. You should pack. You leave tomorrow,” Jason added.

“Tomorrow?” Ana groaned.

Jason nodded. “Yeah. You need to be here at about 10:30. They’ll be here to pick you up in the bus.”

Ana glared at the back of his head as he walked out of her office. She closed down the word document and picked up her bag to go home and pack.
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this was really short, i know, but they get longer the further into the story we get. i'll continue with this story if this chapter gets a minimun of six comments. kay? and talk to me? i get really lonely :(