Promise Me Forever

019 - Yet Again

When my eyes finally opened, there was a beeping machine on the left side of my bed, which meant that I was in hospital yet again.

I looked to my right and saw Zacky sitting in a chair sleeping. I wonder how long I’d been in here, and why I was in here in the first place.

“Zacky,” I said trying to wake him up. After it didn’t work I looked around for something I could throw at him and spotted a bedpan on the bedside table.

“Zacky!” I said a little louder as I threw it at him. This time he woke up. “Why am I in here?”

He got up from the chair he was in sitting in and just looked at me for a minute. The look on his face worried me, it was fear with a hint of concern. He needed to start explaining.

“When we got you home, right after you stepped in the door you just fainted. Val freaked out and called an ambulance, it was just a couple hours ago, so don’t worry. They said it was just probably dehydration,” the words coming out of his mouth and the expression on his face did not match at all. Something else had to be wrong.

But, even before I could confront him about it he started talking again. “Ok, so that’s not everything. And I’m sure that the next part is going to shock you, but there are two possibilities to it. I need to just hear me out and let me explain everything, alright?

“Jade, you’re pregnant.”

Nothing in this world could have prepared me for that one.

“Do you want the good, ok somewhat good news now?” I nodded, that was all I could do. “The doctors figured that since you were in that situation, you were probably raped. But, then they asked me if we ever had sex. Your doctor is willing to do a paternity test to see who’s baby it is, if you want to. Do you want to?”

He finally have me the chance to talk and I don’t think I could. Of course I was going to do the paternity test. If it was Zacky’s baby, that would be amazing. But Josh and his friend’s chances had Zacky’s beat 5 to 1. I could hope for the best though.

“Yeah, I wanna take it. When can they do it?” I asked.

“They didn’t say, but hit the nurse button and I’m sure we could find out,” he answered walking over to my bed and sitting next to me.

I hit the red button on the bed next to bed and took Zacky’s hand in mine. “I think it’ll be yours.”

“How do you know?” he questioned.

I shrugged, “I don’t know. It just feels like you.”

Just then the nurse came in. Before she started talking she checked a machine that was hooked up to my IV and looked pretty pleased with what she saw.

“Did he tell you?” she asked as she pumped up the blood pressure cuff around my arm.

I smiled, “Yes, he did. If I did the test as soon as possible, how long would it take before we got the results?”

“I could find out within the hour. I just need to get a urine sample from you and some blood from him. Would you like to do that?”

I nodded and she grabbed something from a cart that she brought in and handed it to me, it was a cup. “I though you would, so I came all ready to get it done. I just need you to go into the bathroom and do your business and we’ll get him set up out here.”

I got up from the bed and hurriedly grabbed the back of my gown closed. The bathroom was freezing with I walked in so I quickly did what she needed of me, washed my hands, and walked back into the room.

“Well that was quick. I haven’t even gotten him stuck yet, I’m still trying to find a vein.”

I pointed at Zacky and laughed as she searched for a vein on his heavily tattooed arms. Finally when she found one and just as she was about to stick him, his free arm frantically searched for my hand and gripped it tightly.

“All done here,” she said as she tapped some gauze onto Zacky’s arm.

“Now that wasn’t so bad was it?” I asked Zacky who looked like he was about ready to pass out.

“I fuckin’ hate needles,” he grumbled as I continued to laugh at him.

One Hour Later

I was starting to get antsy . It had been an hour and they haven’t come in to tell us the results.

“Zacky,” I whined dragging out the y in his name. “They’re taking to long!”

“And the results are in,” the nurse spoke as she walked in the room. “The father is..,”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so I lied. I said that I wasn't going up update until tomorrow but I finished the chapter sooner that I though and decided to post! Haha, and you got a cliffhanger.

Go back to the last chapter(not really a chapter but whatever) and read my new Zacky story! But before you do that comment this one!

Thanks for all the comments on the last chapter, they're much appreciated guys, keep it up.

And I decided to just cut the chapter in Jade's POV about the escape part. And I combined the ideas for two chapters to make this one longer so there are only 3 more chapters left counting the epilogue.