I Can't Make It on My Own

Chapter 11: The hunt part 1

-Candys pov-

It took a few seconds for my eyes to refocus on the speed we're going at. The greenery around us is one big blur surrounding us. I don't know who this vampire is but from the color of her eyes and the animal characteristics she has, cannot be good.

I get the courage to speak to her, "Wh-Why did you take me?"

At first I thought she didn't hear so I repeated myself to be shut up by a growl, "I heard you the first time human."

She never answered my question. I didn't speak again till we stopped.

-Jaspers pov-

I was very upset with how happy Alice was taking Candy being transformed into one of us. An immortal. A disgusting creature with stone for skin, incredible strength and that constantyearning for human blood. She should not have to suffer as we did.


I stand up from the boulder I'm sitting on to see Alice, Carlisle and Esme running towards me as fast as they can.

"Alice? Guys? What's wrong?"

"Have you seen Candy at all?"

Their pain, worry, and anger hits me like a brick wall, "What's happened?"

From the tone of my voice, they know I haven't seen her since I vanished, "Maria...she's taken her Jasper. She went out to look for you after we told her not to and now she's gone."

If my heart was still beating, it would be shattering right now, "Where is she Alice?"

She bites on her bottom lip, "I-I've tried searching for her Jasper! I have! I-I-I can't find her at all!"

I roar in frustration hitting a near by tree making it tear out of the ground from it's roots, "Where's Edward? He can track their thoughts down."

"He's already on his way with Rosalie, Emmet and Bella." Carlisle speaks, "Alice saw we'll meet up with them in a days time and they will have Maria and Candy tracked down."

I growl, starting to run in the direction they pointed out, "When I see Maria, she's going to regret ever creating me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Blah blah blahhh, three updates in a day, that's pretty good since I haven't been able to in forever!! I was excited cause I had somewhere to take the story now I'm not too positive where it's heading to. Whatever -_-
Feedback would be quite amazing...thinking about not updating till I get rates/comments from both sites this is on. Why continue if there's no readers, ya know? D:
