I Can't Make It on My Own

Chapter 13: Hospital

My eyes snap open and I'm blinded by the white lights of a hospital room.

"She's awake," Someone whispers.

Blinking a few times to focus, I can see Carlisle, Bella, Edward and Alice hovering over me with relieved smiles on their faces.

"Oh Candy! We're so happy you-"

"Get . Out."

Alice is a taken back and her face saddens, "O-Okay."

She leaves the room quickly and Bella turns to glare at me. Man, if looks could kill, I'd be one dead cousin.

She growls, "What was that for?"

"For not telling me her and Jasper had a thing."

Edward sighs walking away, "And she found out."

Bella sits in the chair next to the hospital bed and Carlisle leaves us alone to talk, "Candy, listen, yeah they dated for many years but Alice had a vision-"

"That showed he would be with another girl, AKA me."

"Why does it bother you so much?"

I sit up more in the bed and forgot I broke my wrist so I wince, "I don't want to be a reason they broke up. I don't want to steal him away from her!"

She just smiles and shakes her head, "You obviously don't understand. Your his singer. Your blood is like-"

She stops talking as Jasper walks in with very sad eyes. He doesn't bother looking at Bella as he makes his way towards me, taking my warm hands in his cold ones.

"Your blood is like is like a drug addicts obsession. An alcoholics escape. There's so many examples I could give you. When I breathe you in-"

He moves his face by my neck, breathing in and sighing, "I get this high and very strong desire to kill you."

The last part caught me off guard as I make a face at him, "If I'm not careful with you, I could kill you. Drain your body dry and I don't want that. I can't loose you."

"But what about Al-"

He hushes me with a dizzying kiss, "What about her? She was there for me when I needed someone the most. But since I found you, I can't let you through my fingers and disappear."

My lips start to pout as I feel the tears rising in my eyes, "Am I really worth it?" I whisper.

He smiles resting his forehead against mine, "Everything and more."

I laugh as the tears slowly crawl down my face. He wipes them all away, "There's no reason to cry darling."

I laugh again, "Yeah there is. I'm happy."

He chuckles as I notice Bella has also left us alone. A question starts picking at my brain, "So what happened after she um bit me?"

He sighs, "It wasn't a easy thing to do but I had to suck the venom out."

Damn, I'm not apart of the undead.

I heard Edwards laughter down the hall. The awkward silence after that started getting me a little nervous. Before he could even ask me what's wrong I grab his shirt to bring him towards me, kissing his heavenly lips.

I pull away to see he's in a bit of a daze which makes me laugh, "Thank you."

"For what?"

He starts playing with my hair, twisting it in between his fingers delicately, "For having the structure of a Roman God and saving my pathetic human self."

I guess the others heard my remark. Emmet and Edwards earth shaking laughter echos through the hallways as nurses and Carlisle tell them to keep quiet.
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Since no one wants to make a banner or anything I updated anyways
