I Can't Make It on My Own

Chapter 5: Happiness never felt so real

Starring at the door they stepped out of, I can feel my eyes swell up with tears. I roll my eyes, angrily wiping away the salty tears and storming out of the room. My combat boots clunk heavily against the wooden steps as everyone watches me pass the living room.

Bella asks carefully, "Candy, where are you-"

"I'm going for a walk okay?! Am I going to be allowed to without being watched?!"

The sliding door to the backyard is already open, making my escape easier. I stomp towards the forrest, my boots crushing every plant, twig and tiny bug in my way. This is one reason why Bella and I never got along too well. She always has to have people guard me like hawks. I'm a big girl, 18 years old and can definitely take care of myself! I don't care if Jasper is a vampire, zombie, alien, pirate, terrorist...I know he'd never mean to hurt me, so I trust him with every molecule I'm made of.

My eyes well up again as I kick a large dent into the trunk of a decaying log, pulling out a pack of Camel No. 9's and lighting it up. Now, I'm not much of a smoker but I'm stressed. I have no idea how long I was walking for, all I know is I'm already on my 3rd smoke. I decided it would be the right moment to take a break so I sit on top of a large, smooth boulder. Inhaling slowly, I look out at the small valley ahead of me, my heart twisting together at how perfect and tranquil everything is. Birds call out in the distance, fog hovers slightly above the tips of spruce and I hear rustling behind me. I don't even bother to look as I inhale again and Jasper appears beside me, sitting on the boulder as well.

With snobby sarcasm I spit at him, "Excuse me, but it's not safe for you to be around me you know."

I look at him through my long eyelashes, he's glaring at me.

"Don't listen to what they have to say. I know who I am, I know when I can get out of hand and I haven't, thanks."

We have a glaring contest for at least 5 minutes till he breaks it, looking at the valley and stealing my cigarette.


He inhales, watching my face contort into a sneer as he exhales it in my face.

I cough, waving my hand where the smoke wafts, "Thanks."

I steal it back from him, taking the last hit, throwing it down and smashing it with my heel and placing my elbows on my knees.

"Is this a dream?" I whisper to mostly myself, but he answers.

"Sorry to upset you, but no, it's not."

Glancing at him for a quick second and back towards the different shades of green, I laugh, shaking my head.

It starts to drizzle, "I'm not upset."

The way he spoke sounded different. Maybe, curious?

"Why's that?"

Now I look back at him and hold my gaze, "Because. I find out vampires are truly real. My cousin is one and so is her husbands entire family. And..."

I stop, biting my lip.


My mouth opens to speak but nothing comes out. He chuckles at me, "It's okay you know. I'm sure it's not embarrassing."

"Heh...well, it's just that...ugh yeah it is embarrassing!"

I feel ice on my hands, looking down to see his found his way into mine, entwining our fingers together, "Candy, please tell me?"

Still chewing on my lip, I look into his eyes and whisper, "And I met you."

His lips stretch into the widest smile I've probably ever seen, "Really?"

I nod, blushing like crazy while looking at the rain fall onto fallen leaves, "I told you it was embarrassing."

He lifts my chin to look back at him, "No it's not. Because I'm ecstatic that I got to meet you and share these feelings with you."

Carefully, he leans forward, his left hand touching my face, bringing mine closer to his and kisses my lips...for the first time.
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Wow sorry for the prolonged wait!!! But here's 5 finally :D
You can thank HP7 for making me write again (strange I know)
Speaking of HP...LOL I'm not doing anything till I finish this, Joker triquel or the Heath story. I can't keep piling them up!!

Let me know what you think of this? ^__^
